¡Viva el Taco! The Taco 10 Master the Tour de Taco!!
Friday afternoon The Taco 10 (10 SOB Riders) headed East of the Pecos River into the flat plains of Eastern New Mexico for the 60 mile Tour de Taco in Clovis. The event was billed as a Taco Box (Clovis) to Taco Box (Portales) to Taco Box (Clovis) ride!!
We arrived Friday afternoon, and headed for our Visitor Quarters at Cannon AFB (Thanks Larry for setting up lodging). GREAT ROOMS!
The Cannon AFB clubs were closed for the Columbus Day weekend, so the Taco 10 headed to Chili’s in Clovis for a Friday night of Texas BBQ Ribs and beer. Oh No… say it ain’t so!! Chili’s is out of BBQ Ribs on a Friday night!! I guess Mexican food will just have to do!! That’ll cost them on Yelp!
After a good nights sleep, we were up looking for breakfast before our mass start at 8:00 AM. The Starbuck’s and Burger King on Cannon AFB were both closed; but we located breakfast sandwiches and coffee at the Base Mini-Market!! It was a cool, crisp morning for the start; but not a cloud in the sky and only a light wind. The morning warmed quickly. The mass start at the Taco Box featured about 100 riders. The Taco 10 were the talk of the Tour wearing their SOB colors. The ride to the Portales Taco Box was FLAT; with a slight quartering tail wind. The SOB Riders set a fast initial paceline to the first rest stop; we were impressive!! Those that tried to join us, would soon be dropped!! In Portales, we proceeded down the route for the ENMU Homecoming parade. Riding a slow pace line, I sure the gathering parade crowd thought we were the lead attraction. At the midway turn-around Taco Box, we sampled refreshments for the return ride to Clovis. Deb, Adrien and Gordon missed the picture… they were in the Taco Box chowing down and taking care of business. Great breakfast burritos! John and Cat couldn’t resist the “old Folks” Chairs at the rest stop!!
The 30 mile ride back to Clovis battled a quartering headwind; but our paceline riding was impressive as we reeled in rider after rider on the return trip. Finally, leaving the last rest stop, with a 10 MPH wind at our back, we put the hammer down for a 27 MPH, 10 mile paceline ride back toward the finish. Overall, it was a 60 mile ride, averaging 17+ MPH, 3:30 ride time with an overall ascent of 574 ft. What! An overall ascent over 60 miles of 574 ft?? NICE…
Back at the finish we lunched at the Taco Box. Overall, the Tour de Taco is not a bad investment… For our $30 entry fee we got a HIGHER QUALITY T-Shirt ($10 value), a classy (non-cycling) water bottle ($10 value); and a $10 Taco Box Gift Card!! Then it was off to Santa Fe! But wait… there’s more! It was time for a little culture with a quick stop at the Blackwater Draw!
Blackwater Draw (ca. 9500–3000 B.C.) As the Pleistocene, or Ice Age, was ending and the earth was drying out, there was a profound change in the environment across North America. Hunters in North America pursued large animals for food. Skilled at the task, these Americans left evidence of activities throughout much of the continent where many of their living sites and hunt sites are now known. Blackwater Draw in eastern New Mexico, which evidences human activity from about 9500 to 3000 B.C., is one of the most important of the early hunter locations. Large animals were attracted to it for water—water sources being productive places for hunting—and the weapons with which the animals were brought down were principally of stone.
Discovered in the 1930s, Blackwater Draw defined the then newly discovered Clovis culture of North America (ca. 9500 B.C.). The name Clovis is derived from the modern town near Blackwater Draw. Currently documented to be among the earliest inhabitants of the North American continent beginning around 11,500 years ago, the Clovis people probably initially migrated into Alaska from Siberia, crossing the 600-mile-wide corridor along the Bering Strait that was then dry due to water confined in massive glaciers. Their migrations as big-game hunters led the Clovis down from Alaska, through Canada into the North American plains as they followed herds of steppe bison, mammoth, and horse. These animals reached extinction around the same time Clovis hunters were becoming established in North America; whether the animals’ extinction was due to the efficiency and tenacity of Clovis hunters, concurrent climate change, or a combination of both, is debated.
Thanks to Bob and Larry for making this… ANOTHER GREAT SOB RIDE AND ADVENTURE!
Pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo…
Tuesday, SOB Riders set out under bright blue skies on a 60 mile pilgrimage to El Santuario de Chimayo. We departed DeVargas Center, picked up riders at Taco Bridge, Tesuque, Camel Rock, and Cities of Gold and regrouped at the infamous SOB Rest Stop – The Pojoaque Phillip’s 66 Gas Station. (Ed behind the lens)
Its back in the saddle time for a series of climbs toward Chimayo; and the rocket descent to El Santuario de Chimayo (Ed behind the lens).
At El Santuario de Chimayo, it was time for reflection and to enjoy the serenity of this historic site. El Santuario de Chimayó is a Roman Catholic church in Chimayó, New Mexico, United States. This shrine, a National Historic Landmark, is famous for the story of its founding and as a contemporary pilgrimage site. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/El_Santuario_de_Chimayo
Leaving the Santuario, we again picked up our nemesis, Niltsi, who punished us all the way back to Santa Fe with brutal 13-15 MPH headwinds! Too late for lunch, we were content to know we finished the ride!! Thanks to Bob for putting the ride together!!
Tacos & Champagne – Must be the Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fest Gran Fondo…
Under cool but sunny skies, 4 SOB Riders gathered at the Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado for the 4th Annuasl Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fest Gran Fondo. Signing in at 7:30, we picked up packets, pinned on number, and enjoyed our breakfast burritos and coffee. As the sun lit a blue sky and warmed the morning, we shed our cold weather gear and got ready to ride. We all agreed to a relaxing, casual ride as Larry took the lead for a 30+ MPH pace line to Pojoaque!! After regrouping at the Nambé Church (Sagrado Corazón de Jesus), we began the series of climbs to Cundiyo! Waiting at the summit above Cundiyo, were gourmet sliders!! Then it was a series of short climbs with long stretches of down hill to Chimayo. No… we did not climb the hill to Truchas!! At Chimayo we were treated to honey infused Rice Krispy bars topped with Belgian chocolate. We were having a great time until our old nemesis, Niltsi , showed up and delivered a 12-14 MPH head wind all the back to the Four Seasons. The honey infused Rice Krispy bars provide the energy we need to battle the wind. Our motivation to finish the ride quickly were the tacos, beer and champagne waiting for us at the Four Seasons. Tony from Bike and Sport joined us and told us about the new location they are moving to (other end of the mall from Trader Joe’s). Members of the Mesquite Mazda Team from Dallas behind the lens… they could not believe a bunch of seniors crushed them on the ride!!
Fearless Five Best Elements in Bernalillo Ride…
Last Thursday, Tó Neinilii gather his rain clouds threatening a deluge of water for any SOB Rider brave enough to attempt a Thursday ride. Five fearless riders gathered at San Felipe and stepped forward to accept the gauntlet with a 28+ mile ride to Bernalillo. Impressed by the bravery of these fearless SOB Riders, Niltsi offered only a token wind from the North. The ride to Bernalillo was quick and steady under threatening skies. In Bernalillo, we toasted our accomplishment food and caffeine at Starbuck’s (Lucy behind the lens). Facing a headwind riding back to San Felipe, the discussion quickly turned to the new paceline protocol. Edwin and Joe had practiced the paceline procedures with a 22+ MPH ride down to Bernalillo; now it was time for the Fearless Five to try out the new paceline procedures heading back to San Felipe. The paceline was executed to perfection heading into the wind at 15 MPH! Back at San Felipe, the skies were dark and heavy with rain, but all Tó Neinilii could offer was a little thunder!!
End of Season Luncheon reminder – from Lore
Our fabulous official riding season is coming to an end.
We are celebrating with an End of the Season Luncheon, Thursday, October 19 at the Pecos Trail Cafe, after the scheduled ride, staring at 11:30
Please see Edwin or Judy at the sign in table to pay for the luncheon $20.
It will be a fun gathering, great companion, good food, not to be
NM Bike Plan
There is a meeting regarding the bike network plan at the GCC on Nov 9 at 6pm. It would be great to have some SOBs there. See below.
Also go to NMBikePlan.bhinc.com to add your input to the bike map regarding issues with cycling around Santa Fe. Several of us have done it and more comments would be welcome. Some issues highlighted so far: Paving on ski hill road, crossing 599 at Montoyas, crossing St Michaels on bike trail, Sweeping 599 shoulder, …. If you have an issue add it to the map or add your agreement with the existing issues. Thanks.
Great Divide Mountain Bike Route From Abiquiu to Pie Town
Hi all, I just got back from a week ride along the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Cyndy dropped me off in Abiquiu and picked me up in Pie Town. The route runs through a beautiful part of our state, but OMG, off-road touring can be hard and can beat you up, or beat me up anyway, in a way that road touring does not. Here is a link to the tour with lots of pics of the region if you are interested: https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/?o=1mr&page_id=525692&v=6X
October Rides
Once again, zen. Rides are all starting at 1000. Tues, Thrs, Sat. Zen.
There are three special rides planned.
Tues Oct 3 from DeVargas to Chimayo and back. Here is the link to the ride on RWGPS. 58 miles, 3600 ft. Feel free to join the ride at Cities of Gold for a shorter ride. We should be at Cities around 1045. Let us know if you will be joining there so we look for you.
Saturday Oct 7. Clovis Taco box ride at 0800. Ride starts in Clovis, NM and is NOT an official SOB ride. (Note that not many riders will be at ElCamino Academy on that Saturday.)
Info Link.
Thursday Oct 26. The formal ride season will be over but we are going to meet near Sandia Park and ride up the hill to Sandia Crest as an ad hoc ride. See details here.
We are looking for dates to ride to Albuquerque (not when Balloon Fest is happening) and to ride from San Felipe to Placitas. Might be November before we get our act together so stay tuned.
