Riding in July and possibly beyond
The SOB Board met (virtually) today and approved the following guidelines for SOB rides starting now and continuing until further notice.
Background: Covid-19 has not receded as we had all hoped. In fact, cases nationwide and in neighboring states have begun to rebound, and although New Mexico is still in reasonably good shape, it has also seen an uptick in cases. Since we are going to have to live with it for the foreseeable future, we need to adapt in a way that is safe for us but still allows us to live our lives. Several “unofficial” groups of SOBs have been riding together since our closure in mid-March with no known issues as of June 24. There seems no reason not to offer these groups, and others that may form, coverage under our liability insurance, which we have paid for already for 2020. The latest and best available health science information says that outdoor transmission of Covid-19 is extremely rare and very few, if any, documented cases of outdoor transmission have occurred. Along with social distancing, hand sanitizing, and mask wearing, keeping your number of contacts small and contained is strongly advised. So we are NOT going to restart a regular all club ride schedule.
However, the SOBs are going to sanction the existing ride groups and offer to sanction any new groups that form as long as all these groups adhere to a small set of requirements and take active notice of several strong recommendations.
Rides are official SOB rides if:
1) There is at least one SOB certified ride leader, and at least a total of 2 riders.
2) Riders are paid up SOB members, all riders wear helmets, and all riders have submitted both the standard and a new Covid-19 waiver. (total of 2 waivers). Ride leaders will be given access to the SOB membership list which indicates who is paid and waivered. SPECIAL NOTE: DO NOT RIDE IF YOU HAVE ANY ACTIVE SYMPTOMS AND FOR 10 DAYS AFTER ALL SYMPTOMS ARE GONE. DO NOT RIDE IF YOUHAVE BEEN EXPOSED AND FOR AT LEAST 14 DAYS AFTER BEING EXPOSED.
3) Ride groups adhere to SOB ride rules and current NM Health Advisories to the greatest extent possible. New groups should strive for five or fewer riders; existing groups should strive for subgroups of that size. If and when larger groups are permitted by NM Health Advisories, that is the maximum number the SOBs should strive for. Ride groups shall maintain the same group of riders. Please do not add more riders than allowed by NM Health Advisories, and do not swap riders between groups. This allows us to keep a consistent set of ride partners and thus to keep a consistent set of contacts.
4) Social distance at starts, at rest stops, at end of ride. It is prudent to ride farther back behind people than the six-foot social distance limit. Masks should be worn whenever state or local health advisories or laws require them.
5) Ride groups are self-organizing – including routes, start location, start time. Rides will be scheduled via email lists and the SOB website will not be used to schedule any rides.
6) There is a form on the SOB website which anyone can submit indicating they are looking to become a part of a ride group. The webmasters will forward that information to ride leaders who are willing to form new groups and members will be contacted by the ride leaders to set up rides. The form and the Covid waiver can be accessed here: https://santafesobs.com/june-2020-ride-information/
June 12 Board Meeting Minutes
Santa Fe Senior’s on Bikes
Board Meeting
June 12, 2020 via Zoom Meeting Service
This Board meeting took place via Zoom because of the current pandemic of the COVID 19 virus. In attendance via Zoom were Judy Coslow, Steve Gitomer, Ian Norrish, Bob Bogart, Lynn Pickard, Lore Thorpe, Michael Knarr, and Christine Van Dornick.
Judy called the meeting to order at 3 PM. The first issue was a review of the COVID 19 waiver that was prepared by Bob Bogart. All Board Members voted that this waiver language seems reasonable. After the Board reviews the current situation of the virus and the SOB rides resume, then this waiver will be placed on the website and there will be a reminder for all members to sign online before they participate in the regular scheduled rides.
The second issue was a review of the application of existing liability insurance for the current state of unofficial rides that existing members are coordinating by email. This discussion took place after a motion was made that insurance should apply to members who are participating in unofficial rides at this time. After this discussion, no agreement was reached. Since time for the meeting was running out, the discussion was put off until the next meeting.
The third issue was when the SOB would resume regular ad hoc and Thursday group rides. Currently, due to the pandemic, the regular ride schedule had been suspended. As stated, there are known groups of A and B group riders that are organizing unofficial rides by email contact. It was generally agreed that the current ride situation would continue (I.e. be unofficial rides). Judy and Lynn will organize C group riders via email for the last two Thursday rides during June and lead those rides. If any guest riders come to a particular group, it is recommended that the individuals sign the regular SOB Waiver.
The SOB Board agreed to meet via Zoom on June 29 at 3 PM to see if the current situation on the spread of COVID 19 has changed and to determine if the regular ride schedule or some variation of it will resume.
Meeting adjourned at approximately 3:35 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Van Dornick, Secretary
Long Time No See
Hey SOBs. Hope everyone is coping and riding as much as possible. If you are running out of ride ideas I want to remind you that we have a route archive that you can easily access. Click the local rides menu item or here (https://santafesobs.com/route-library/) Enjoy. Stay Healthy.
Reminder: Community courtesy during Covid19 outbreak
Just a reminder that the SOB’s are not riding in group rides at this time. We will let you know when that starts up again.
As a further reminder, if you are riding with your pals, we ask that you respect the NM Public Health Order and not ride in groups larger than 5 and maintain 6 ft distance when stopped. (This is still the NM Public Health Order through May 31).
And if you are riding with a group, please do not wear an SOB jersey.
Thank You for your understanding during this difficult time.
Judy Costlow
Lynn Pickard
Bob Bogart
May Food Depot Results
I got an email from Food Depot this morning. Congratulations to all who contributed. We raised even more money in May than in April. But fewer people contributed.
In May, so far, we have contributed $2150 from 12 people. In April it was $1720 from 20 people.
All told we have raised $3870 for the Food Depot. Good Job SOB’s.
It’s never too late to contribute. See this link for how to give a shout out to SOBs if you do contribute. https://santafesobs.com/challenge/
Texas 4000 Ride
Seniors on Bikes has hosted in Santa Fe one of the three rides of the Texas 4000 challenge for the past 5 years. Students from the University of Texas leave Austin and ride to Anchorage, Alaska,riding 4000 miles and raising about $1 million for cancer research. Our members have met the Sierra Route on their arrival in Eldorado and escorted them to their motel in Santa Fe. We join them for dinner at the Los Compadres Country Club and a presentation by the students.
This year, the group altered the route and instead of Santa Fe, follow I-10 basically to Phoenix and then ride vans to San Diego and ride north from there. But today, May 13, the Texas 4000 has made the difficult decision to cancel the entire ride due to the complications of COVID-19. They postponed the decision as long as possible, but in the end, the logistics of hotels, restaurants and other support necessities are too unstable.
The students each year on the ride will have spent two years preparing for the ride. They work a raising funds, learning how to address large groups of strangers in various settings, learning how to ride 100-mile-day rides. Of the 2000 students each year who join in the program, only 100 are selected for the actual ride. We can empathize with them in this decision, which must be devastating to them
Submitted by Bill Pollock
May Challenge
Let’s donate more of our unused lunch money and Cinco de Mayo party money to the Food Depot. The need is still immense. Here is the link to how to donate and to provide a shout out to the SOBs so we know how much we donate. https://santafesobs.com/challenge/
Last month the average SOB donation was $86. From 20 people. So the goal is simple: more people, more money.
Stay Healthy.
SOB store closing soon
Last chance to get your order in. Store closes Mon May 4 end of day.
Click here to go to the SOB store.
Gravel Rides?
Hi all, as you know, our club has a big group of road riders, a smaller group of dedicated mountain bike riders and folks that regularly ride both road and mountain bikes. So that got me wondering, where does that put some of us that like to ride on paved surfaces as well as on gravel roads? Gravel riding seems to be very different than what is considered tradition mountain bike riding and as a result gravel mountain bikes are normally quite different beasts.
You have probably noticed the trend in recent years for dedicated road riders to start to include the possibility of riding on roads that are not paved. Hence the popularity of “gravel” or “all-road” segment of the bike market. A all-road or gravel bike is essentially just a road bike that can take wider tires may have a somewhat more relaxed frame geometry. Cyndy and I got new all-road bikes recently that replaced an older carbon road bike and a steel touring bike for us respectively. I think both of us got them primarily for road riding, but Salsa Warbirds are very versatile bikes that seem equally at home on paved or unpaved surfaces https://salsacycles.com/bikes/warbird/2019_warbird_carbon_105_700.
