Saturday, 3 SOB Riders tackled 110 mile; 10,000+ feet of climb at the Gila Monster Gran Fondo in Silver City, NM. Friday evening was a packet pick-up, early dinner and early to bed evening. With a cool 8:00 AM start our riders were met with a beautiful sunny, blue sky morning.







Then it was off to tackle the Gila Monster!! As the groups slowly spread out; it soon became a solitary ride.


But the scenery of the Gila Wilderness was breathtaking!! This is why we ride!!






But with all rides in the wilderness there are decisions to be made. At the T-Intersection, some went left to meet the challenge of multiple climbs; some went left for the final climbing ascent into Silver City!! There was no wrong choice for an SOB!! Climbing is in our blood!! What a weekend; what a ride!! Can’t wait to hear the stories!




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