Looking ahead, winter riding starts in Nov. As usual there will be three rides a week, Tues, Thrs, and Sat. Tues and Sat will start same place as always. Thrs rides have a varying location that changes monthly between 599RR, Agora in ElDorado, and Museum Hill. Will advise start location for Nov Thrs rides as we get closer.
A Cycling Week with the SOB…
Yes, the blogger is a little behind in ride posts! But this rainy day is a perfect day to catch-up!
Satruday (16 Sep 17) Welcome to a Guest Rider: The SOB riders were joined by Joe’s cycling buddy Stu Carter from the “low level state” of AZ. Stu is a long time rider who formed the Air Force Cycling Team way back when; and, is very active in promoting cycling with Veterans in Sierra Vista, AZ. He made a quick visit to Santa Fe on his way home from “pilot training” for his blind stoker conducted at the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs. We welcomed Stu to the “high country” with a brisk 30+ mile, 17+ MPH ride through La Cienega, across Bonanza Creek Road and back up Hwy 14. He earned is strips when we dialed in a 20 headwind for the climb up Hwy 14. What’s a fast pace, altitude and a nice brisk wind among friends!! At the Allsup’s Gas Station we parked in our designated parking spaces; and finished the ride at the Capital Bar and Grill. Stu loves our group!! Thanks for all who joined in the ride!! (Ed behind the lens).
Tuesday (19 Sep 17) Beautiful day to Ride: This morning the SOB Riders headed out on a 46 mile, 16+ MPH loop around city; it was a beautiful day to ride!! Down Rabbit Road, around IAIA, with a power climb to the cell tower (at Larry’s request). Tom smoked us all on the climb!! At the top we clicked the group picture (Tom behind the lens) then headed to La Cienega and the climb to the water tower. By then, we were all out of gas for the steep final climb to the water tower!! Heading around the airport, we were in good “pace line form” (action shot with Tom behind the lens). Looks like we are getting the hang of this “paceline thing”.
Thursday (21 Sep 17) Some went out and back; some went around the loop: Another beautiful day to ride! The SOB Group ride was the 53+ mile El Rito Loop. We headed out from the Chevron Station toward El Rita. We are getting into this “pace line thing” with a rapid 20 MPH paceline ride to the El Rito turnoff. Then it was a trailing wind that pushed us to El Rita and the El Rita Ranger Station. SURPRISE!! The Ranger Station was OPEN!! It was a refreshing break – clean restrooms and water bottle resupply. We then headed East for the climb over the summit and the YAHOO 45+ MPH rocket descent down the other side.The final push from Ojo Client to the Rio Chama Chevron station was as expected… into the wind!! Overall… not a bad day of cycling… 17+ MPH; 2,500+ ft of climb. After the ride we found a new place to lunch… The Sopapilla Factory Restaurant in Pojoaque! (Picture complements of the Restaurant Staff!)
End of Season Luncheon reminder – from Lore
Our fabulous official riding season is coming to an end.
We are celebrating with an End of the Season Luncheon, Thursday, October 19 at the Pecos Trail Cafe, after the scheduled ride, staring at 11:30
Please see Edwin or Judy at the sign in table to pay for the luncheon $20.
It will be a fun gathering, great companion, good food, not to be
Can you handle your bike….
Safe Riding and Pacelines
Our group has grown with lots of new riders. Thus it is a good time to list our safe riding guidelines (click here) for our new riders and to refresh the memory of us older members.
In addition, previously, we have not written out paceline guidelines (click here). The intention is to explain expectations and the process that we use so everyone can understand it. It is time consuming and we are forgetful, so verbally explaining all this at or during a ride is problematic.
You can access the information on these two webpages: Safe Riding Guidelines and Paceline Guidelines (complete with video) or by downloading a PDF.
Joe, Tom, and I organized these guidelines so feel free to comment on them. They are not cast in stone. (Add comments below or send an email to admin at sfsob.cosine-santafe dot com)
There is a lot of information here so please take the time to read it and comprehend it. Ask if you have ANY questions.
Lightening and Threat of Rain Shorten Ride to ABQ…
Thursday’s ride started cool, and got cooler as Tó Neinilii gather his rain clouds threatening the ride from 599 to ABQ. Before Lone Butte; Tó Neinilii was joined by Niltsi giving riders an increasing strong quartering head wind that created havoc on our aero bikes. As we approached Madrid, SOB Riders faced a mighty trio. Enumclaw with his fire spears, joined Tó Neinilii and Niltsi! Facing the wrath of nature, SOB Riders decided to shorten the ride to an out and back to Madrid – about 35 miles, with slow speeds home battling the long climb up Why 14 into the wind. But first, some decided to grab double shot, caramel lattes at the Java Junction before heading home. (Joe behind the lens).
It was lunch at the Ranch House where pulled pork entrees continue to popular!! Coming out of the Ranch House SOB Riders were faced with mostly sunny skies and a lot less wind. Go Figure!?!
The Tuesday riders will attempt the ABQ ride later in the month.
Tuesday – Around Las Campanas and Santa Fe
Tuesday, 17 Riders headed out from DeVargas Center for a rough ride around the dump to Las Campanas. On the Las Campinas downhill outer loop, the pace line fell apart and turned into a series of sprints. YAHOO!! Exhausted, we regrouped at Caja del Rio, then headed to South Meadows and Airport for a run around the Airport to the La Ceinega Water Tower… or is it a cell tower… or is it a water/cell tower… or is it a water tower with stuff hung on it??? The pace line was organized (this time) until the uphill climb to the tower… then it was a free for all!! Another YAHOO moment! Must have been a Strava Segment!!! Here are the SOB Riders and “The Tower” (Joe behind the lens).
After our engaging conversation of trying to define the “Tower”, we headed back to 599, Dinosaur and Rabbit Roads before riding back into town to the DeVargas Center. Overall… 46+ miles; 16+ MPH, with 2,000+ feet of climb. Dave, our UK guest, enjoyed the ride; but was ready to nourish the body! It was time for lunch at Rowley’s Farmhouse Ales!!
The general consensus… Agent Scully Toasted Coconut IPA was a BUST!!
Back From Bike Tour of National Parks
Hi all, as some fellow SOB’s know I had been planning a mountain bike tour for this summer, but injured my hand and switched over to a road bike tour mostly through Utah and Arizona of some of their national parks. I normally blog my tours on a site called “Crazy Guy on a Bike”. Here is a link to the blog of the three-week tour with a bunch of pics if you are interested in the bike touring scene: https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/?o=1mr&doc_id=19666&v=ae .
End of Season Luncheon – from Lore
Our fabulous official riding season is coming to an end.
We are celebrating with an End of the Season Luncheon, Thursday, October 19 at the Pecos Trail Cafe, after the scheduled ride, staring at 11:30
Please see Edwin or Judy at the sign in table to pay for the luncheon $20.
It will be a fun gathering, great companion, good food, not to be
Good Sam Motorcyclist befriends A group
As we were heading back toward Pecos, we regrouped in Rowe and a friendly motorcyclist, on his way to Portland, OR, stopped and befriended us with drinks from the cooler that he was carrying in the side car. (I think he stopped to get a better look at the new jerseys.) Thanks to the mystery man and hope he has a safe trip to Portland.
Otherwise it was a great ride going out toward San Jose and a bit of a grind coming back. We went straight on the frontage rather than turning R on Hwy3 but still did our full 54 miles. Scouting the trip to Las Vegas for the future.
Jerseys are here !!!!
Pick up at Pecos ride on Thursday. They look fabulous dahling.
Vineyards of La Cienega…
Saturday’s ride included an unwelcome guest – a stiff NW New Mexico wind joining us as a training partner. Thirteen SOB Riders saddled up and headed out of El Camino Real Academy on South Meadows, across to Richards Ave, around the Institute of American Indian Arts to Hwy 14. Once on Hwy 14, we enjoyed a wind assisted, slightly downhill descent to Lone Butte. YAHOO!! Knowing we would be battling the wind all the way back to the El Camino Academy, it was pace-line riding along Bonanza Creek Road to La Cienega. With grapes maturing on the vines in La Cienega, we were tempted to just enjoy the rest of the day in vineyard. The big decision facing us was whether or not to knock on the wine maker’s door and ask for a wine tasting!! In the end, we thought it best to just admire the grapes on the vine, not in the bottle (Joe behind the lens).
It was now pay-back time for the earlier wind-assisted ride down Hwy 14. ARGH!! We climbed the back side route to the water tower and made the long, slightly up hill, into the wind pace-line ride around the airport, back to El camino Academy. We covered the 37+ miles and 1,500 feet of climbing at over 16 MPH. Now it was time for lunch at our old standby – The Santa Fe Capital Grill.
Round and Round; Up and Down…
Thursday’s SOB Club Rider took riders round and round the inner and outer loops of Las Campanas; and, up and down Pos de la Tierra to Las Dos and Opera Drive (aka 285 Frontage Road). Then it was a downhill run along the 599 Frontage Road back to our start point on Caja del Rio Road. Leaderless at the start, Rick and John stepped up as co-Leaders for the ride as we meandered through the Las Campanas maze. Here’s the group photo at Las Dos surveying the recently chipped road on the climb to the summit (Joe behind the lens). Our route covered 43 mile at 15+ MPH with about 3,000 ft of climb.
And… with any good ride, its never finished until we are toasting the ride. Today’s lunch was at the Santa Fe Capital Grill!!
SOBs Ride the Las Companas/Aldea Loop
The following video was taken on the ride of Thursday August 31st and stars many of the C group riders of that day.
Ride Leader was Brian Morgan, who led us on another fine, sociable ride.
We Went Where For Lunch?… Albuquerque???
SOB Riders made a special dash to Albuquerque on Tuesday for lunch! Bob put together an “ABQ Flat Ride” that had 2 short stints on I-25, but for the most part put us on familiar roads used on the SOB Club Cochiti and San Felipe rides. The weather was perfect all day! We started our ride at the 599 Station, rode the frontage road to the cell tower regrouping at the Waldo Canyon underpass. We then jumped on I-25 for a short ride to the Cochiti exit for a 2nd regroup. The 1-25 shoulder was OK except for a 15 yard section half way down the La Bajada.