I do enjoy the lack of traffic found on most of the gravel roads I ride. Unlike the 5x normal riding speed seen in the timelapse Gopro videos I have been making, the pace on gravel roads lends itself to being more relaxed, giving you a chance to enjoy the scenery and not worry about traffic as much. I got out this morning and did a little longer ride, at least for me these days: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/47910424 that went up the winding road in Apache Canyon. But unlike when the club rides out there and turns around when the pavement ends, I kept riding along the unpaved section of Highway 51 which runs about 20 miles along Rowe Mesa. I saw one car along the 8 miles of the gravel road on the way out and none on the way back, fun stuff
Highway 51 Part-1 5x Timewarp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0AyGNzvkG1U&t=1s
Highway 51 Part-2 5x Timewarp: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXY7-NUb5ks
Santa Fe Rails to Trail 2
Hi all, I’m still playing with the new GoPro on the Rails to Trail if anyone is interested in that sort of thing. I went out this morning and rode the rest of the improved section of the Santa Fe Rails to Trail route. I rode south from the house along the Eldorado section of the trail and then along the two miles or so of the very nice, new section of the trail that extends the route from Eldorado to Spur Ranch Road. Mike emailed me and suggested I try the timelapse mode on the GoPro, which I have never played with before, so I googled how to do it. The GoPro 8 has something called “Timewarp” mode that applies image stabilization to a video made up of individual timelapse images. The result is a video that runs at about 30x normal speed.
I set the GoPro to Timewarp mode and rode from the house along the southern section of the Rails to Trail. I just took a look at the resulting timelapse video when I got home, and it’s too fast to follow for my taste. I will see if I can set the camera to grab images more frequently, which should effectively slow the timelapse video down next time. BTW, as timelapse mode is based on a series of individual photos, there is no way record audio while the images are being captured, so there is no audio in the resulting video. Or at least no audio without without post-production video editing, which I don’t know how to do yet. On the other hand, for some reason I was a chatterbox on the normal video I shot when riding the route north, ha.
When I got the Spur Ranch Road, I set the camera to normal video mode, but this time at 4K to see if that would improve the image quality when the video is uploaded to Youtube. So the first 3 videos listed below are with me chattering away while riding north on the Rails to Trail route. The fourth video is the “Timewarp” video riding south on the trail from the house. And the fifth video is a link to a fellow named Darwin that Rich and I follow who has a very active Youtube channel riding the Santa Fe Rails to Trail back in 2016. I added a link to Darwin’s video as he has hiked and biked all over the country and he was still very impressed by our little Rails to Trail route. BTW, if others have video cameras mounted on themselves or their bikes, please share your rides with the club during this time of social distancing.
Santa Fe Rails to Trail 4, riding north-a, 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NmHq_P2atFE&feature=youtu.be
Santa Fe Rails to Trail 5, riding north-b, 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhHSILcZSpY&feature=youtu.be
Santa Fe Rails to Trail 6, riding north-c, 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RvF6nhgyizc&feature=youtu.be
Santa Fe Rails to Trail “Timewarp”, riding south: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=521xMMjf-Wg&feature=youtu.be
Darwin’s 2016 ride on Santa Fe Rails to Trail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHd_5gg488E
Santa Fe Rails to Trail
Hi all, Gopro’s are on sale these days for 100.00 off, so I broke down and got one from REI yesterday. Cyndy has given me a hard time for using my phone to take videos while riding, which to be fair, is not the most clever thing I have done…..hence the Gopro. It’s harder than I thought to figure out how to use the darn thing and upload videos, let alone editing the videos, which I have not looked into yet. But I did head out this morning on a loop that I have been riding lately on my “all-road” bike running 42mm slicks: https://ridewithgps.com/trips/47617546 with the Gopro hanging below the aerobars.
I was very curious to see how the image stabilization works, and if the microphone could pick up my voice over the wind noise. I am quite the Gopro novice, for example, I did not know that a single long video like the one I made is automatically broken up into individual 4gb videos. I also had trouble figuring how to load the videos from the Gopro onto my Windows desktop. Anyway, I think I uploaded the 5 mile section of the Rails to Trail from Rabbit Road to Eldorado in three parts if you have nothing better to do want to check out pieces of them. BTW, the video was recorded in 1080p high-def, which looks very good in its native form, but as I have heard, the video quality is degraded significantly when files are uploaded to youtube, if anyone has any ideas on maintain video quality when uploading files to share, drop me a line:
First section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OKhclmO09x8
Second section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHcjOVPFmg8
Last section: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2oO64cOwac
Challenge Results and New Challenge
Congratulations SOBs. I heard from the Food Depot and as of April 17, those who contributed to the Food Depot in honor of SOBs donated $1720 from 20 people. That averages out to $86 each. Way To Go.
So here’s a new challenge. Let’s do better in May! I’ll remind you when May rolls around. And if you decide to donate before that make sure you fill out the “in honor of” section and put in SOBs. That way we can keep track of our results.
Keep The Rubber Side Down. Stay Healthy. Ride Far Apart. Wash Your Hands. Don’t Go To Georgia.
Do You Believe …………
Well, do ya? If you do and you want to be ready for the restart of SOB rides (sometime in the next couple of years) then order your SOB kit NOW!
The kit will be shipped direct to you untouched by filthy SOB hands.
Since we are in separation mode there are no samples to try on. There is a size chart on the website.
If you’re looking to help during this crisis, the Food Depot is feeding lots of needy New Mexicans. You may have already donated to your favorite charity and that is great. Congratulations. I am challenging us all to donate a few days of our unused after ride lunch money to the Food Depot in honor of the SOBs.
The link is https://www.thefooddepot.org/
if you click the check box of honor or in memory fill in SOBs and the email of info@santafesobs.com and we will get a notification of your donation.
Let’s see how much we can raise.
Stay Safe and Healthy.
This is what the honor thing should look like:
Perils (?) of indoor training
He was tooling along nicely last week when, suddenly, he slowed to a crawl despite pedaling furiously. What the what was happening? Zwift detected something was amiss and pulled him from the race.
“Either you missed your calling as a pro,” he said he was told in a message on his screen, “or there is something wrong with one of your devices.” (This is the same message I get all the time on Zwift, which is why I stick to Sufferfest. Well, it’s something like, “you’re pedaling too slow and blocking the road, get a motor”, which is similar right?)
De Gendt, of course, hadn’t missed his calling as a pro at all, and he quickly tweeted to the app: “i got thrown out of a race because of my superhuman power. Can you fix the stats for me?”
More and more athletes are using apps such as Zwift, and De Gendt was showing Tim Wellens, a Lotto Soudal teammate, the ropes.
“On a climb I just did the numbers that I more or less push in a race. Suddenly I was blocked and neutralized by the game,” he told Het Nieuwsblad, a Flemish newspaper. “You may still pedal so hard, but you are still set at a low speed. That’s a bit of a shame when you’re on a race.”
He went on to say that he hoped Zwift and other online apps would expand the parameters for users.
“It is only a game of course on Zwift, but I have a logo behind my name that I am a pro, so I hope those values can be lifted a bit,” De Gendt said. “Those races on Zwift are just perfect training for me.”
And more………..
Alas, the explanation for the electrical failure lay elsewhere.
Her husband, triathlete Tim O’Donnell, confessed he had tripped over the cord when he entered the room and moved behind her to hold up cards for the camera.
“He decided to bring my trophies in here as motivation, and when he walked around the back, he kicked out the plug,” she said with a laugh on her Instagram story. “What an idiot!”
She kept pedaling in the 55-mile race anyway and later held up a sign that read, “It’s Tim’s fault.”
Carfrae vowed she won’t be seeking retribution.
Riding during Covid19
I put links to current information regarding riding during the Covid19 crisis on one page of our website and linked to it from the home page. However you can also just click here and go to it. If you have any information you feel would benefit our group then email it to me and I will add it to that page.
Info from USA Cycling
USA Cycling has cancelled all events through May 3. USA Cycling is using 50% of new membership fees to support front line healthcare workers. See below. And they have suggestions on helping each other as well as helping local bike shops during this crisis.
USA Cycling is asking you to join us in making an even bigger impact. USA Cycling is working to support community health and increase the availability of PPE for medical professionals. From today until the date our current event suspension date is lifted (May 3), USA Cycling will use 50% of new membership payments to purchase face masks for use by front-line healthcare workers. We will partner with cycling industry companies like Orucase, Kitsbow, and Pinch Flat Designs so that each new membership will result in the purchase of masks for front-line health care workers.
Flat fixing tips
Roadbikerider.com latest newsletter has an article I found useful in that it gives some great tips on how to fix a flat tire fast. (You can query google to find their website and the latest newsletter and then the article will be there). I can’t figure out how to add a link on this blog, sorry.
Whether or not speed in flat fixing is an issue with you or not isn’t what the article is about. But the tips provided will be helpful to me, and will definitely help in getting the job done.
Something to practice now while we’re stuck at home.
SOB Response to Covid-19 Crisis
The board has made the difficult decision to cancel all SOB rides until further notice. That includes at least the first April Thursday ride and all ongoing ad hoc rides.
The below statement is from USA Cycling as of March 15.
