Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes

Board Meeting

July 27, 2020

On July 27, 2020 the Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes held a Board Meeting via Zoom Meeting Service due to the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic.  Those participating via Zoom were Judy Costlow, Bob Bogart, Lynn Pickard, Ian Norrish, Steve Gitomer, Michael Knarr, Lore Thorpe, and Christine Van Dornick.  The meeting began at 3:35 PM.  All participants were asked to mute themselves except when speaking.

Lynn Pickard began the meeting by asking how those who are currently participating in ad hoc ride groups are complying with the Governor’s latest Public Health Order.  To be specific, that means wearing masks, keeping social distance, and keeping the group size to 4 persons or less.  Several board members expressed concern in wearing masks during all parts of the ride but focus on wearing them when in locations where there are more people around.  Some groups are starting at more remote locations to avoid close contact with other people.  Some people wear masks all the time when riding; others wear them all the time except when riding uphill; all wear masks at least near the downtown in Santa Fe and at any location where cyclists are entering a building.  One group was observed riding too close together and seen wearing the SOB jersey.  Ride leaders should continue to inform participants of the latest Public Health Order.  Lynn will update language that will be placed on the ride guidelines page on the website.  In general groups will continue to communicate and schedule rides via email, and will strive to limit participation to 4 or less, practice social distancing, and wear masks. The language regarding out-of-town travel will also be modified in the SOB guidelines.

Michael Knarr stated that a new bike shop had opened at 411 Water Street Suite B near the downtown business district.  Sincere Cycle is primarily a mountain bike shop with parts and accessories geared to mountain bikes.  Michael asked the owner if they would like to be a sponsor of the SOBs.  The rules for a shop to be listed as a sponsor are that the shop agrees to a 15% discount for merchandise, not on labor or on the purchase of a bicycle.  The Board agreed to add this shop to the list of sponsors by consensus.

Steve Gitomer stated that the insurance company issued a refund on the premium, apparently  because of few events and less participation in rides during the pandemic.

A screen shot was taken during the Zoom meeting with all Board Members wearing their SOB jersey and a mask.

Bob reported that the SOB buffs were realistically arriving in the first week of August.  All paid members will receive one and be able to purchase more at $9.00 each if there are enough left over after the paid members take theirs.  More information will follow on the website once the order is received.

The Board agreed to meet again on August 24 at 3:30 PM via Zoom.  The meeting adjourned at 4:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Christine Van Dornick


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