The ride from Cochiti, through Pena Blanco, to the Santo Domingo gas station was full of sunshine with only a little wind. We regrouped at the Gas Station, bought tickets for a church raffle, talked to locals about an alternative connection between San Felipe and Santa Domingo Pueblos; and added ice and water to our water bottles. It is a great place to regroup and refill; and take a nature break. Then it was back on !-25 for a quick 5 mile mostly downhill to the San Felipe exit. The I-25 shoulders were wide and clean; truckers gave us plenty of room owing to our Fluorescent Yellow jerseys and flashing red tail lights.
After regrouping at the San Felipe Exit, the peloton headed to Bernalillo and on to the Paseo del Bosque Trail off Alameda. Here is the pace line passing through Algodones (The name is a Spanish word that means “cotton”; and may be due to the fact that cotton was grown in this area). Native American farmers reached this area around 1200 AD. They originally lived in Chaco Canyon and Mesa Verde but moved here escaping climate change and warfare. Route 66 (1926 to 1937 alignment) and Camino Real passed through Algodones.
ABQ was HOT!! We grabbed some shade on the regroup (kind of like cattle getting out of the sun) at Paseo del Bosque Trail before heading to ABQ.
Reaching our final destination in central ABQ at the train station, we grabbed a casual lunch at the Sister Bar. It was $2 Tacos Tuesday and every imaginable beer on draft. We caught the 4:30 PM Rail Runner back to Santa Fe. Arriving at the 599 Station around 5:30PM. Overall, our 10 rider peloton spent about 4:15 hours in the saddle; cover 73+ miles, and averaged a reasonable 17+ MPH ride average. It was a mechanical free day; no adverse weather; no incidents!! YAHOO!
ANOTHER GREAT SOB RIDE ADVENTURE IN THE BOOKS! Bob: Thanks for planning the ride!!
Getting Great Fitness in the Great Outdoors – Jason Lewis
Click below to view full article:
Zen for September
Your zen moment is here. ALL rides for September are starting at 0930. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. Hot diggity dog. No more brain power required, at least for the month. (Note, this is for September, not August, we still have a few days left in August so keep your brain engaged until 9/1)
As an added bonus, you can sleep in an extra hour. How can things get any better?
We’re lost… but we’re making good time…
Saturday, SOB riders headed north from Camino Real Academy in search of favorable winds; then west; then east; then south… always facing a stiff head wind!! Ehecatl, the Aztec god of wind from all directions, was vacationing in Santa Fe; and, wanted to make his presence know to the SOB Riders. Windswept photo taken somewhere in the hinterland (Joe behind the lens). The 50+ mile adventure around Santa Fe, always into the wind, hastened our decision to find a place for lunch! It was lunch and refreshments at the Santa Fe Capital Grill.
Sentencing in Tucson
Brian Lynch, the driver who ran through our group in Tucson in March 2016, was sentenced Friday to 10.5 years in prison followed by 5 years monitored probation. He will also have a substantial restitution obligation, which has yet to be determined.
Special Tuesday Ride from 599 to ABQ, train back
599 RR to ABQ the flat way. About 75 miles. Note that there are two stretches where we will have to ride on the I25 shoulder (single file, as far to the right as possible). About a mile from Waldo Cyn to Cochiti and then 5 miles from Santo Domingo to San Felipe. The long section is mostly flat to down hill. The short section is all down. Total elev gain is 1400 ft over 73 miles, 2700 ft elev loss.
Thursday’s Tour of Los Alamos…
Thursday’s SOB Ride tackled the ups and downs around the Los Alamos Area. The A Riders were leaderless until John stepped up to lead us around the circuit. While others took the bridge across the ravine through Los Alamos Labs; John, very familiar with the area, tortured us on a back road down into and out of the ravine to the Pajarito turn off. After the climb out of the ravine, there were no takers for climbing Pajarito Mountain to the ski basin (We all said a prayer that Rick and Tom weren’t with us!).
After a HUGE sigh of relief for not having to climb Pajarito, we head out on the downhill run to Bandolier National Park. We scrapped together enough Senior Passes to get the group through the gate as the Range kindly reminded everyone that the price of the Senior Pass (LIFETIME membership pass to all parks+) goes up from $10 to $80 on August 28!! You can get the pass at BLM on Dinosaur Rd (Bring $10 cash) or at ANY National Park entrance. If you do not have one, get one tomorrow!! Shame on you if you don’t! END OF PAID ANNOUNCEMENT. Picture time at Bandolier Visitor Center (Danish Tourist behind the lens. Yes! he took 14 pictures before lifting his finger off the button).
Arriving in White Rock, we detoured to the White Rock Overlook Park for a breathtaking view the the Rio Grande across to Santa Fe. Deborah wanted no part of the viewing platform, but overcame her fears for the Group Photo!!
No malingering for SOB riders on the viewing platform, rain clouds were forming… and we STILL faced the 5 mile Truck Route By-Pass climb!! The climb was as long as we all remembered; but the weather was ideal!! Frank, Jim, and Deb made the climb look easy; newcomer to the climb Barbara learned 1-2 MPH faster at the bottom of the climb; doesn’t make the end of the climb easier. At the end of the climb it was a mad sprint by all to the Smith’s parking lot to beat the rain!!
Where’s lunch??? It was off to the Blue Window Bistro in Los Alamos for eats and cheers!!
John: Thanks for stepping up and taking “ownership” of this motley crew!
Tuesday Riders Tackle Rio en Medio…
The Tuesday riders tackled the 28+ mile, 2,500+ total ascent climb to Rio en Medio. Once at the Road’s end, it took some cajoling to get Bob to assemble for a picture. He did ‘t want to leave the pavement for fear of getting his tires and wheels dirty!!
When finally assembled, the Rio en Medio Climbers first posed for a group photo (Joe behind the lens), then read the warning posted on the trail board of a Mother Bear and her Cub in the immediate area. No one wanted to be the last one to depart the area!!
We capped off the ride with lunch and refreshments at Rowley’s Farmhouse Ales.
Jack’s Creek Climbers at the Summit…
After SOB Memorial Ride to the Pecos River Bridge, the Jack’s Creek Climbers tackled the long uphill climb to Jack’s Creek Campground. After besting the final 1.5 mile 6-10% of the summit climb, the campground was a welcomed site. The Jack’s Creek Climber pose for a summit picture before the descent home (Jess, photographer from Santa Fe behind the lens).
But wait… there’s more… Can’t forget LUNCH and gear discussions at the Cafe Find!!
SOB “Memory Ride” 2017
On Thursday morning, several groups of SOBs rode the annual Memory Ride in the Pecos Valley.
The ride is ridden in silence from the start at the Ranger Station in Pecos to the bridge over the Pecos about 10 miles up the valley.
At this point, down near the river, Bill Pollock (pictured below) officiated at a short memorial service in honor of departed SOB members.
Photos: Ruben Cedeno
SOBs honored in the ceremony were:
Lee Hilley, Barbara Nueva, Mark Bolsterli, Alice Regan, Herb Schon, Charlie Loesch, Clare Rhoades, and Ken Viera.
Tó Neinilii Blinks…
SOB riders came face to face with Tó Neinilii Saturday, and Tó Neinilii blinked. The heavy overcast skies threaten rain at the start of the ride; but SOB riders were undeterred as they headed to La Cienega.
Riding at a rather brisk pace; we quickly arrived at La Cienega; climb the hill to the Interstate, and traversed Bonanza Creek Road to Highway 14. By now the sun was out rain jackets were quickly stowed. Tó Neinilii had blinked!! YAHOO!!
Under beautiful skies we were all smiles as we made the climb up Highway 14 to LUNCH at Rowley’s!! We all toasted the no-rain rain with Farmhouse Ale; and chowed down for nourishment. (Pictures curtesy of Ed).
Tour of Pueblos…
Thursday, SOB Riders rode the 38 mile “Tour of Pueblos” in one of the groups fastest average Thursday ride times – 17+ MPH. The counterclockwise route included a climb to the Cochiti Lake Overlook (Monica behind the lens)…
and the downhill run to the Rio Grande River. The new Highway 22 bridge was a welcomed sight to SOB Riders. No more “portage” across the arroyo. Our stop at the Rio Grande is always a welcomed experience (Joe behind the lens). The NEW Rio Grande Bridge under construction is designed to replace the existing bridge. Too bad the old bridge can not be saved as a dedicated SOB Bridge Ride Stop… Maybe add a Coffee Shop, outdoor tables and restrooms! 🙂 Enough fantasy… time for a reality check and an uphill climb back to I-25.
The uphill return ride soon turned from a socializing gaggle to became a series of pace lines in an effort to overcome a strengthening headwind (Tom behind the lens).
Once back at the start point, it was time to head to the Ranch House for lunch and refreshments! YAHOO!
SOB ‘C’ Group rides the Two Pueblos
On Thursday the C Group ride met at the Catholic Church Parking in Pena Blanca for a loop ride around Santa Domingo (Kewa) and Cochiti Pueblos.
With 10 riders, we set off in glorious weather, light clouds and cool, waking up a few Pueblo dogs as we went, but almost immediately dropped into another world of greenery and small farms, with corn as “high as an Elephants eye”. The photo was taken on the bridge over the Rio Grande, where it looks like they are re-routing the river around some barriers in the river. Maybe some sort of flood control. (Bill and Rennie just coming in) Further down the road we passed a few cattle on the road plus some horses grazing on the grass by the side of the road. I almost expected to see a “hobbit” or two pop out from the small buildings (but then I’m originally from New Zealand)
On the way down to Cochiti Pueblo, we joked about the non-bridge where we needed to walk through in the past, but found to our surprise that the bridge has been completely re-built and is now a splendid structure with a fine repaved road. Through Cochiti Pueblo, some of us took a break at the new (1 yr old) visitor center, complete with bathrooms and a tidy looking shop, including shade for hot cyclists.