Due to the latest data on COVID-19’s spread and the healthcare system’s ability to manage this crisis, USA Cycling is recommending cancellation of all sanctioned events immediately and calling on all race and event directors, clubs, coaches, athletes, and members to postpone or cancel all scheduled races and events immediately. This includes any gatherings such as group rides, in-person group meetings, etc. We are suspending permits on all events through April 5th.
We tapped David Nieman, Dr.PH., health professor at Appalachian State University and director of the Human Performance Lab at the North Carolina Research Campus, and Brian Labus, Ph.D., MPH, assistant professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Nevada Las Vegas, to help answer cyclists’ most frequently asked questions.
Is it safe to ride outside?
Yes—in fact, it’s safer to be outside than inside when it comes to disease transmission. When people congregate together and someone sneezes or coughs, droplets get onto objects that people touch, and then people touch their face, Nieman explains. The best plan for riding right now is to go out and ride solo and enjoy the outdoors.
Should you avoid riding in groups?
As of March 15, USA Cycling has recommended races and other gatherings, such as races and group rides be canceled or postponed and is suspending permits on all events through April 5.
Can coronavirus be spread through sweat?
According to the CDC, transmission of the coronavirus happens between people who are in close contact with one another (about six feet) and through respiratory droplets, produced through a cough or sneeze—not sweat.
Is my immune system weaker postride or after a hard workout?
As you deplete your stores of glycogen, your immune system does not function as well as it normally does. That means in the hours following a hard ride or race, if you have been exposed to someone who has been sick with the flu or coronavirus, your bodies defenses are down, Neiman says. Additionally, mental or physical stress—caused by exerting yourself on a long ride, in a race, or after very hard workout—could slightly increase your chances of becoming ill, Labus explains.
“I would caution cyclists to avoid long, intense rides or workouts right now until we get through all this and just to kind of keep things under control,” Nieman says. “Don’t overdo it. Be worried more about health than fitness.”
However, that doesn’t mean you need to quit riding or exercising altogether. There is a very strong connection between regular exercise and a strong immune system in the first place, so the long-term immune system benefits of exercising far outweigh any short-term concerns, Labus says.
Alternate Energetic Group Ride – 17 MAR 2020
Start at Lamy Depot @ 1030
Monday Mar 16 additional ride
If you can and if you want some of us will ride Monday rather than Tuesday. Same time, same place. Weather Monday supposed to be Sunny, 50deg, 7 mph wind vs Tuesday overcast, still 50 deg but 14 mph wind. Or ride both.
Alternate Thursday (3/12/2020) Energetic Ride
For those interested, a few of us will be riding from the Madrid ballpark at 10:00 AM.
Some of us will be doing a loop down the Turquosie Trail past Golden to NM 344, up Heartbreak Hill to Cedar Grove, NM 41 to Galisteo, NM 42 back to NM 14 and Madrid. 68 miles, 3300 feet.
Some may opt for shorter out and backs to Golden or to the top of Heartbreak.
Madrid to Golden out & back 23.5 miles, 1700’
Madrid to Heartbreak out & back 30 miles 2400’
Madrid to Cedar Grove out & back 42 miles, 3000’
Jacob Brown Sentencing Hearing Audio
LynnP got the audio and it has been posted on the website. There are 3 files.
-d1 which is the first 1hr 18 min of the hearing
-d2 which is the final 28 min of the hearing including the Judge’s sentence
-Judge which is 13 min and contains only the Judge’s sentence
Attention All Elite 80 Riders
While you do not have to pay any dues to be members, please remember that you do need to submit a waiver EVERY year. Only 1 of you has done that. Please click here and fill out and submit the waiver. Thanks from your membership team.
Regarding the SOB Twitter feed on the website
I just found this out last Monday. It can take up to 1 hour for a tweet to appear on the SOB website in the twitter feed. Tweets to hashtag #SFSOBSF will appear within a minute on Twitter itself but it can take up to an hour for them to appear on the website. So while we aim to notify 2 hours before start time, adding an extra hour to that makes a morning adjustment have a plus one hour uncertainty.
For those with a twitter phobia you will have to factor that into your ride day plan. Or, you can just use twitter itself, search for #SFSOBSF and then click Latest to sort from newest to oldest. On our twitter feed page there is a link direct to twitter at the top if you cannot type. (it’s #sfsobsf in red)
February 28 Board Meeting Minutes
Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes
Board Meeting
February 28, 2020
Meeting Location: El Castillo Retirement Community 250 Alameda Ave., Santa Fe
Those in attendance: Judy Costlow, Lynn Pickard, Bob Bogart, Michael Knarr, Christine Van Dornick.
Absent: Lore Thorpe, Edwin Crosswhite
Communication by conference call: Ian Norrish, Steve Gitomer
President Judy Costlow called the meeting to order at 12:34 pm
Item 1: Edwin’s Resignation
Edwin will continue to facilitate the education components for the SOB group including Ride Leader Training and lead the D Group rides. He has indicated that he will also continue to assist rider sign in at the regular Thursday scheduled rides. Edwin did serve as the SOB secretary for many years. Christine volunteered to serve as club secretary. This change was approved by Board consensus with no objections. Discussion followed on a way of thanking Edwin for his many years of contribution to and leadership of the SOB Group. The Board reached a consensus on an approach.
Since Edwin has resigned by Blog post on the website on February 26, 2020, there was concern that the SOB Board did not act in accordance with the club bylaws or adhere to Robert’s Rule’s of Order. The January 13, 2020, SOB Board meeting minutes have been reviewed and found to be consistent with the club bylaws. Bob Bogart has prepared a response to reflect this action. The response will include a link to the bylaws and January meeting minutes.
Item 2: Vote on A/A- ride management
Based on the January 13, 2020, Board Meeting minutes, the A/A- ride management proposed changes had been approved for the trial period of 1 year. Christine and all Board members will continue to monitor how these changes are working and review again at the end of the regular riding season. No further action was taken at this time.
Item 3: E bike rules discussion
This item was discussed at the January 13, 2020, Board meeting and there was some follow-up email communication from club members. The Board has revised the language in the January, 2020, minutes to the following:
E-bikes and riders are welcomed to ride with the Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes cycling club with the following stipulations.
1. E-bikes must be power assist that only provide power when the rider is pedaling. A rider with an e-bike that has both pedal assist and pedal free function will be allowed to ride if they use only the pedal assist function.
2. A power on demand bike such as a moped or motorcycle are not allowed unless they are support vehicles.
3. All riders are encouraged to take a bicycle safety class such as the League of American Bicyclist Smart Cycling courses especially if they are not familiar or used to riding a bicycle in an organized group.
4. New e-bike riders should ordinarily ride in the back of the pack. An exception is made when climbing a long hill and the e-bike rider is permitted to ride to and in the front of the pack. Experienced e-bike riders may ride wherever the ride leader, in his or her discretion, feels is safe.
5. It is the ride leader’s responsibility that participants on all SOB organized rides ride in a safe manner.
Steve Gitomer left the conference call at 1 pm and transferred his vote by proxy to Bob Bogart.
Item 4: On-Line sign up for rides
This process is generally used by the A/A- group for remote start locations. It may be used for all Thursday regular rides in the future.
Item 5: Other business
A. Billing from GPS
Several Board members had received an email regarding the billing for Ride with GPS. Bob Bogart said he will respond to the request for a billing agent.
B. CD from the recent Road Rage trial proceedings
Lynn Pickard obtained a recording of the recent sentencing hearing for the Road Rage trial proceedings (March 1, 2018). She had a CD with that information. Bob Bogart will try to place pertinent information from the CD on the club website.
C. Michael Knarr reviewed some information on the club website and requested verification on some sections. On the section dealing with lights on bikes, it was generally agreed that most cyclists on a SOB ride should have a rear flashing taillight. Lynn Pickard will review State Law and provide information on this topic.
D. A, B, and C group designation
There was discussion to determine if the letter designation for each group of cyclists should be modified to provide a designation based on the length and pace of rides that each group does. Bob Bogart stated that since many items on the website are associated with the current letter designation, this would be a great amount of work to change. It was generally agreed that all Board members would try to engage the ride groups to determine if this designation needs to be changed. The Board will revisit this issue in the fall to gather results of this communication.
E. Christine suggested a way to get more ride leaders to participate may be by offering a seasoned and certified ride leader to co-lead a ride with a new ride leader. Any potential ride leader still should go through the ride leader training.
F. SOB Buffs
Bob Bogart has inquired about purchasing SOB logoed neck gators. These could be purchased from Buff, Inc., at a cost of $10.50 for each if 100 buffs are purchased. Bob will check to see if Hincapie has a comparable neck gator so they could be sold through the SOB Store. More information will follow.
The meeting adjourned at 1:49 PM
Respectfully Submitted,
Christine Van Dornick
SOB Secretary
March Rides Posted
March time remains 11 am unless changed due to weather since we will lose an hour of warming once dreaded DST returns.
