2024 Summer Lunch

From Lore T.
Mark your calendar!
Our summer lunch at Rancho de Chimayo is happening again  Thursday July 11@ 12:30pm
After a fun ride we will meet for a delicious lunch and some  good conversation.
Please  make your reservation by Tuesday, July 9 by paying $15.00 per person on the enclosed PayPal.
The SOB bank account is helping with the payment for the luncheon.
Come and enjoy!

July 4 Special

Since July 4 is a Thursday this year, we have added a ride from SFCC to the Plaza and back to the options for the day.  There would only be one group and there will be a leader TBD.

You can always ride to the Plaza and then continue on and do something else from there.  I am sure you can figure something out.  So, lots of options – Do one of the SFCC rides, do the Plaza out back ride, or go to the Plaza and then continue somewhere else.  Such freedom.  (that’s why it’s July 4th!)

June 20th ‘C’ Ride cancelled

Due to high winds with extreme gusts possible, no places for shelter, plus the strong chance of rain, the C ride for Thursday 20th June from Galisteo is cancelled.

Ride Safe,


Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign for The Food Depot

Hi All you SOB’s,  I am once again asking that the SOBs participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor campaign to help feed our friends and neighbors who live in 9 of our Northern counties, including Santa Fe.  Last year we gave them $1393 through your generosity.  I know many of you already donate to the Food Depot and during this time just make a note on your check or credit card that it is for the N to N campaign from a member of the SOBs.  You will receive a tax letter for your donation.  Thank you so much for your continued support of The Food Depot.  Judy Costlow

Last year, Neighbor to Neighbor, the largest fundraiser for THE FOOD DEPOT, delivered $397,430 in donations vis a vis a goal of $300,000!  That money provided enough food for nearly 1.6 MILLION MEALS!!!! In 2024, our goal is to EXCEED $400,000 in donations and with your help we can do it!!!!!  
We are starting strong with a $50,000 match!   In other words, the first $50,000 in donations will be matched dollar for dollar…..so don’t delay….make your donations work twice as hard and be among the first to donate to Neighbor to Neighbor, the largest fundraiser for The Food Depot!!!  Every dollar feeds 4 people!
To donate, click on http://TheFoodDepot.org/N2N or mail your check to The Food Depot, 1222 A Siler Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507.  Be sure to write your neighborhood, business or group name in the memo line on your check.
Treat yourself and watch a 20 minute documentary of The Food Depot called Movement.  It is just 20 minutes and was done courtesy of DocuFilms. It is terrific! I promise you will enjoy it. To watch it please click on https://thefooddepot.org/movement.   Thank you so much for your help! 

ad hoc start times rest of June

Will remain 0900.  It is warming up BUT a survey of the group indicates 0900 is preferred so we will keep it at 0900.   The June 13 ride start for A is 0900.

For A group the June 20 and June 27 will be 30 min later than originally posted.  New rides have been created for those dates.  So, June 20 A start is 0930 and June 27 A start is 0900.  Stay Safe.

Thursday Ride Signups

I understand that it is a pain, although we have made it as easy as possible.  The ride leaders do look at who has signed up to understand the interest in the ride.  And as we have said before, if there are fewer than 5 riders then the ride can be cancelled.  And if you sign up and then find you cannot ride, no biggie, just don’t show up, no need to go thru any hoops to cancel.  Thanks.

C ride on Thursday, June13th

Hi all C riders;  The ride on Thursday, the 13th starts at Buffalo Thunder Casino- Park and Ride area.  It will go out to the Ranger Station at the enterance of the Nambe Falls, and return.  It is 23 miles.  It is a lovely ride and does have some shade.  Please sign up for the ride if you are interested.  The cue sheet on our web page is not correct.

Start Times for June – Relaxed Group

The relaxed group will start ad hoc Saturday and Tuesday rides at 9 am, same as the energetic group, at least through June 15. Thursday B rides will remain the same as announced on the website and on the blog.

Start Times for June

For ad hoc.  Relaxed group will start at 0830.  Energetic group will start at 0900 at least through June 15.  Any changes will be communicated via the blog.