We cruised the last 4 miles to the parking area and I think all agreed it was one of the nicer rides of the year, with a happy, very sociable group.
SOB Riders “Crossing the Rubicon” Tuesday…
The SOB Riders headed out of DeVargas Mall (from the new parking area) under heavy gray clouds for a normal trip out to the Mission El Sagrado Corazon or Sacred Heart Church in Name. We climbed Old Taos Highway, then crossed over to Bishop’s Lodge Road for a rocket descent to Tesuque Village Market. After a quick regroup, it was multiple pace lines to Pojoaque. In route we lost ride leader Rick to a flat debacle. The group split at Pojoaque with some riders electing to return directly to Santa Fe. The remaining riders, leaderless, meandered over toward the Name Church. It was here that SOB Riders “crossed the Rubicon”… taking the irrevocable step committing us to our specific course… (Ed behind the lens).
Coming back through Pojoaque, Ed decided visit Roxanne Swentzell Tower Gallery in Pojoaque. It is located in the Pojoaque Culture Center across from the Philip’s 66 gas station we use as a regroup point. For us art lovers, Ed has given it 2 thumbs up. I recommend we all take time to visit it some day (Ed behind the lens).
Here’s the link: http://www.roxanneswentzell.net/towergallery_bronzes.htm
Heading back to Santa Fe, the Ride split again at Tesuque… half the riders making the climb Bishop’s Lodge Road; while the remainder climbed the 285 Frontage Road. All in all… about 40+ miles; about 2200+ feet of climb and NO RAIN!! In the end, we all rendezvoused at DeVargas Mall and headed to 5 Star Burgers with lunch and refreshments. At lunch we said goodbye to David and Christine as they prepared to wing their way to Europe for a fun vacation. Fly Safe; Be Safe!
Recovery Ride to Madrid…
Feeling just a little stiff after the Jemez Springs and beyond ride Thursday, the SOB Riders decided to loosen up the muscles on Saturday with a 50 miler out to Madrid and back. We departed from El Camino Real Academy on South Meadows to La Cienega, across Bonanza Creek Road to Highway 14, and into the wind (you would expect nothing less) for the rolling downhill trek to Madrid. Along the way we recruited a new SOB member… he qualifies with his gray and white hair!! Now we just need to get him a helmet!! At Highway 14/42 Junction, we picked up Rick Gordon coming back from Madrid on a long solo ride, and convinced him he needed a return trip to Madrid!!
In Madrid we descended on the Java Junction for much needed coffee and pastries, followed by the obligatory ride picture in front of the Old Boarding House Mercantile. No… we didn’t climb Stagecoach!! The ride back to Santa Fe was as expected… into the wind!! The 50 mile, 2,400 feet of climb ride ended at the Capital Cafe for lunch and nourishing refreshments!!
SOB Climbers tackle the arduous “out and back” to Jemez Springs…
Thursday, Rick Gordon led the SOB Climbers on an arduous “out and back” ride to Jemez Springs. Starting on the rim of the Caldera, the riders made a rapid descended into the Valle Caldera, continuing to Amanda’s Jemez Mountain Country Store and Jemez Springs. At Jemez Springs it was time to relax at the Highway 4 Cafe and Bakery and contemplate the long climb back to the start point. The SOB Climbers covered the 53 mile “out and back” in about 3:50 and achieving 4,060 ft of climb.
We stopped at the Valle Caldera to admire the view (Joe behind the lens)…
Then it was a rapid descent (speeds 40+ MPH) to Amanda’s Country Store for refreshments before the descent to Jemez Springs (Tom behind the lens on the descent; Sabin, an obliging local behind the lens at Amanda’s)…
After a short break, be headed to Jemez Springs and the Highway 4 Cafe and Bakery for coffee and pastries. Thinking about the long trek back to the rim of the Valle Caldera, some thought a dip in the Hot Springs and an overnight at the Leaping Lizard Inn was a better option!!
Good times do not last long! We were soon back on our bikes for the long climb home. After conquering the Jemez Spring “out and back”, the Climbers headed to the Pajarito Brewpub and Grill in Los Alamos for lunch and much needed refreshments. Thanks Rick for another GREAT ride!!
SOBs Ride the Valles Caldera, and beyond..
Last Thursdays ride took us to the beautiful Valles Caldera for a selection of rides that varied from an “out and back” to a metric century finishing in Bernalillo.
Due to the complex nature of the one way ride, it was necessary to shuttle those riders doing the Metric Century from Santa Fe to the Caldera start point, while the “out and back riders” drove to the start point.
It was a gorgeous day for these classic rides of which, even the easiest were not insignificant, starting at 9000ft elevation and at least 1000ft of vertical climbing.
I mounted my GoPro Camera on my bike and just let it roll through the start of the ride, some shots of the B- and C riders climbing and the groups organizing, which helps to get the feeling of one of the SOB rides.
Here’s a link to the YouTube Video:
SOB Peloton…
Tuesday’s Ride was a counter-clockwise circling of the city. It was a downhill chase from DeVargas to La Ceinega with a climb to the Cell Tower, before heading back to DeVargas Mall. 45 miles; 2,200 feet of climb. FUN RIDE!! Here is the SOB Peloton reeling in the break away. Joe, the break away, behind the lens!! We capped off a great ride with lunch at 2nd Street Brewery (on 2nd Street)!
Parking at DeVargas
Monica contacted mall management regarding the warnings on several vehicles yesterday. Thanks Monica. We have been asked by mall management to park further away from the main aisle, closer to Albertson’s. See below photo. BTW, we were ratted out by a couple of guest riders who pointed out riders cars to the parking police. Guess they missed a few.
Getting Great Fitness in the Great Outdoors
Getting Great Fitness in the Great Outdoors.
Tips from Jason, a Fitness Coach with Strongwell.org (Seniors Wellness Organization)
We all know exercise is key to a long, healthy life, both physically and mentally. With hundreds of exercising options before us– from cycling to gyms and pools to fitness classes– we sometimes forget that one the best ways to get active is to do one simple thing– open your front door. Studies show that regardless of the activity, people just generally enjoy exercising outdoors more. On top of that, the body bends and moves in vital ways that just can’t be replicated by a treadmill or stationary bike.
Outdoors exercise, like biking, running, hiking and walking, boosts mood and self-esteem, while also creating healthy lifestyle habits. However, mother nature can toss some obstacles your way that you won’t find in a climate-controlled, professionally-monitored gym. That’s why it’s also important that you are prepared for things to go your way…and go the other way.
Ouch: How to handle that mid-exercise injury
You’re running along a trail you’ve jogged a dozen times. You could run this path in your sleep and then, bam, out of nowhere an unexpected rock or root jumps up and you feel your ankle roll over to one side shortly before you hear a pop. After a few moments of swearing and limping, you realize you have 2-3 miles to get back to your car. First thing to do is take a look around and try to find a supportive walking stick about waist high. A walking stick can help you with balance and support your weight as you make the hike back to the starting point. Also, if you can, wrap the ankle to help keep it stiff and straight — immobile. As soon as you can remember to RICE your ankle– rest, ice, compression and elevation.
There are other kinds of injuries that can pop up when exercising outdoors– cuts and scrapes from falls, plantar fasciitis, shin splints, stress fractures and others that can happen once during an outdoor exercise or become chronic injuries. You can reduce your risk of these injuries by taking your time to build up your outdoor activities. No matter how eager you are, try not to jump in with full force. Take your time and build up your stamina, endurance and muscle.
Stay Cool: How to avoid heat stroke and heat exhaustion
When exercising outdoors, there are three words you should remember at all times– hydration, hydration and hydration. Okay, so that’s one word three times, but that’s just to show how incredibly important it is that you drink water, and lots of it, before, during and after outdoor exercising. Some fitness professionals say drink:
⦁ 17-20 ounces 2-3 hours before exercising
⦁ 8 ounces 15-20 minutes before heading out
⦁ 7-10 ounces every 10 to 20 minutes while exercising
⦁ 8 ounces within 30 minutes of finishing up
Why is hydration so important? When you exercise in a gym, while it’s still important to get plenty of water, you’re usually in an air-conditioned, artificially lit room. Outside, the sun’s heat can sap the water right out of your body. You can avoid falling to heat stroke or heat exhaustion by:
⦁ Ending exercise as soon as you notice warning signs like cramping, nausea, dizziness, visual impairment or headache
⦁ Keeping water on you at all times
⦁ Exercising outdoors at the cooler times of the day, usually in the morning or evening
⦁ Choosing outdoor settings that are shaded
⦁ Wear sunscreen, a hat and moisture-wicking materials
Lion and Tigers and Bears: How to handle a wildlife encounter
Whether hiking, biking or running, outdoors exercise can occasionally involve close encounters of the wildlife kind. While it’s really rare in the long run to come across predatory wildlife, like bears and mountain lions, the best defense is a good offense. If you see wildlife in the distance; play it safe. Just turn around and go back the way you came. If a bear notices you and starts to show interest, stand your ground. Get tall, wave your arms around and talk in a loud voice. Whatever you do, do not run.
Some animals that are typically not aggressive risk being more so during certain situations. For example, the usually passive elk can be dangerous when mating, migrating or protecting their young. Like bears, keep your distance. If you come across a calf do not approach. Your best bet is to just avoid the times of day elk are out and about, typically early morning and dusk.
Exercising outdoors has some amazing short-term and long-term benefits, but to have the best experience you must respect mother nature. Taking your phone with you and a GPS is a good way to stay in touch and keep on the path.
Wildflower Rd near La Tierra new chip seal
New chip seal discovered on Sunday on Wildflower going back from La Tierra near Las Campanas. Not sure how far back it goes, probably about a mile. Needs some time to get rid of the rocks.
Ready to Face the Gila Monster??
Registration has opened for the Gila Monster Gran Fondo in Silver City 14 Oct 2017!