Thursday start location is the Outlet Mall. We may move one ride to Cities of Gold and possibly one to Abq but that will be done a few days in advance when weather is known. There will be a post.
Off Road Cycling by SteveG
From SOB Board to Membership
We were also saddened by Edwin’s resignation from the board and we know more than most that during his time on the board he contributed immensely to the success of the SOBs. He has indicated that he will continue teaching cycling classes and working the sign in table at Thursday rides and that is great news.
With respect to some concerns about board processes please refer to the minutes of the Jan 13 board meeting as posted on the blog by Edwin. Click here to read entire minutes. Specifically the following section:
“It was generally agreed that Christine would join the Board and serve as the liaison between the SOB Board and the A/A- group for this cycling season. The A/A- group would operate in accordance with the following proposal for one year”
The referenced proposal is contained in the minutes.
The club and board operate according to a set of Bylaws. These have been posted to our website and can be accessed by clicking here. The Bylaws cover processes such as membership meetings, decision making by consensus, and use of Roberts Rules.
We hope this clears up any confusion that may exist.
The Board had a short meeting today, Feb 28. Minutes will be posted after they are prepared and approved.
Stay Safe out there. Hopefully the weather is on a warming trend. See you at the next ride.
Your SOB Board: Judy, Christine, Ian, Steve, Bob, Mike, Lynn, Lore
Saturday energetic ride time change
Going to 10am. Should be warm enuf. Wind supposed to increase pm. Same place.
Monday Energetic Ride Time Changed to 10am
due to high wind forecast (>20 mph) later in the day. Tuesday still looks too cold. Check Twitter before ride, wind may cancel. Go / No go will be posted.
Annual SOB Bike Tour(s?)
Tuesday, Sept.8th, driving day to Saguache, to Sat. Sept 12th. Bicycling will start in Saguache, Colorado on Wednesday the 9th and end that day in Poncha Springs. On the 10th we will climb Monarch pass to Gunnison. On the 11th we will have a rest day in Gunnison, with severaL OPTIONS. On the 12th we will ride back to Saguache over Cochetopa Pass.. This is a challenging ride, totaling about 160 miles, but it is absolutely beautiful. And we will each have to take turns driving a support vehicle, so one could decide where to drive and ride. If you are interested, please let Judy know, sooner rather than later. I need to have an idea how many might go. j.costlow at gmail.com
Another cycling option could be in Victoria, BC for a hub ride. Our Canadian member, JP has offered to put it together. If interested contact Judy.
And a third option would be a hub ride from North Lake Tahoe (assuming no nearby fires or other CA catastrophes). One ride would be around the lake (70+ miles). A second ride would be from North Lake around Donner Lake, over Donner Pass (watch for bones) to Cisco Grove and back (40 miles). These are totally flat rides with absolutely no climbing (if you believe that I have a bridge for sale). Leave SF Mon or Tues Sept 7 or 8. Ride Sept 9/10/11/12 give or take depending on when we leave and the weather. If interested contact BobB and we can work on the details.
Interesting Write Up Regarding Cars and Cyclists from Utah
Worth a read. IMHO.
Upcoming weather and rides
Thursday looks to be too cold for most people, but it is your call.
Friday is warmer than Thursday but the forecast of extensive cloud cover would negate the warmth. A meeting point has been set as 599 RR station at 11am for a possible ride. Check twitter by 0900 for a message as we get closer. Could easily be cancelled.
Saturday and Sunday are washouts. I am cancelling Saturday rides.
Monday looks the best for the near future, while Tuesday is probably too cold again. So I have set up a Monday ride from DeVargas at 11am. I am not cancelling Tuesday although the temp is only 1 deg above an automatic cancellation at this time.
C’mon Spring!
Short Monday Ride, Feb 17
10:30 from DeVargas. Should be better weather than Tuesday. No more than 2 hours. Other things to do.
Jacob Brown Sentencing
District Judge T. Glenn Ellington has sentenced a Moriarty man to three and a half years in prison for backing into a group of cyclists during a 2018 road-rage incident. The Judge said Brown would have to serve at lease 85 percent of the sentence because he found the first two charges to meet the threshold of a serious violent offense. “You decided for whatever reason you weren’t done, you wanted to give them a piece of your mind, and the jury decided your actions were criminal,” Ellington said. Following his prison sentence, Brown will serve a year of probation, during which he must attend a victims’ impact group and anger management counseling. (excerpted from SF New Mexican article: https://www.santafenewmexican.com/news/local_news/man-gets-prison-time-in-santa-fe-county-road-rage/article_4e0c54ca-4dac-11ea-955d-8be926d401e2.html)
Several reactions:
From Doug:
No winners – The court case against Jacob Brown has finally ended, but sadly, this was a case where no one can claim victory. Mr. Brown was sentenced today to 3½ years imprisonment, but this doesn’t really represent a good thing. Instead, this case was surrounded by sadness. It was sad that Mr. Brown felt the need to injure several of us riding our bikes that fateful March 1st. It was sad that some of us were injured. It’s sad that the entire group was traumatized by witnessing the event. It was sad that it took nearly 2 years to come to court. It was sad to see Mr. Brown’s family, truly in pain with what had happened and to see their family member so accused when they knew him only as a loving family member. It was sad to see Mr. Brown, finally realizing that this was not going well for him, break down in court. It was sadder to see Mr. Brown still hoping that the court would see that, in his mind, it wasn’t his fault. It was sad that we had to speak out and help to put someone into the prison system. And, it was sad to walk away from the courthouse with a feeling of emptiness, knowing that all this could have been avoided had Mr. Brown not exhibited the road-rage he did, and just gone home. Perhaps the only winner in this entire ordeal is the bicycling community at large, who were shown that such acts of road rage will not be tolerated in New Mexico, and that we will, at least to some extent, be protected by the courts. But, the price paid for this victory, was too high, and that’s the saddest fact of all. Thank you all for being so supportive throughout this ordeal.
From me: Still a lot to process. However, I was impressed with the Judges message from the bench. I wish I had the transcript of what he said because it was very supportive of cyclists. The Judge said that there was no traffic in the oncoming direction, that we were riding on rural roads, that Mr Brown had the chance to pass, honk his horn and yell at us, and then move on down the road. But instead he stopped and backed into the group and caused serious injury and that he had to pay a significant price for his behavior. The Judge was not moved by his family’s statements nor by the attempt of the defense attorney to try to share the blame among all the parties.
From Catherine Rivard: Brian (Kreimendahl aka BrianKBikeRider) and I were glad to lend our support. We were grateful that the Judge Ellington clearly understood our community and the harm to it, even beyond the harm to the injured, and that he saw Brown for what he is. So very impressed with Ellington’s insight and compassion. Wishing Doug the shortest and least painful path possible through his continued treatment and recovery.
Sadly, there was one loser today. DonR had his car booted in the nearby El Paso Imports etc. parking lot. Note to others.
Reminder – Sentencing Hearing 10am Wed Feb 12
This is the Jacob Brown sentencing hearing. If you are attending to make a statement or just to provide emotional support your fellow SOBs will be appreciative. (Was 0900, changed to 1000).
The courtroom is located at: 1st Judicial District Court, 225 Montezuma Ave, SF, NM on 3rd floor, Judge T Glenn Ellington.
A and A- Thursday Rides for 2020 Open For Leaders Signup
The ride leader meeting did not make any changes to the A/A- ride schedule for 2020 so the signup page for leading rides is open for you to put in your name. Please read the rest of this blog post before you jump in.
We have an online spreadsheet that will be used to sign up for leading rides in 2020. The link is here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16VhxlQ7czfD3whPoLYMEXTwWMNMTQIgYujaUMOtLwRk/edit?usp=sharing
There are 2 paces for each ride, A and A-. In some cases the actual routes are different, e.g. White Rock loop, but for most, the routes are the same. Note that there are up to 5 signups for each ride and pace so do not skip a ride you want to lead just because there is a name already there. Sign up anyway. If you have a priority for which rides you want to lead just put a number after your name. e.g. for your first priority it would be “Fred1” and for your 3rd priority it would be “Fred3”. If you don’t care just put in your name with no number.
After a couple of weeks, the ARM group, which is RickG, GuyB, Christine, Lynn, and me (for 2020) will meet and massage the list, if needed, giving those who indicate their priority rides their choices as far as possible.
Then we will let you know which rides you have been listed as the primary lead. If there is more than 1 leader for any given ride we will leave those names on the sheet and use the alternates if needed. Note that if you sign up for an A ride and there are multiple A leaders requesting that ride, you may be asked to lead the A- if needed. However we will not promote an A- leader to an A ride position without consulting with you. We will, of course, notify you once all the adjustments have been made. Judy will get the link to the list so there is no need to email her unless you want to. And I will be posting the names on the website as in the past.
