This Saturday Bob took 15 Saturday Riders on a 36 mile climbing extravaganza in preparation for next Thursday’s Club ride in the Jemez Mountains!  We circled the city clockwise from South Meadows, up the 599 frontage connecting to Tano Bridge, and across to Bishops Lodge Road. We then weaved our way up and down the hills and arroyos on Barranca Road and Sierra del Norte tackling some wicked climbs. Then it was a welcomed descent down Artist and Gonzales Road before the climb up Camino Cruz Blanca on to Santa Fe Trail out to El Gancho Way and Old Pecos Trail. That was the start of a no holds barred sprint down Rabbit Road with a return to South Meadows. The repaired and upgraded tandem of David and Christine was the break away rabbit the peloton could not catch!! GREAT RIDE – A spirited 35.5 miles with about 2,200 feet of climb. Thanks Bob!

But wait… there’s more… A GREAT Ride needs a GREAT lunch… there was no delay heading for lunch and refreshments at Santa Fe Capital Grill!!


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