Come “ride like a pro for day” in the beautiful iconic Gila this fall. The Gran Fondo course follows the iconic Tour of the Gila “Gila Monster” road race, covering some of the most stunning routes in New Mexico. Three course lengths will be available this year, two of which begin and end in Silver City and a third beginning mid-course and ending in Silver City. The most challenging ride will be 115 miles, taking riders from Silver City to Bayard, through the gorgeous Mimbres Valley, by Lake Roberts, to the Gila Cliff Dwellings Visitor center and the loop back to Pinos Altos historic mining town, after amazing climbs and descents, then ending in Silver City. A Medio Fondo ride will share part of a similar course at 78 miles, with a little less demanding ride, but very challenging just the same. Then there will be a Micro Fondo beginning mid-course and capturing stunning views, climbs, and descents of the Gila at 40 miles. The Gran Fondo, with supportive sag wagons and well-appointed stops, is suitable for cyclists of all ages and ability-levels.
Join me and Rick as we battle the Gila Monster!!
Gila Monster Gran Fondo: http://tourofthegila.com/gran-fondue/
Saturday Ride Gets a Workout…
This Saturday Bob took 15 Saturday Riders on a 36 mile climbing extravaganza in preparation for next Thursday’s Club ride in the Jemez Mountains! We circled the city clockwise from South Meadows, up the 599 frontage connecting to Tano Bridge, and across to Bishops Lodge Road. We then weaved our way up and down the hills and arroyos on Barranca Road and Sierra del Norte tackling some wicked climbs. Then it was a welcomed descent down Artist and Gonzales Road before the climb up Camino Cruz Blanca on to Santa Fe Trail out to El Gancho Way and Old Pecos Trail. That was the start of a no holds barred sprint down Rabbit Road with a return to South Meadows. The repaired and upgraded tandem of David and Christine was the break away rabbit the peloton could not catch!! GREAT RIDE – A spirited 35.5 miles with about 2,200 feet of climb. Thanks Bob!
But wait… there’s more… A GREAT Ride needs a GREAT lunch… there was no delay heading for lunch and refreshments at Santa Fe Capital Grill!!
Tuesday & Saturday Rides continue at 0830
Vote was 2:1 in favor of staying with 0830 start time for Tuesday and Saturday rides for August. If it gets cold toward the end of the month (hah) we can reconsider but for now, we are sticking with 0830 for August.
Villanueva Rides
We managed to get our rides in without getting wet from the sky. Sweat wet was another story as it was quite HUMID out there especially on top of the mesa. Ed’s selfie photos below from the A turnaround. Decided to head back 2.5 miles sooner due to the foreboding sky but as we rode back it lightened up and of course got warmer. The truly obsessives added the extra miles on at the end.
Tucson Trial Update
Brian Lynch, the driver of the vehicle involved in the March, 2016 crash in Tucson, has accepted a plea agreement. Therefore, the trial, which was scheduled to begin August 1st, has been vacated. A Sentencing Hearing has been scheduled for August 25th. Without getting into all of the specifics of the plea agreement, the plea agreement does call for a sentence of between 7 and 21 years in prison.
Yet another update on Alta Vista Street
Here is the response I received from the City Engineering staff (complete with typo):
Hello Ms. Pckard ,
I apologize that my letter did not fully address all of your concerns. We did not take this project before the BTAC. The reason being that we did not consider that the bulbouts changed the street configuration. As stated in my letter, parking was allowed on Alta Vista, prior to this project. This street was also designated as a Shared facility, in the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Bikeways and Trails Map. We did not feel that we changed the street’s configuration as it was a Shared facility prior to the project and continues to be one after the project. I will be at the upcoming BTAC meeting to further explain the project to the committee.
If you have any other questions, please let me know. Thanks.
-John Romero
Engineering Division
City of Santa Fe
A Day of Climbing Around Chimayó
Thursday’s Ride, 20 June, found the SOB Riders tackling the tough climbs around Chimayó – especially the climb to Nambe Falls and the climbs in and around Condiyo. As the temperatures increased so did our appetites. The rides ended at Rancho de Chimayo – just in time for a great lunch, cold refreshments and our SOB Club meeting.
Our thanks to the SOB Leadership for all their hard work making our SOB Club a special cycling experience.
SOB Riders at Nambe Falls! (Joe behind the lens; finger in front of the lens!)
Further Update on Alta Vista Bulb-Out Project Advocacy
Below is the text of an email that I sent today to city officials:
Dear Mayor, Councilors, Mr. Romero, and Other Responsible City Employees,
On July 11, I wrote to you on behalf of the Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes, complaining about the bulb-out project on Alta Vista Street. I stated that the project was inexplicable to us as cyclists and asked whether the Bicycle and Trails Advisory Committee had been consulted and whether the project could be reversed.
On July 19, I received a response from Mr. Romero that appeared to consist of talking points about pedestrian safety. It was the same letter that was sent to everyone who shared concerns about this project, as far as I could tell. It was not responsive to the specific questions that I asked at the end of my letter. While the letter indicated that the intent of the project was consistent with bicycle safety, all cyclists that I know would disagree. Mr. Romero indicated that he copied all of the rest of you on his letter.
On the same day, I attended a meeting of BTAC, which had a discussion of the project on the agenda. I consulted the minutes of the previous meeting and learned that BTAC had expressed its concern the prior month. I was encouraged that all of the members of BTAC were as perplexed as I was that the project had been undertaken without appropriate consultation and in apparent ignorance of standards governing complete streets. I was dismayed, as were the members of BTAC, that Mr. Romero did not attend the meeting.
I now ask that you, the Mayor and City Councilors, take action to insure that projects that affect cyclists do not happen without appropriate consultation with BTAC. This can be done by a simple ordinance or directive, stating that any change in street configuration not be implemented until consultation has been had with the City’s Bicycle and Trails Advisory Committee.
I also ask that the project be reconsidered, after consultation with BTAC, and reversed, if appropriate.
Thank you for your consideration. I remain,
Sincerely yours,
Lynn Pickard, for
Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes
Lose your hat?
Is this your cap? It was found at Rancho de Chimayo after our lunch this week. If it is yours, you can get it back at the next Thursday club ride or email shirleyknarr@gmail.com.
SOB Ride to The Sagrado Corazón de Jesus Church in Nambe
20 SOB riders headed to Pojoaque and the Sagrado Corazón de Jesus Church at Nambe. It was another rapid descent to Pojoaque; and a surprise water crossing at the creek just short of the Church. It was a beautiful, fun and uneventful ride, but we all knew we faced a long climb back to Santa Fe. After the ride most SOB Riders headed to Rowley’s for lunch… and refreshments!
SOB riders at the Church. (Joe behind the lens).
Adrian’s Homecoming Ride
A small group of die-hard Saturday cyclists welcomed Adrian back to Santa Fe with a swift ride through La Cienega, out to the cell tower and back through Santa Fe (Joe behind the lens).
Welcome back Adrian!!
SOB Gather for Lunch…
It was cloudy, cool start for the SOB Ride Thursday morning; but the weather soon changed to blue skies. Some rode to Madrid; some rode to Galisteo; some circled the Galisteo Loop clockwise; while some circled the Galisteo Loop counter-clockwise. All in all… it was a another GREAT day to ride in Santa Fe. After the ride it was chow time at the Ranch House!!
SOBs got attention this morning, but not in a good way.
This was posted on Facebook by Bike Santa Fe:
Reported by two different motorists on their way to work about 8 am Thursday July 13. One of the drivers is a serious cyclist, here on a work detail from Michigan.
A group of about 10 road riders heading SE on 599 about 8 am turned right/ south (blew through) on the red light at Hwy 14 (Turquoise Trail) without stopping.
This kind of behavior contributes to a pervasive poor image of cyclists by motorists AND it is illegal.
“Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles.” Proceed right on a red light only after coming to a full stop. A full stop on a bicycle, that communicates to motorists, is putting your foot down on the ground or if clipped in and able-track standing, even for just a moment.
These are obviously seasoned riders but ALL riders can benefit from taking a Smart Cycling course. Implementing good road user habits benefits the credibility of the cycling community.
Larry’s Homecoming Ride…
Some of the SOB Tuesday riders welcomed Larry Knighten back from an extended visit to the East Coast with a 46 mile ride out to the cell towers and back through La Cienega and Santa Fe. Welcome Back Larry!! Bob: Great job of ‘photoshopping” the picture!
Our Pace Liner needs a little work!! Tom is really good shooting these pictures on the roll!!
The big question of the day was… Where’s lunch??!! There is always time to replenish the body!
SOBs express concerns about recent Alta Vista Street project
Below is a link to a letter that I wrote on our behalf to the Mayor, City Councilors, City Manager, City Engineer, and Public Works Director. If you would like to send your own letter to any or all of these people, you can email me, and I will send you the information we got from Bike Santa Fe on which my letter is based in part. My address is my name followed by the numeral 1 at yahoo dot com.
Jersey etc. order has been placed
Estimated ship date is Aug 23. We had over 70 items ordered. Thanks to Ian and Steve for helping with PayPal stuff. When the stuff comes in I’ll advise you on the blog for distribution at upcoming rides.
Annual Luncheon July 20th – Reserve Now! from Lore T.
Our annual luncheon is coming up! I will be at the sign in table again this Thursday to collect $20.00
You don’t want to miss this special event !
after a great ride we will enjoy a delicious
New Mexico Lunch.
Please do make your reservation !
A Secret Elixir
When I found the SOBs out riding US 285 in 2001, Herb Schon, a founding member, impressed me that he climbed the mountains so easily on the rides. I asked him how he did it. He told me that he gathered the dirt at the Sanctuary in Chimayo and put it in his water bottles.
On July 20, the SOBs ride past the Sanctuary and it is a good opportunity to follow Herb’s lead. Not only that, there is a fabulous lunch at Rancho Chimayo, a well known and liked famous and historical restaurant. What an opportunity! Great food and a magic elixir for your water bottles.
It is a big help to the restaurant and to the SOBs to project the number of riders who will enjoy the lunch. Lore Thorpe will be at the registration tables at 599 RR station this Thursday, July 13, to accept your reservation and secure your place at the table. Cost is $20.