For anyone who is curious about A Ride Management (ARM), the proposal was approved by the board for 2020 on a trial basis. Below is a short summary of changes from 2019.
- ARM will self-assign ride leaders to save Judy extra work.
- ARM may, if weather warrants, adjust the ride schedule. This can include changing dates, routes, and/or start locations. If changes are made, notification will be made to the entire SOB community via a blog post and / or twitter depending on the amount of time before the ride.
Blog emails go out at 2am so if a change is made at least 1 day prior to a ride then a blog post will be made. However, if on the morning of a ride, conditions have changed, then only a twitter post will be made.
- For rides that start separate from the rest of the SOB group, the online signup process will be used. Folks can still ride if they don’t signup in advance.
Reminder Ride Leaders Meeting Mon Feb 3
All ride leaders welcome. 10:30 at El Castillo meeting room, where we usually have it. (Site of xmas potluck). Park across street, we will reimburse you.
Freezin’ Feb
Notes for February Rides:
Start location on Thursdays in Feb if it ever gets above freezing (for those who do not already have ice in their veins) is Santa Fe Community College. Look for people dressed in cycling clothes jumping up and down for warmth.
This coming Saturday looks almost reasonable. High of 50. The usual start locations.
Go 49ers!
Tour of the Rio Grande Century
We got an email from MichaelW, the operations manager of the TORG Century. He thanked those of us who rode last year, most of us wore our SOB jerseys. The 2020 date is Sunday April 26. Registration and info are here: http://www.touroftheriogrande.com/
His message:
I want to thank your crew. I saw the jerseys riding in 2019 and was just incredibly happy to see it. So happy it’s something they wanted to do. If it’s possible, send a huge thank you to them from me. Meant so much and I promise that this year will be just as awesome!
Have a great remaining bit of winter, and a great start of spring till i see you!
Jacob Brown Trial
Mr Brown was tried and found guilty yesterday of Great Bodily Injury by Vehicle (Reckless Driving) Class F3, Leaving the Scene of an Accident (Great Bodily Harm or Death) Class F4, and Reckless Driving Class PM.
On March 1, 2018, Mr. Brown passed a group of SOB cyclists heading south on NM 41 at high speed. After passing the group he stopped his car, and proceeded to back up into the group that was travelling toward Galisteo. He gravely injured DougH (12 broken ribs, two collapsed lungs, a broken pelvis, a broken cheek bone and dislocated shoulder) and caused BudB and EdD to suffer broken bones and ribs.
We are thankful that Santa Fe citizens are supportive of the rule of law and that cyclists are not considered targets on our roads. We hope everyone stays safe: motorists, pedestrians, and cyclists.
Sentencing for Mr Brown is scheduled for Feb 12 at 0900. Doug has provided the following information that he got from the DA:
The judge is hoping for 2 hours of testimonials from our side. The prosecutor’s office would like a list of anyone who will be testifying, and suggested that Bud, Ed and I, along with up to 7 other people, should be sufficient. And, we can get together to make sure our message is clear and consistent (sounds like an excuse for beer and pizza to me). Also, people who cannot testify, but want their statement entered into the record are free to submit a letter to the court, pictures (can be electronic) or whatever else they feel appropriate. This submission (letters, photos, etc.) need to be to the prosecutor’s office (attn. Blake Nichols) by February 5th, because for them to be admitted, a copy must be submitted first to the defense, so they want to get a packet out a week before trial. Anyone testifying does not have to provide their statement ahead of time, but simply can read (I will be going that route) or extemporize. So, I’ve been asked to both state the above, and also get a list of the people who will be speaking at the court to the prosecutor’s office, also by the 5th. Any photos that should be seen can be emailed to me and I’ll forward them to the court where they can print them and have them available for the hearing or they can be sent directly.
The mailing address for the prosecutor:
Office of the District Attorney
First Judicial District
Attn: Blake Nichols
Re: State of New Mexico vs. Jacob R. Brown
P.O. Box 2041
Santa Fe, NM 87504-2041
Saturday energetic rides
Sandia RR station 11am
Galisteo church 11am
Ride from El Camino cancelled.
Snow Shoe Meetup
Saturday Jan 18, 11am, Black Cyn
Website refresh
Or whatever you want to call it. I modified the home page to make it more compact and efficient and to make it more mobile friendly (cell phone). The scrolling photos are gone from the cell phone version of the page. Also some of the formatting is adjusted to better fit on a tablet. I added a next 3 rides section to the home page. I added a note about how we communicate.
I put all the essential information about our club, our rides, safety etc on one (long) page. This way there are no links to click around and search for information. It is all on one page. I could see no reason to have 6 different pages with partial information and then link to another page to get the rest of the information. And having it all on one page allowed me to remove the repetitious statements thus making things more efficient. “Everything You Need To Know To Ride With SOB’s”
There are some subtle changes to wording to more closely reflect how we do things now. (See if you can find one.)
I would strongly suggest that everyone carefully read thru the section on Safety to refresh your own thinking and, for those who ride a paceline, carefully read thru the paceline section.
Stay Safe.
Another ABQ ride
Forecast is 56 for a high in ABQ on Tuesday Jan 14. (vs 43 in town). So we are planning to ride from Sandia again, different ride. Lunch after, not during.
See this: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31724488
My name is Don Rogers. My service dog “GUS” is still missing. My family is heartbroken and needs additional boots on the ground. We are asking for you to become a part of Gus’s army.
Gus was lost on December 13 at I-25 and Budaghers exit 257. He is extremely friendly and we believe someone may have taken him from that location.
During the past 26 days, we’ve posted on Team Frijoles, PetHarbor, PawBoost, Facebook, Nextdoor, Lost My Doggy, Lost Dogs New Mexico, SF NM Lost & Found Pets, SF Bulletin Board and several other web pages. We’ve hung 2’ x 2’ signs and handed out flyers from Santa Fe to Albuquerque.
We recently created a Facebook page for Gus. It is our intention to keep you posted with current updates and at the same time, ask you to share with your friends, your community groups and everybody you know. PLEASE help ensure this momentum does not stop until “Gus” is home and safe.
We are offering a $1,000 REWARD for his safe return. My family thanks you from the bottom of our hearts.
Please go to Facebook, www.facebook.com/BringGusHomeNewMexico
ABQ ride Tuesday Jan 7
Meet at Sandia RR station for 11am start. Adrian 😃
30 – 40 miles, pace will fit all riders.
January Rides
Oops. Lost track of the month, err year?, err decade? Ah well. Happy New Year.
Yesterday was too cold to ride anyway. January rides are posted. Times are still 1100. Thursday start is Museum Hill unless we find that the roads arounnd there are too icy and then we will advise.
There is an energetic ride this coming Sunday, Jan 5, when it will be at least a tad warmer than Saturday and also supposedly less windy. From El Camino at 1100.
Ho Ho Ho and all that. Time to join for 2020
Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Happy (?) Festivus. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Strike_(Seinfeld)
Give yourself the gift of SOB membership. It is time to join for 2020. Please note that we have added 2 new fields to the join form. We are collecting your emergency contact information. We will provide this to all ride leaders at the start of the season, just in case. It is optional, you do not have to provide emergency contact info.
As for riding, the next few days (thru New Years) are quite iffy if not downright unrideable. So warm up your (new) indoor trainer. I am not going to cancel outright, just be aware that given the holidays and the weather, not many people are going to be showing up. It is possible that a weather break will occur and the various groups should email amongst themselves to set up alternate rides. Stay Safe. Have a wonderful holiday season.
Wed Dec 18 Ride from Sandia RR Sta at 11am
Here is route. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/31609087
This is 40 miles. Could easily be shortened to 33 miles. Make sure you check twitter before leaving in case of a change. No twitter post then ride is on.
Texas Hill Country March 15-21
It’s time to think spring rides! (In spite of the current weather conditions). March 15-21 is the Rides of March event which coincides with the MN groups Texas Rides Again event. It’s in Fredericksburg, Tx on great quiet backroads. Rides every day in the area. Both of these events follow up on the famous Hell Week event that no longer exists. For more info you can contact me juliejacobs2303@yahoo.com
Holiday Party Thursday December 19
Hi All you SOBs, Thursday December 19th is our annual Holiday Party. It will be at the El Castillo Community Room at 250 E Alameda Street. It is a pot luck dinner and BYOB. If you are coming, please let Judy know by Monday Dec. 16th. You can email me at: j.costlow@gmail.com Let me know what you will be bringing and if you are bringing a guest.
I will let those who are coming know where to park after the 16th. I hope to see many of you here. It is always fun to see each other out of uniform in “regular” clothes. We will have A SHORT slide show about our trip to Silver City this year.
