Thursday, SOB Riders rode the 38 mile “Tour of Pueblos” in one of the groups fastest average Thursday ride times – 17+ MPH. The counterclockwise route included a climb to the Cochiti Lake Overlook (Monica behind the lens)…

and the downhill run to the Rio Grande River. The new Highway 22 bridge was a welcomed sight to SOB Riders. No more “portage” across the arroyo. Our stop at the Rio Grande is always a welcomed experience (Joe behind the lens). The NEW Rio Grande Bridge under construction is designed to replace the existing bridge. Too bad the old bridge can not be saved as a dedicated SOB Bridge Ride Stop… Maybe add a Coffee Shop, outdoor tables and restrooms! 🙂 Enough fantasy… time for a reality check and an uphill climb back to I-25.

The uphill return ride soon turned from a socializing gaggle to became a series of pace lines in an effort to overcome a strengthening headwind (Tom behind the lens).

Once back at the start point, it was time to head to the Ranch House for lunch and refreshments! YAHOO!


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