This year, all the rides start from the Rancho Chimayo Restaurant parking lot. When you finish your ride, step into the restaurant for great food and nourishment. Don’t forget to fill your bottles at the Sanctuary!
Submitted by Bill Pollock
C Ride Sign-In and Start Location
Please note that the sign-in and start of the C ride on July 13 is different than for the other rides. C riders, please come to the Intersection of Highways 14 and 42 for your sign-in. You do NOT need to stop at the 599 RR station. The ride starts at 8:00 am, the same time as the other rides.
Need a Ride to Montana at End of July or Early August
Hi all, as many of you know I have been riding my new Surly “Troll” the last couple months with the SOB’s as part of my training to get up to speed to ride along a part of the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route this summer (planning on about 1,900 miles from Montana to Mexico). I started a blog about the upcoming ride if anyone is interested in checking out the logistics of the ride. You will see some pics of SOB’s on the blog under the “Training Rides” page, ha: https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/?o=1mr&doc_id=19666&v=9D
I have done several cross-country road tours in the past (https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/my/?o=1mr ), but this is my first crack at off-road touring, or bikepacking I guess they are calling it these days. Most folks that start long bike tours will box up their bikes and gear and take a plane, bus or train to the start point. This year I am going to try something new to help avoid the cost and hassle of boxing up the bike and shipping it to the tour start point. I am trying to see if I can catch a ride up to Montana at the end of this month or early August.
My thinking was if anyone in our area was even remotely considering vacationing up in the Yellowstone area this summer, the chance to do a rideshare on the way up may tip them over the edge of making the decision of doing a summer road trip, and hauling me along. I was thinking of starting the ride around the Butte, MO area, just a little north of Yellowstone. So anyone was interested in a road trip at the end of July or very early August, I could pay for gas on the way up and help with driving and such. If this sounds interesting, you can see more information about the logistics of the proposed trip at the blog site above. BTW, there are a lot of other rideshare options I am looking at (see links below) to try to get up there, but it would be more fun to travel up there with fellow SOB’s if possible. BTW, the pic with the post was a July 8 ride to Clines Corner and back, nice ride, but headwind back home.
LOST… Looking for Waldo!!
The Saturday Riders headed out into the badlands top NM o find Waldo. Our fans were out in force to cheer us on!
But we had no time to celebrate… it was off to find Waldo!
SUCCESS! We found Waldo; but couldn’t get past the gate!! Time for a picture, but who is behind the lens??
The “no name” stranger in black is behind the lens!!
We wrapped up our ride at Rowley’s Farmhouse Ales for lunch and a round of cold IPA!! GREAT RIDE FOLKS!!
GORGE-ous View of the Rio Grand Gorge
It was a GREAT ride Thursday with a GORGE-ous view of the Rio Grande Gorge (Robin, a tourist from NJ behind the lens). After the ride it was lunch at the Blue Heron in Española (Ed behind the lens at the Blue Heron)! The Tarantula Trek Red Ale was exceptional!!
The Flares were out for the July 4 Ride
18 riders rode from Kohl’s to the Plaza for the annual July 4 Pancake Breakfast. Thanks to Rich Leishman for the photos.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
SOB Store Closing in 3 days
Get your orders in if you want to purchase jerseys or shorts / bibs / capris / arm warmers this go around. The store will be closing in 3 days and we will be placing our order with Hincapie on Monday. Pictures of the shorts and capri’s are below and are now on the store page on our website. You will be getting an email from us over the weekend confirming your order and pricing. Please reply. If we do not get a reply we are going to assume that you are going ahead with your order as placed. Thanks.
Thanks from the Texas 4000
The SOBs have received a “thank you” card from the Sierra Route group of the Texas 4000. I have retyped the message to acknowledge the support and participation of many SOB members. The riders have just left San Francisco and are nearing Portland, Oregon on their trip to Anchorage, Alaska.
Thank you so much for all that you did to help welcome the Texas 4000 team to Santa Fe again this year. I had heard so much about the Santa Fe visit from Kathryn, but I don’t think words could do your city or all the wonderful people who help with T4K events justice. I was blown away by the support and generosity that we received from the SOBs and Texas Exes during our visit. Thank you for organizing all the SOBs to help lead the riders into Santa Fe and for showing them the way on that hot afternoon! Thank you for all your support at the event that evening and your generous donations. We are so lucky to have supporters like you in our Texas 4000 family who do so much to help our riders on their journey. Sincerely, Courtney Becker.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
Annual Luncheon – Rancho de Chimayo from Lore T.
Mark your calendars!
is our annual luncheon at Rancho de Chimayo.
Actual table at Rancho de Chimayo
After a great ride through the foothills of Chimayo we will gather for a fabulous lunch of true New Mexico food, several entrees to choose from, cost $20.00, all inclusive.
Lore is accepting reservations and payments on all our upcoming rides.
Bon appétit !
2017 SOB Photo – view or download
The 2017 SOB Photo (courtesy of Alan Klein) is now available to view or download here:
The first album is the 2017 photos of the group and the Group 80.
Tons of nostalgia also available on this page from past years.
July 4 Ride
The day is almost here! Tuesday, July 4! Join the SOBs for the ride to the Plaza for the huge pancake breakfast to celebrate the Declaration of Independence.
8:30 a.m. Meet and start at Kohl’s Department Store. The ride is open to every rider, and we ride together as a group. Be sure to bring a lock for your bike!
9:30 a.m. Approximate arrival at the Plaza. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at the Plaza. We cannot reserve tables, but past experience indicates that the chairs are vacated quickly. We may not be able to sit as a total group, but we will be close. Look around and you will see lots of your Santa Fe friends sharing breakfast with you.
10:30-10:45 Depart the Plaza. The ride back to Kohl’s is downhill most of the way.
11:30 a.m. Approximate arrival at Kohl’s
New Fit Kit Items
These just arrived today. I will have them at the start on July 6th.
M/W Axis Race SS jersey L
M/W Axis Long Sleeve Jersey S,M,L
M Axis bib S,L,XL
W Axis short S, M, XL
W Axis Capri S,M,L
2017 Club Photos
The Elite Eighty Members
The 2017 Club Photo
Jersey Store Open Now. Closing July 9. Order Placed July 10
Fit kit will be at the ride this Thursday. Last chance for fit kit.
Get your jersey order in before it’s too late!
We will communicate any pricing issues to you on Friday the 7th so you have a couple days to get back to us if needed.
Don’t miss out.
Tom Jefferson’s biggest regret
Thomas Jefferson completed the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. He may have thought Santa Fe was included as he worked on his invention of a bicycle, telling his aide that he planned to ride his bicycle to Santa Fe to celebrate the Declaration of Independence on the Plaza eating pancakes. When he found that Santa Fe was not included, he stopped work on his invention and confessed to aides that his biggest regret in life was not riding his bike to Santa Fe.
Don’t take a chance that you could have such a regret! The SOBs are riding their bikes to the Plaza to enjoy the local ritual of pancakes on the Plaza. Everybody you know in Santa Fe will be there. The ride is for all levels of riding ability. The return ride is all down hill!
Ride leader: Bill Pollock Questions? Contact pollockb@aol.com
Start: 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, July 4 at Kohl’s Department Store
Arrive on the Plaza around 9:30.
Return arrival at Kohl’s Department Store by 11:30
Cost: The pancake breakfast of meat, pancakes, orange juice and coffee is $10, but you can buy a discount ticket for $8 at any bank or credit union.
Wear your red, white, and blue jersey if you have one. And bring a lock for your bike!!!
Ride to brighten Tom Jefferson’s day!
SOB Insurance
The SOB Club has insurance from American Specialty Insurance Company through the League of American Bicyclists. This is primarily a liability policy, which protects riders, ride leaders, and directors in the event of a third-party claim against one of us (that is, someone is claiming damages because we were negligent in riding, in leading, or in directors’ duties). However, the policy also contains first-party insurance for excess accident medical for $10,000 per person per accident. This first-party insurance has a $500 deductible. First party means that it pays you for your medical expenses. Excess means that it pays only after any other insurance that you have has paid. There are other requirements which must be met.
Claims are to be made on an incident report form provided by the insurance company, which says that the form should be submitted immediately, although the company does not expect that claims will be made literally immediately . Claims should be initiated by the person making the claim through the ride leader of the ride on which the incident happened; however, it is best that a director should be the person signing the form.
Saturday’s Ride to the El Santuario de Chimayó
The SOB Saturday Ad Hoc Ride visited El Santuario de Chimayó. It was a 58 mile loop that started with a wind aided rocket descent to Pojoaque, and then traversing the rolling hills of Northern NM to El Santuario de Chimayó. With a wind assisted journey to The Santuario, we were looking for divine intervention for a wind shift for our return to Santa Fe… No Such Luck!! Leaving Chimayó, Rick and Tom elected to climb to Truchas last heard mumbling something about looking for Forrest Fenn’s treasure… they were never to be seen again! The return to Santa Fe was a long trek uphill into a strong head wind; nothing but AGONY!! But lunch soon wiped the agony from our faces!! Great Ride!!
A Great Ride needs a Great Lunch!! Recharge Time!!
Mark Your Calendar! Sunday, 1 Oct – Santa Fe Wine & Chile Fiesta Grand Fondo
Mark your calendar for the 4th Annual SFWC Fiesta Gran Fondo Bike Ride Sunday, October 01, 2017 | 7:30am – 12:00pm. Cost of the ride is $75. Last year’s entry included a T-Shirt, burrito breakfast, and taco lunch w/champagne. I rode this event last year and it was a FUN Ride!!
I have not seen this years EXACT Route yet; but last year we rode from the Four Seasons to Pojacque, Nambe, the loop around to Chimayo and then back to the Four Seasons. Last year Monica, Larry and I rode “The Loop” and I think it was 60 Miles. We had a FREE breakfast burrito before the start. Last year, the expanded loop was about 80 miles included the climb to Truchas and back. Not sure of this years route for 75, 45 and 25. Our goal was to enjoy the gourmet rest stop food; and get back to the Four Seasons for the FREE, all you can eat, Tacos and Champagne. Gotta have lunch after a ride; especially since it is GOOD champagne!!