December Rides
All start at 11am. Thursday Start location will be ElDorado Agora
Happy Thanksgiving
Here’s hoping you all have a safe and enjoyable Thanksgiving. I know we are all thankful for enjoying each others company on our bikes and in our off bike activities. Even if the weather is conspiring to keep us from riding this weekend – there is still skiing, snow shoeing, and hiking to get us outside. Wahoo!
Ride start energetic Saturday Nov 23
Will be at 599 RR station. Not El Camino. Look for possible change to Monday ride rather than Tuesday. 11am.
Weather getting cold! Time changed for all ad hoc rides to 11am
It is going to be winter starting tomorrow. So I am changing the start time to 11am for the rest of November. Tell your friends. We start Dec Jan Feb at 11am anyway. Stay Safe.
Also I am cancelling the Thursday Nov 21 ride for all groups. Weather forecast is pretty bad.
Recent Rides Recap
The energetic group has been averaging about 14 riders per ride, 3 days per week, since November started. Great turnout. We recently did two atypical rides, one in ABQ and one here in town. If you don’t want to read about them, now is the time to move on.
This past Thursday we rode about 40 miles in ABQ. Starting and finishing at the Sandia RR Station, we rode to southwest ABQ and back with a stop at Slice for just that (and a beer) before the last 7 miles, which fortunately were all downhill.
The weather was fantastic, about 52 at the start, warming to 62, with little wind. It was a very relaxed ride since no one but MikeD knew where we were going. Thanks again Mike.
On Saturday, the informal Santa Fondo, hosted by Irena Ossola, was well attended by SOBs. Of the 26 riders in the start photo (below) 19 are SOBs. Start and finish at Santa Fe Brewing. Most of us went out and back to Galisteo, while the super energetic team did the full Galisteo loop.
Irena with hands raised. You may have to really search the image to see us all. (best image will be if you click read in browser) We had decent weather, a bit on the windy side, although a tail wind from 14 to Galisteo was much appreciated, the return into it was less so. Still there was a awesome result from 3 of our riders. See below. On an 8.4 mile segment from just after the turn onto 42 until Galisteo, 3 of our guys (Tom, Shawn, and Gordon) rode faster than the perennial KOM of Santa Fe, Fortunato Ferrara.
Above is the segment. Below are the results. Not all time mind you, just on Saturday.
After the ride we relaxed with a free beer courtesy of Santa Fe Brewing.
Shawn, Diane, hidden person, Christa, yt
Gordon (not facing camera), Shawn, John and CatV. Thanks for the photos, Irena.
Also, on a slightly different note, we heard from Lynn regarding the upcoming trial. She posted a comment to the blog entry. Click here to read her comment (and one from Khalil).
World Bicycle Relief
World Bicycle Relief is having a 1:1 gift matching fund raiser today.
Here is a chance to directly help make a person’s life better through the gift of a bicycle.
update from DougH regarding trial
I was called today by the district court regarding the attack on the SOB’s 20 months ago where 3 of us were injured. The final status hearing was held yesterday and no move to again postpone the process was accepted, so now, we proceed to trial. Next Tuesday, the 19th, jury selection is to begin. So, sometime next week, a jury should be seated to hear this case. Additionally, Monday, the 18th, the judge will hear arguments from both sides, regarding 7 motions made by the defense to limit or eliminate testimony from various witnesses, most especially Bud and myself. The prosecution has stated they will vigorously oppose such motions, so hopefully, they will not go through. Because of the holidays and cases already on the docket, an initial trial date has been set for January 6th, 2020, and is expected to conclude by the end of that week. Subpoenas for the trial will be issued sometime in the mid to late December timeframe. The proceedings are open to the public, but anyone who has been subpoenaed may not be in the courtroom except as they are called to witness. Once dismissed, we still cannot enter the courtroom to watch the proceedings in case we may be recalled for further testimony. The intent is to prevent any witness from having their testimony from being tainted by the proceedings.
I asked, and was told that the press would already be in court to report on the proceedings. Also, any other interested party, members of the SOB’s who were either not on the ride or are not subpoenaed, are encouraged to attend.
I’m dizzy by all this, but determined to go through with whatever is needed. The message that we bicyclists are not fair game for angry motorists must be made.
ed. note: Regarding attendance at the trial, I will request Lynn to chime in if there is value in having folks who were not on that ride attend the trial.
Stay Safe everyone.
New rides posted – read for comprehension
Nov 14, Thursday from Sandia RR Sta for those interested. Same 10.30 time. Please register if you are coming. This is weather dependent so make sure you check twitter before heading to ABQ. Also, this is a winter ride and it is for all levels. We will stay together and ride tempo. Route to be determined based on weather, who shows up, and MikeD and me at the start. Several routes are available. The Paseo de la Mesa we did last year, a south ABQ loop, and a climbing ride. (GPS links are on the ride page.) All rides are about 35 miles with between 1K and 2K climbing. Regardless of which ride we do we will try to do the others later in the year. Thanks to MikeD for planning these rides and mapping the routes.
Nov 16, Saturday at 11am. The Santa Fondo is back. Courtesy of Irena Ossola (see below). While the standard route is Galisteo Loop, in the past we have gone out to Galisteo and then returned making it an out-back of about 40. The racer boys and gals will be long gone when we get to Galisteo and we usually get back around the same time they do. Of course our own racers may want to go all the way around, your choice. I will probably be content with 40, but depending on wind etc. This ride repeats on the following Saturday, the 23rd, so IF the weather for the 16th deteriorates then we will push it to the 23rd. Again check the twitter before heading out.
Santa Fondo description.
From Santa Fe brewing company (near the highway) on NOVEMBER 16 & 23. It will be at 11am (to hopefully avoid the cold) and be about 50 miles as we’ll ride the galisteo loop.A free beer to every rider and I’ll bring Larabars for everyone too! There is also supposed to be a food truck after the ride.
No official support, so bring a flat kit and cell phone. I’ll have my dad drive a car behind for emergencies.
SOB Holiday Party
Hi all you SOB’s, You are invited to a Holiday, and end of the season party.
It is in the El Castillo Community Room
250 E Alameda
Thursday, Dec. 19th at 6 PM
Bring your favorite dish to eat!
More information later.
From Senator Peter Wirth
Time change for Saturday Energetic Ride to 11am
was 10.30 am. opting for a bit more warmth so now 11am. just this coming Sat, Nov 2. at least for now.
Thrs Oct 31 rides IMPORTANT
Forecast is for quite cold at 10am. Christine and Dave have changed the A/A- ride to start at noon at Ft Marcy and go 20-30 miles but NOT down to Pojaque. NOTE: There is no A- ride leader.
For B (all types) and C: Bill P is going to lead a short 15 mile ride STARTING AT 10AM AT FT MARCY, around city area such as Canyon Road. Not to Pojaque.
Rides for November (and catchall ramble)
Yikes. 70 yesterday, snow today! Should be ok for a ride Tuesday the 29th, cold but barely within acceptable limits. (As a reminder, for me, those limits are: >=38 F, full sun, <=15mph wind, no precip, no significant snow or ice on the pave.) Forecast for 10am on Thursday the 31st is 28 and since the A and B rides are down to Pojaque, for those that show up, it will a test of fortitude and your winter kit. As always now that we are into more iffy weather, check twitter in the morning for any last minute cancellations or adjustments! (I strongly suspect that there may be some changes coming for Thursday the 31st, given the forecast start temp, so stay tuned).
15 SOBs joined the Day of the Tread in Querque yesterday. Fine day to ride out, bit of a head wind on the way back! We did the unofficial 60, out to Bernalillo (after a sopapilla hit at El Pinto), up Placitas, and then back. Managed to stay upright going down hill in the cross wind and then with the help of Tony Martin (aka Pete Nast) we pelotoned from Bernalillo to Sandia, barely managing to make 11 or 12 mph. Once on 4th St in the houses and on the Bosque there were some trees to break up the wind a bit, but all were tired from pushing into the wind for the final 20 miles! Photo below (all the boys were so blown away by the pulchritude that we couldn’t stand up.)
I am going with a 10.30 start for Nov ad hoc rides since there will be some help from the clocks but we can change if it proves to be too cold. So starting Nov 1, we will do our rides at 10.30 am. For those not familiar with our “off season” rides, we do ride all year, weather permitting (see above). There are usually 2 ad hoc rides each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, relaxed and energetic. Tuesday and Thursday rides all start from the same location although the Thursday location varies each month. Saturday the relaxed group starts at DeVargas while the energetic group starts at El Camino Academy. To break up the monotony, we are going to schedule an ABQ start once a month, although this is still weather dependent.
For November let’s start Thursday rides from 599 RR station. Other start locations will be: December – ElDorado, January – Museum Hill, February – SFCC (Community College), March – Outlet Mall. Subject to change with notice.