Four Seasons Resort Rancho Encantado Santa Fe Celebrity riders this year include professional riders Travi McCabe of Team Hincapie, and guest chef riders Kevin Nashan, Mark Kiffin of The Compound Restaurant, Tony Blankenship of Rio Chama and their gourmet food. A 75 or 45-mile or 25 mile loop from the Four Seasons Rancho Encantado takes you through the historic villages of Nambé, Cundiyo, Truchas and Chimayo with food stops along the route. Celebrate the finish of your ride back at the Four Seasons with Tacos by Zacatecas and Champagne Perrier Jouet.
Sleep, Ride, Eat, Drink, Repeat!
(RIDE) 7:30am Checkin, 8:30am Ride (no alcohol will be served during the ride)
Ticket Price: $75.00
Tickets will be available online on July 05, 2017 at 9:00am
Store is open for jersey and shorts / bib purchases
Just to remind everyone. The Store is OPEN. Shipping clarification. We are grouping all the orders together and they will all be shipped to Pam for distribution.
Also, to be absolutely clear. There are 3 styles of jersey. Axis Race, Axis Club, and Velocity. The Velocity is the one with the mesh although it may not have been obvious looking at the fit kits. So, please make sure you have ordered / order the jersey that you want. If you want to reconsider or revise your purchase that is possible until we place the order with Hincapie in 2 weeks. Just email via the contact form on the website if you think you want to change your choice.
Fit kits will be at Tuesday June 27 start from DeVargas and at June 29 (Caja start, photo) ride again. Then they are going back to Hincapie.
SAG and B+ ride from White Rock
Thanks to Rich L and Deb L for SAG’ing for us yesterday. Much appreciated.
B+ group had a very relaxing and fun ride around the loop. Despite concerns there was no smoke smell and it did not get hot till just at the end. Avoided the rain too. Michael went into Bandelier for a bit of a side trip. Then missed some of us chillin’ at the White Rock overlook on our side trip.
Pajarito Mountain… Aced by the A Team
The A Team took on the SOB Thursday’s climbing challenge today under John’s watchful eye… climbing out of White Rock, up the truck route, and acing the 15-17% climbs to the Pajarito Ski Basin. Deborah, Tom and Rick lead the ascent of Pajarito Mountain; Joe. Ed and Gordon led the rocket decent!! Rick and Tom opted for the Bandelier Option while the rest of us tried to out run the pending rain. The rain caught us in the end… but just enough to cool us down. GREAT RIDE!!
Crazy Rick’s Saturday Ride
Change to start location for normal Saturday ride. Starting DeVargas at 0830.
I’m going to go along with Rick’s idea and change our Saturday ride to start from DeVargas and head toward Chimayo or all the way to Truchas for the truly demented.
DeVargas to Truchas (via Chimayo and back on 76 and 285), 74 miles, 5556 ft. https://ridewithgps.com/route
July 4 Fantastic Fourth Ride
Coming soon, the July 4 ride to the Santa Fe Plaza to join the fun at the annual July 4 Pancake Festival. A great ride to the Plaza and all downhill ride back.
Meet at Kohl’s Department Store at 8:30. Arrive at the Plaza about 9:30. Return to Kohl’s and finished by 11:30. Very little traffic on this holiday. Bicyclists rule!
More details at this web site in the days ahead.
SAG tomorrow / Fit Kits / Store is open
Lots of news. Through the good graces of Rich L we will have SAG support tomorrow during the ride. He will be driving a tan Toyota pickup with a camper shell. He will primarily be in the area from White Rock to the back gate. If you need water or help, signal him as he drives by or call his cell phone Five 0 Five -412-948 four
Fit Kits for jerseys from Hincapie are here. Unfortunately we do not YET have every style and every size. We have Velocity M/W in S,M,L,XL. Axis M/W Race Axis W Club in S,M.XL. No M Axis Club yet. No Axis L yet. Sorry. On the way. No shorts yet either. The fit kit should be at the start in White Rock tomorrow.
The SOB Store to purchase Jerseys, Shorts, Bibs, Arm Warmers is now open. Click this link. Please read all the instructions carefully
Please choose rides carefully
Now that June is upon us, and the days seem to be getting hotter and hotter, it becomes even more important to choose one’s rides carefully. At Monday’s ride leader training, we were reminded of how many people were unable to comfortably complete the Los Alamos loop last year, due to either the heat, poorly equipped bikes, or insufficient training or acclimation to the altitude. This Thursday’s ride promises to be easier, given its White Rock start, but it is still going to be hot and perhaps smokey. Riders should check out the rides on the website, since it has all the cue sheets, as well as maps, profiles, and climbing information. Ideally this should be done both early in the planning and the week of the ride, as rides sometimes change. Please assess your capabilities honestly and choose a ride that will be fun because you will be able to complete it.
Also, there is a possibility that the A and B+ rides, or parts of them, might go down into Bandelier. So bring your Senior National Park passes if you have them and are planning to do one of these rides.
Jack’s Creek Riders Conquer the Climb!
Time change Saturday and Tuesday to 0830
Too hot.
Bianchi’s rule and new Jerseys (not the state)
Bianchi’s rule Tuesday ride – left the other bike in the dirt 😉
Hey SOBs. The new jerseys are almost ready for ordering. I want to thank the team that worked on designing these jerseys: Joe S, Monica, Aku, Barbara M, Michael K, Dana R, Larry K. Much appreciated. Lots of emails. There are 3 different jersey styles in both Mens and Womens. We are getting a fit kit but it may not be here until the June 22 ride. We will let you know when ordering is fully open. Soon though!
The 3 different styles are Axis Club Fit, Axis Race Fit, and Velocity. Velocity has mesh on the sides and the back of the neck so it is more intended for hot weather. The mesh required slight design variations so be sure to understand what you are ordering.
Axis jerseys are $68.85 each at 10-25 quantity. Velocity are $83.26 at same quantity. We are assuming that we will get at least 10 orders for each style. (Men / Women / Club / Race makes no difference but Axis vs. Velocity makes a difference) If we do not get 10 orders then pricing will be higher. However there is no minimum.
Axis jersey details
Metric™ – Tightly knit polyester high-performance fabric provides excellent structure and moisture management in a sleek, visually appealing pattern. SPF 30 and a fast dry finish make this fabric comfortable in any climate.
Hincapie Gel-Gripper™ – A flexible, non-slip strip that provides comfortable traction against any surface to help garments remain in place during activity.
Velocity jersey details
Texas 4000 has left town
The welcoming and hosting of the riders of the Texas 4000 have come and gone. Everything went well. We were waiting in the Eldorado Agora parking lot. The riders arrived in groups and we formed a welcoming gate for each rider.
The group divided into two groups for the ride into Santa Fe. The Texas riders were enthusiastic about Santa Fe and were very pleased to have arrived. They were very happy with their motel and they were all showered, some with still-drying hair, at the Happy Hour and dinner. At one table all three Texas students had got into bicycling when they enrolled at the university and discovered the Texas 4000 club. Two had only ridden as small children, and one had to learn how to ride as an adult and student at the university. But they all loved cycling and were looking forward to the rest of the ride to Anchorage, Alaska.
There were 82 at the dinner, and it was fun!! The program was inspiring about the success and need for cancer research.
And special thanks to Frank Battaglia, a long time member of the SOBs, for funding the cost of the motel for all Texas riders and crew. It was a great time!
City of Santa Fe Survey for Trails
The City is completing a master plan to determine the needs, desires and future improvements to parks and recreation in Santa Fe and would like your input! Please take a few minutes to complete the following online survey, and feel free to share the link with your family, friends and colleagues: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r
Suggestion for Hip/Pelvis Protection
SOBs, aka Seniors on Bikes, can also apply to other names, such as Smarter on Bikes, or Safer on Bikes. One focus of many years of our experience is the importance of bicycling safety. This safety concern is represented by the mandatory requirement of wearing helmets on all SOB sanctioned rides. Other, voluntary options are: participation in the several riding skill classes that are offered, and the use of rear view mirrors. The importance of being visible to drivers is acknowledged by wearing brightly colored jerseys and the use of front and rear lights for daytime use. About six years ago, only one or two of us used rear lights. Now a significant percentage of SOBs use rear and/or front lights. All of the above mentioned actions are aimed towards defensive bicycling.
Over the past several years, we have had several serious injuries due to outside influences and injuries caused by rider errors and misjudgements. Common areas prone to injury/fracture is the hip and pelvis regions which are at enhanced risk due to brittle, aging bones. This recently happened to two people in the last month, one of whom is very close to me. This motivated me to research ways to protect against this type of injury. What I discovered is the availability of compression bike shorts with hip and sacrum pads that are used by the mountain biking community. I studied several different designs and ordered the seemingly most practical ones for road biking, the G-Form Pro-X Compression Shorts. They have low-profile, articulated gel-like pads that are soft to the touch, but supposedly harden on impact to absorb energy. There are two versions, the Pro-X, that does not have a seat chamois, which I have, and the Pro-B that does have a chamois. After talking to a sales rep and reading several reviews, the chamois seems to be minimally effective, which is why I chose the Pro-X. I wear my good road bike shorts under the Pro-X. I have worn them on five rides so far and they are very comfortable and not noticeable, but perhaps slightly warmer.
I have decided that for me, wearing these shorts routinely makes a lot of sense, and I will do so on all bicycle rides. While they might not prevent fractures, they might reduce the severity of an injury, certainly more so than a few mils of spandex. If you see me on a ride, feel free to touch my hips and check them out. Touching my sacrum requires a special permission…
Link below, there is a female version if you search a little. List price is $100, but I bought a pair through Amazon for $70. I ordered a large since I wear on top of other shorts, the medium is a little tight.
Texas 4000 last night in Texas
Tonight the Texas 4000 riders are in the Midland, Texas area and looking forward to their entry into New Mexico tomorrow. And in two more days, the riders will be here in Santa Fe! When they arrive in Santa Fe County, the Seniors on Bikes will be there to greet them at the Eldorado community, and ride with them to the historic Plaza–the End of the Santa Fe Trail.
The riders should arrive at Eldorado about 1:30 on Friday, June 9. They will stop briefly at the Eldorado Market at the Agora where the SOBs will be waiting. Then we all ride as a group into Santa Fe via Old Las Vegas Highway to El Gancho. Then to the Old Santa Fe Trail and down into the Plaza. We have to dismount and walk our bikes along Palace at the edge of the Plaza. Remount and ride the several blocks to the Motel 6 on Paseo Peralta near the corner of Guadalupe,
SOBs will leave DeVargas at 12:15 p.m. to ride out to Eldorado. But SOBs can also work out other arrangements. Some will meet at Eldorado and ride back to the Plaza with the group. And some others may work out personal plans to join anywhere along the route.
Riders of Texas 4000 are a lively group of college students and they have fun along the route. Riding with them back to Santa Fe we will hear words of encouragement, warnings of obstacles, and poking good friendly comments. The final blocks to the Plaza are amazing and you feel that you are right where you need to be–in the center of a great bicycle ride.
Dinner is at the Las Campanas Golf Club. Happy Hour at 6:30 followed by dinner and a program presented by the students. You can still sign up for the dinner by sending me, Bill Pollock, and email to pollockb@aol.com
Tuesday “Loop Around Santa Fe” Ride… 6 Jun 2017
Todays fast ride around the City of Santa Fe… Taking a break at the La Cienega Water Tower. Adrien behind the lens!
The Miracle of the Bicycle
Austin, Texas is about the same distance from Santa Fe as St. Louis. Back in the 1840s and 1850s, and without bicycles, travelers needed three months on the road to reach Santa Fe. With bicycles, the Texas 4000 riders will cover the same distance in just one week! Amazing, don’t you think? If only we could have told those gals and guys about bicycles!
The Texas 4000 riders left Austin this past Friday and they will be here in Santa Fe this next Friday, June 9. And members of Santa Fe SOBs will ride to Eldorado to meet them when they arrive. We will ride into Santa Fe following the same route as the old wagon trains and arrive at the same historic marker at the Plaza that says, “End of the Santa Fe Trail.” How about that experience?
SOBs doing the ride will leave the DeVargas Center at 12:15 p.m. The Texas 4000 riders should arrive at Eldorado about 1:30 p.m. After a brief rest stop, the total group will ride along Old Las Vegas Hightway to El Gancho, then the Old Santa Fe Trail to the Plaza. Tourists will gawk, birds will stop singing, time will stand still at the whir of the bicycle tires on the pavement. A great feeling!
And it gets better. Dinner at the magnificent Las Campanas Golf Club with a Happy Hour to begin at 6:30 p.m., a great dinner served by the staff of the Club, and an inspiring program presented by the Texas 4000 students from the University of Texas. And they look great and will tell you how great Santa Fe looks after a week of riding through Texas.
You can still sign up to attend the dinner. Let me know that you will attend. Send email to me, Bill Pollock, pollockb@aol.com and I will add you to the list. The cost is $50 per person, and that includes gratuity. How easy is that?
Saturday Ride… Under the watchful eye of the Texas Longhorn…
Great, fast paced 34 mile Saturday Ride through La Cienega to Hwy 14 back to El Camino Real Academy. Under the watchful eye of a Texas Longhorn! Tom behind the lens…
Texas 4000 riders have big send-off celebration
On Thursday, Austin, Texas gives a huge send-off party for the students of Texas 4000 who begin their ride to Anchorage, Alaska on Friday, June 2. A week later, on June 9, members and guests of Seniors on Bikes in Santa Fe will join the Texas riders for dinner at the Las Campanas Golf club.
Great food! A night of conversation with the riders and the University of Texas alumni living in Santa Fe. And a program that demonstrates the commitment of the riders not only to bicycling, but to the advancements in cancer research. It is amazing to hear these young leaders talk personally about the importance of cancer research to their own lives and to family members.
You can be there. The cost of the dinner is $50 to be paid at the dinner. Payment for dinner may be made by check or cash. Gratuities are included in the price. A Happy Hour before dinner will welcome you to the magnificent Las Campanas Golf Club. Purchases at Happy Hour may be made by credit card ONLY.
We hope you can join us. Let me know how many will join you so that I can forward the count to the Alumni. Send your information to me, Bill Pollock at pollockb@aol.com Here is the day’s schedule for Friday, June 9.
12:15 p.m. Meet at DeVargas Mall parking lot to ride bikes to Eldorado. Students expected to arrive 1:30-2:00
3:30 p.m. Arrive at motel in Railyard district after a magnificent group ride of about 70 riders on Old Santa Fe Trail to the Plaza. It is just a 5-minute ride from the motel to your car at DeVargas.
6:30 p.m. Happy Hour at Las Campanas Golf Club
7:15 p.m. Dinner
8:00 Short program
If you are riding out to meet the Texas 4000, try to wear an SOB jersey. The Texas 4000 will be wearing unique and dramatic jerseys marking the ride.
SOB Thursday Ride – Heads Up
SOB’s who ride this Thursday. The rides are leaving from Fort Marcy parking lot at 9:30 with A and B groups heading towards the Ski Basin up Hyde Park Rd. There is snow at the Basin, so be prepared by bringing a jacket, gloves, and long pants or leg extensions. It will be cold coming down and we don’t want any hyperthermia please. And even if you just go to Hyde Park, it could be chilly. Just a heads up.
Guess who’s coming to dinner on June 9
Members of Seniors on Bikes are going to be joining the students of the Texas 4000 riding from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska at the Las Campanas Golf Club. Spouses and best friends are invited too! Here’s the deal: SOBs will ride to Eldorado to meet the riders from Texas and then escort them via Old Santa Fe Trail to the Plaza and then to their motel in the Railyard district.
Then everyone joins the Texans and the alumni of the University of Texas for a great Happy Hour and dinner with a program at the Las Campanas Golf Club. The last two years have been great and this should be even better. Sitting around and talking to the students about their ride from Austin and the plans for the ride out of Santa Fe is great fun. The students are all leaders and very conversant.
The conclusion of the ride to the motel should happen between 3 and 3:30. There is plenty of time to get home for a shower and then get to the Las Campanas Golf Club for Happy Hour starting at 6:30. Dinner will follow and then the program concluding between 8 and 8:30. The menu is Northern New Mexico. The main dinning room of the club house is elegant and fit for bicycle enthusiasts.
Here’s how the festivities work: On arrival, pay your money for the dinner. $50 per person includes some of the costs for the students and it also includes gratuity for the staff. You must pay with either cash or a check payable to the Texas Alumni group listed at the table. Then enjoy the Happy Hour by ordering your favorite, beer, wine, or cocktail from the staff. For bar orders, you must pay ONLY with a credit card. And tips are included in the charge for the drinks, too. So you don’t have to calculate an appropriate tip.
The program is short, but very impressive. And you will feel a lot of compassion for the efforts of the students to raise funds for cancer research. Their stories are amazing! You will be asked to consider donations to cancer research, but you are not going to be hard pressed. And there will also be hats and other ride souvenirs available for purchase as a way of donating to the project. Donations to the Texas 4000 are tax deductible!
It will be very helpful if you can let me know how many of your party will attend the dinner in order to inform the club of the quantities of meals for which they must prepare. Let me know as soon as you can. Contact me at pollockb@aol.com.
Bill Pollock
New Jersey, new vendor
The new jersey design is being finalized at the vendor. This is not the 20th anniversary jersey. It is a generic SOB jersey. Sketches are below. The new vendor will be Hincapie sportswear. On Tuesday and Thursday we will have samples, NOT fit kits but samples of the jersey and shorts / bibs. Hincapie has several different jersey / bib styles. Not just male female but differing price levels. We have 2 sets to show. I will have them at the start on Tuesday. Pam will have them on Thursday. We’ll be near the sign in table on Thursday. Check them out. We’ll keep you apprised of progress and when we open the store. More details on pricing will be forthcoming but generally the base level product is similar in price to the Pactimo product.
Incident at SFCC Roundabout on Thursday
Update on the Texas 4000 arrival
The Texas 4000 students are preparing to depart Austin June 3. There are 36 participating in the ride that will arrive in Santa Fe on June 9. Before being selected to ride, students develop leadership skills and raise money on their own to support cancer research, much of the research at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. And many of these students have experienced cancer themselves and find bicycle riding great therapy. According to the Texas 4000 website, the Sierra Route, the one that visits Santa Fe has raised 89% of its fund goal–over $360,000. That is impressive. And the other two routes have a similar goal.
There are 36 students riding to Santa Fe along with some support vehicles. You can look at their pictures and read comments at the web site http://www.texas4000.org/route/sierra/
SOB members will meet the Texas 4000 group at Eldorado about 1:30 pm on June 9 and ride with them back to the Plaza and to their motel. Imagine riding as a group of almost 60 on Old Las Vegas, El Gancho, and Old Santa Fe Trail. Drivers take note when they observe the group and the visitors on the Plaza stand and watch. One feels the momentum of an enthusiastic bicycle team.
Happy Hour begins at the Las Campanas Golf and Country Club with dinner of Northern New Mexico recipes in the main dinning room. Last year, the dinner was served at the swimming pool area, but this time we will be inside. A great program includes several of the students describing themselves and their motivations for the ride. Students selected for the ride are upper division and graduate students who have developed great social and conversational skills. They are really fun to talk to at dinner. Students sit at tables among SOB members and members of the local University of Texas Alumni chapter.
So, plan your schedule to include riding on June 9. A succeeding note will give more details.
Lore Thorpe, Social Chair, is involved with the planning of the activity. I’m Bill Pollock, and this will be my third ride to meet the Texas 4000. Join me!