Find your winter kit and join the rides.
the lunch will go on even if it snows
Many of us have noticed the weather forecast for tomorrow. If you choose not to ride in the snow or rain, no worries, you can still come to the lunch. Even in civilian clothes. Lunch is 11.30 at Pecos Trail Cafe. Warm up that indoor trainer.
Some rides have been cancelled: RobR has cancelled A rides. Pam has cancelled her B ride.
Save the Date!
The SOB Holiday Party is Thursday, Dec. 19th, at the El Castillo Community Room from 6 to 9 pm Save the date. More information to follow.
Please sign up for White Rock ride
Please sign up online. We’re running a test.
Click here. https://santafesobs.com/events/white-rock-smiths-oct/
Then under “join the ride”. And pick your group.
Our Special End Of the Season Gathering is Right Around the Corner !!!
Our End Of The Season Luncheon is Thursday, October 24 at The Pecos Trail Cafe. After a short ride we will enjoy a lovely buffet for only $20.00 with lots of important and fun presentation.
Do remember to make your reservation this Thursday at the check in desk.
Bike Index
From GuyB. Store your bike serial number, and allow law enforcement access if needed. https://bikeindex.org/about
Oct 10 A ride CHANGED to 0930 from 599 RR
Due to high wind forecast. So start from 599 not SFCC and start at 0930 not 1000.
Tour de Taco
The best ride of year was well attended by SOBs. 16 of us rode the 60 mile Tour in (finally) beautiful weather. Had excellent dinner at Rib Crib the night before to get our energy stores up. No flats etc. on the ride for all of us. 60 miles, 600 ft. Bit of wind but made the last 10 miles (tailwind) super fast. For those unaware, the Tour goes from the Clovis Taco Box to the Portales Taco Box and back. RIde benefits the Boy Scout troop in Clovis. Picture below is at the start.
Upon entering Portales, no grouches were to be seen. (They must have been up the road?) Rick clearly did not get the jersey memo.
At the turnaround in Portales (Dave and Christine looking at the ground?)
Santa Fe County Transportation Plan Inputs Requested
Join the Santa Fe Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) as we update the 2020-2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Oct 24 Public Workshop, 5:30 to 7:30 pm Presbyterian Hospital, Lower level
These are the ways you can be engaged:
· Take the MTP Survey and share it with others (available in English and Spanish).
o MTP Survey: http://bit.ly/mpo-pg
o Social Media Content Library: http://bit.ly/mpo-sm-library
Contact the MPO office to arrange for printed copies of the survey (in English or Spanish).
o Request by email: lxyngve@santafenm.gov
o Call the MPO office: (505) 955-6614
Lynn P says: I just took the survey. It took me about ten minutes to complete and I was able to express my preferences for better road maintenance, more bike lanes, more and better public transportation, and the like.
A Road Well Paved
11 SOB members tried out the new pavement on Highway 41 last Tuesday. Starting in Galisteo, they rode to Stanley to test out the new pavement. For the present, Highway 41 may be the best paved road in the state! Smooth asphalt has been used for the paving, and the state has added 12-foot wide bike lanes on the shoulders with no lip or break in the paving with the new highway. The new paving begins just south of Galisteo and ends at the bottom of the steep hill that climbs to the mesa. The contractor is still making some repairs that involved substantial replacement of sections of the highway. The riders were asked to follow a pilot car through a 2-mile stretch of cones with many trucks bringing asphalt to huge machines and substantial work forces doing the repairs. The flag people were very courteous and supportive to the riders. The out/back distance was 36 miles. Lots of great scenery with vistas stretching for miles. The downtown Stanley skyline is very supportive of these vistas.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
More ride changes
We are reversing Oct 24 and Oct 31. End of season lunch is now Oct 24. Ride is short from MH. Those that want to ride on Oct 31, the ride will start from Ft Marcy.
Bosque ride in ABQ Tues Oct 8
Ride the Bosque trail in ABQ Tuesday Oct 8. Meet in ABQ at Alameda Open Space at Alameda and the Rio Grande at 9:30 ready to ride by 10:00. Weather looks good. 34 miles flat but it’s an out and back so you can turn around any time. Food afterwards at Flying Star just a bit farther out Alameda. Relaxed pace, no one gets left behind. I’ll lead. Carpool if you want from 599 RR station at about 8:00. This part is on you. Hope to see you there. Questions at juliejacobs2303@yahoo.com
Ride Changes – Oct 10 A ride from SFCC. Oct 24 start location now Ft Marcy.
For Oct 10, A/A- ride will start at SFCC, NOT Ft Marcy. We are going out 14 to near Los Cerillos and turning on Gold Mine Rd and going to the end of the pavement. Something a little different. Link to ride on RWGPS.
Ride is 46 miles, 2800 ft. Please register online. Click here.
For Oct 24, start location for all rides will be Ft Marcy as we cannot park large group at DeVargas. The rides are the same, just the start location has changed.
A ride added to Tuesday rides
Tuesday, October 1, a group of “relaxed” riders plan to ride from Galisteo to Stanley to celebrate the new pavement on Highway 41. Park at the Catholic Church. The ride is about 18 miles each way. Fall weather promised great comfort. Meet at the church at 10:00 a.m. A change of scenery and beautiful vistas to see. Riders who enjoy a relaxed pace are especially invited to join.
The regular Tuesday rides will operate as scheduled.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
Texas 4000 Alaska Finish
The Texas 4000 web site has published 10-minute video of their finish at Wassila, Alaska. Some film of the riders on the way. A lot of emotion at the finish of riding 4000 miles over 2.5 months and stimulated by the mission to raise funds for cancer research and to honor family and friends who have had cancer.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
October? Already?
Most rides start at 10am. But some do not. That’s why we have a website schedule. 1 click gets you there. Stay Safe!
Blast from the Past
The El Rito crew was joined by an old SOB (well, that’s kind of repetitious). If you weren’t on the El Rito ride and you are the first to identify the mystery rider (pictured below) you win an Enduro Bites bar. Just post a comment to this blog post on the website to win. Clue – he’s faster than ever.
A / A- ride Sept 26 please sign up in advance
Advance sign-up worked well last week. So please do it again if you plan to ride El Rito. Once we have a list we can communicate and folks can set up carpools if desired. To sign up, go to the SOB site, click the Thursday ride calendar, then click the ride name (in red). Or click here. You will see a section below the description labelled “Join the Ride” Follow the instructions. Oh, and make sure you check twitter before you leave. If anything changes weather wise I will post there NLT 7am Thursday morning.
Also, as far as a starting location. I want to cut out the first mile or so of riding on 84 as it is narrow and the shoulder is not particularly good. So, I will attempt to arrive at the Chevron at say 9:10 AM and then from google satellite view it looks like if we go up the road about 1.7 miles there is an electrical substation on the LH side of the road with another paved road parallel to 84 right there. It appears we can turn left off 84 and then immediate left onto the paved road and park in that area. Here is a link to the location on google maps. You should be able to look around the area in satellite view. Click link then click photo on left of page. Look around. https://goo.gl/maps/jwUmejN3LY9SpwcV9
Jemez Springs to Fenton Lake
We enjoyed great weather, light traffic, and fantastic company. Worth the long drive (although the scenery on the way was worth the drive alone). After climb out of lake, at 22 miles, we had 3400 ft of elevation gain. Then 12 mile descent back to Jemez Springs. Lunch at new brew pub, Second Alarm Brewhouse, in Jemez Springs was also a high point, thanks especially to our server, Devin. I think this ride is a keeper!
A few photos below:
Bike racks for sale
I have two bike racks that fit a trailer hitch:
1. An old Thule (in the back of the picture) that will hold one bike with the existing straps and perhaps another with bungee cords. This one is free.
2. A newer Kuat that I paid $450 for a few years ago. It has been used only a few times. I’d like to get $250 for it.
If interested, contact me at 310 1395 or lynnpickard1 at yahoo
A/A- ride Thrs Sept 19 (please register in advance)
This is a new ride. It is from Jemez Springs to Fenton Lake. We have never done this exact ride before. Hopefully weather will cooperate. We start from Jemez Springs which is a long drive but….. Anyhow, I want to collect a list of who is going to ride so I can communicate and folks can set up carpools if desired. Also, since this is a long drive and we don’t know exactly how long it will take, if I know you are coming then we can wait at the start till you show up, or at least a few extra minutes. So to that end we are using a feature of the website that we normally do not use. Go to the SOB site, click the Thursday ride calendar, then click the ride name (in red). Or just click here. You will see a section below the description labelled “Join the Ride” Follow the instructions. Thanks for helping with this. Oh, and make sure you check twitter before you leave for Jemez Springs. If anything changes I will post there NLT 7am Thursday morning. (I will also try to email using the signup list.)
A Ride Sept 5 STARTING EARLY 0900
Attention A and A- riders. Christine and Dave have moved up the start time to 0900. We will leave then. B and C rides will still start at 0930.
Greetings From Eldorado
Hi all, just a quick note. We are sorry that Cynthia and I missed getting the club picture. Cynthia was out of town and I have been laying low lately. A friend of mine sent me an email this morning saying she saw that the blog of my bike tour last summer became the featured journal out on the Crazyguy website: https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/?o=1mr&doc_id=21042&v=1dw .
I thought that would be a good time to update the journal, so I added a page at the end of the blog this morning that talks about my recent medical misadventures, which help explain why I have not been out riding with the club much lately: https://www.crazyguyonabike.com/doc/page/?o=1mr&page_id=589622&v=U . Hope to see you all on the road again soon,
Important Stuff
Sept Ride Times are all 0930. How simple is that? Except if your name begins with D or A, then it is 0915. Oh, and what month is Saturday Aug 31? Stay Safe!
2019 Elite Eighties
Advance Notice
You have less than a week to trim your nose hair (or head hair if that is still a thing) before the screen shattering SOB group photo shoot. This coming Thursday Aug 29. Arrive NLT 0830 to be included. Arrive 0845 if all you want to do is ride. Caja del Rio rec area. You’ve been warned!
New Chip seal in Eldorado area
The County has notified Eldorado residents that new chip seal will be applied to Avenida Eldorado (this is the 3rd street south of I-25) beginning Tuesday, August 27 and ending Thursday, August 29. A number of SOB riders also ride on this street, so riders will want to avoid the street next week and probably for another couple of weeks.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
Womens Bike for Sale – from Pam Parfitt
Womens Bike for sale: Specialized Sequoia.
It is a women’s size small and lightly used. Price is $500. Email Pam Parfitt at sffiddle@gmail.com or call/text 505-690-5114.
Women’s bike for sale
I’m selling my 52 cm Specialized Ruby. The bike was just tuned-up at Bike n’ Sport. The bike has never been in an accident nor has it been dropped. It has been lovingly cared for its entire ‘life’!
Price: $800*
Please call (505) 983-3026
* There’s also a bike carrier that fits a Honda Civic ($20)
Request for NM bike touring info (see entire message)
I am a 71 year old who has done numerous long distance,loaded, bicycle tours. Last August 400 miles in Texas. If someone wanted suggestions for the Midwest states I could certainly give it.
I am looking forward to a long tour,maybe 500 miles plus in NM, Road bike. Latter part of Aug into early Sept. Will be carrying 50-60 lbs. 3-4 weeks of riding. 20 -60 miles a day. I am very fit but with my age and load want to avoid the hardest climbs. ( One killer climb to feel macho, maybe towards end of loop with less food ). Will drive from Chicago to some starting point in NM. Always camp,never stay in a motel; just find a good spot the woods or countryside.
My Yellowstone tour was a favorite. For NM I would like to again experience high desert country,mountain valleys.Forests, yes , but as different as possible from what we have in the Midwest.
I have the state bike map and have been poking around on web sites,but still have no idea where I want to go . Serendipity,and course changes have always been part of my tours.But could you make some recommendations? Would rally appreciate any suggestions, advice. Or can you put me in touch with someone ?
Last August, early Sept in Texas ,tour, I didn’t need a sleeping bag. Do you think I need one for NM . ? My simple propane/butane stove is a lot less trouble than my MSR white gas stove. Would one be better than the other for the altitudes I will be in ? Again I don’t want to tackle the hardest, longer climbs . Any idea of butane/propane fuel ratio to boiling x cups of water ?
Paul Skelley
skelleypaul at yahoo dot com
SOB stickers
We have created SOB logo stickers with Veloink.com See picture below. These shown are size small, about .5 in by 2.7 in depending on name size. They are Name + Flag style, silver background, black text, matte finish, Exo font. You can also get medium and large sizes. If you want some go to Veloink.com and for the flag order Team SOB Logo. Or whatever you want.
Bicycle safety editorial
The Denver Post has published an editorial calling attention to the dramatic increase in death of bicyclists in Denver.
Denver Post, August 1, 2019
The Post Editorial
The least drivers can do for cyclists who have died recently
She was just out for a bike ride around Washington Park, but 37-year-old Alexis Bounds never made it home to her 9-month-old and 4-year-old sons.
Bounds wasn’t taking a risk riding on a major thoroughfare during rush hour. She was riding in a bike lane on a street designed to be pedestrian-friendly when, according to a police report, a dump truck driver took a turn, crossed into her bike lane and hit her just before 4 p.m. last week. The driver was cited for careless driving resulting in death.
Her death alone is enough to strike fear into even the most casual and careful of cyclists in Denver, but she was the fourth cyclist killed on the Front Range in July.
And the statistics reported by Denver Post reporter Andrew Kenney can’t make anyone feel safer: Six bicyclists and 18 pedestrians were killed in 2018, which is the highest death count since 2013. One hundred more cyclists and pedestrians were seriously injured.
The cycling community in Denver, admirably, isn’t allowing these deaths to drive them off the streets, nor should they. Bicyclists have an important role in our community — they take cars off the road, reducing traffic; they reduce both ground-level air pollution that can make people sick and greenhouse gas emissions that are contributing to climate change; and they promote healthy lifestyles for our communities.
That’s why we applaud the response to these recent deaths.
Cyclists are taking to the streets to advocate for safety in honor of Bounds and others who were killed, including Scott Hendrickson, who was killed in south Denver. Joining in the ride that took place Wednesday night or the upcoming Critical Mass ride on Friday night starting at Denver Skate Park are great ways to show solidarity.
On Saturday, there is a MADD walk around Sloan’s Lake to raise money in the fight to end drunken driving. A team of Denver Post employees past and present will participate in honor of Denver Post reporter Colleen O’Connor, who was killed by a drunken driver in 2016 while walking across East First Avenue and South Downing Street.
But there is another way to honor those who have died or been injured in these tragic and preventable accidents — pledge to do better and be safer on the road.
Drivers must slow down on city streets and calm down too, put down cellphones and put our attention back on the road, and never drive after drinking or consuming marijuana or any drug known to impair driving skills.
And drivers must actively look for pedestrians, cyclists and scooters. Even in broad daylight, it can be hard to spot someone whether they are in the street or on a sidewalk. This is a collective responsibility for safety, and it also extends to those biking or walking. Bicyclists must take steps to make themselves more visible and obey the rules of the road as though they were cars, and be confident yet cautious.
We all can and must do better for Bounds and others.
SOB Hincapie store closes July 31
If you want to order something, do it NOW. Once store closes, jerseys should arrive in about 6 weeks.
August Ride Times
Vary. Most rides are 0900 but some are not. The schedule indicates which are which. Range is 0830 to 1000.
Congrats to Egan Bernal, the winner of the Tour de France. The first winner from Columbia, one of the youngest ever to win at 22 and a mere 132 lbs. BTW he also won the best young rider, duh. In 28 years he can ride with us.
Some Airlines Dropping/Reducing bike charges
An AP article in Honolulu Advertiser reports that airlines are dropping or reducing baggage fees for bicycles. Good news for many SOBs.
Delta removes $150 fee for sporting equipment as checked baggage
ATLANTA >> Delta Air Lines says it eliminated its $150 fee to check golf clubs, surfboards, bicycles, scuba gear and other large sporting equipment, starting today.
Atlanta-based Delta’s decision follows a move in May by competitor American Airlines to eliminate oversize bag fees for a variety of sports and music equipment. And United Airlines last year eliminated its $150 or $200 service fees for checking a surfboard, wakeboard or paddleboard to and from California.
Southwest Airlines already allows passengers to check golf bags, scuba equipment and small bicycle boxes as baggage without charging a special fee for sports equipment. Dallas-based Southwest allows passengers to check two bags for free. It charges a $75 fee each way for larger bicycle boxes, surfboards and some other equipment.
Delta said its new policy eliminating its $150 fee for sporting equipment is effective for travel worldwide.
But passengers traveling with sporting equipment will still need to pay any regular checked baggage fees.
On domestic flights, Delta charges $30 for a first checked bag and $40 for a second checked bag. There are different rates for international flights — there may be higher fees for checked bags on some international routes, while on other international routes passengers can check one or two bags for free.
There are still overweight bag fees on Delta for items that weigh more than 50 pounds, and in many cases the airline says it won’t accept items with length plus width plus height totaling more than 115 inches.
Also, policies on Delta Connection regional flights may be different — those flights are operated by regional partner airlines on smaller planes.
Submitted by Bill Pollock
Our Mid Season Luncheon at Rancho de Chimayo, this Thursday, July 18, starting at 11:30
After a fun ride you will be hungry and ready for a tasty lunch. If you have not made your reservation, there still is a chance !!! I will be at the door of the restaurant collecting your $20.
We will have a great time together !