For Thursday.  B and C groups and A group will start at different times, basically the A group will start 30 min later than originally posted.  All the rides are listed in the ride schedule.  You will see 2 rides each Thursday for the first 2 weeks of June.  The second two weeks are TBD.

start time summary: 
Pecos start June 6: B & C 0900.  A 0930
Buffalo Thunder start June 13:  B & C 0830.  A 0900

I know this is a challenge but I think you are up to it.    The ride schedule has already been modified accordingly.

Need C Ride Leader June 7th

Hi Everyone, I am scheduled to lead the C ride on June 7th from Pecos.  I fell and broke two ribs and have been told not to ride for a few weeks.  Is there anyone who could take my place?  Let me know – Judy  j.costlow@gmail.com.   Thanks.



Texas 4000 Riders Arrive June 1

On Saturday, June 1, the Texas 4000 riders arrive in Santa Fe.  The riders are upper division and graduate students at the University of Texas in Austin. They ride from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska, stopping briefly on their route. This year, the group is in Santa Fe for just one night. They will arrive around 4 p.m. and will be hosted for dinner at the Las Campanas County Club by the Texas Exes local alumni organization.

SOB members have been invited to attend the dinner and meet the 34 students in the group. In the past the SOBs met the arriving group in Eldorado and escorted the riders to their motel and then attended the dinner.  SOBs will be just meeting them for dinner this year. Three other groups of students from the university also make the trip, but ride different routes through the “lower 48” and meet in White Horse, Yukon for the remainder of the ride to Anchorage. The Texas 4000 raises nearly $1 million each year for cancer research. Almost all of the participating students have family, friends, and frequently personal experience with cancer.  Each student will have been working on campus to learn leadership responsibilities and demonstrate fund-raising experience for a year before the selection of the 90 riders for the tour.  In recent years, women represent around 55% of the riders. You can look at their website to review the program: www.texas4000.org. You can see pictures of the riders and brief comments from each. Select the Rockies group.

Dining with the riders is an interesting and satisfying experience. They are excellent conversationalists and they are much fun to be around. Their enthusiasm is a welcome benefit to SOBs and the Texas alumni. A cocktail hour begins at 5:30 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:45 at Club at Las Campanas 132 Clubhouse Drive, Santa Fe, NM. Cost is $60/person and the dinner will be Northern New Mexico Mexican food. The riders present a brief program following dinner.

RSVP today to SFTE505@gmail.com or samhaas@msn.com to make your reservation. Send your check to:

Texas Exes Santa Fe Chapter

223 North Guadalupe #133,

Santa Fe, NM 87501.  The Club does not take cash, so use a credit card at the cocktail hour.

This notice presented by SOB member Bill Pollock

May 16th Villanueva B ride Canceled

The Thursday weather forecast is a 70% chance of rain. Since it is an in and out ride with no opportunity for shelter and a very long drive to Villanueva, caution dictates we scrub the ride.
Be safe,

June ride leaders

The tentative list of ride leaders is:

A rides: All TBD

B rides:
June 6 – Lynn P
June 13 – Rob B
June 20 – Steve P
June 27 – Paul M

C rides:
June 6 – Judy C
June 13 – Julie J
June 20 – Judy C
June 27 – Ruben C

As a reminder, the ride leaders can change without notice. The location of the start should not be changed. The details of the ride can be changed by the leader.

C Ride May 9

The C ride this Thursday will start at the corner of 14 and 42 and go out and back to Galisteo, as appears on the website’s link to Ride with GPS. It will not start at 599.
Also the leader is Adrian and he might be a few minutes late.

Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee is asking our help

 The Santa Fe Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) is conducting a short survey (3 questions) about trail maintenance and connectivity that should take about a minute to complete. The BPAC is asking our help through filling out this survey.  The survey is accessible through the QR code or link below. It will be open through May 31. Thanks so much for your help.  Judith Gabriele, Chair,
Promotion, Education and Programming Subcommittee

May is Bike Month

And our local advocacy and social group (Bike Santa Fe) has a ton of information on its website about biking activities during May and beyond, including many, many discounts for people who bike to local businesses. Check it out: https://www.bikesantafe.org/santa-fe-bike-month-2

situational awareness’ add

After the reading the article on safety concerns, I would like to add while on roads with limited shoulders, and riding through La Cienaga, airport road, and other similar type roads, please do not ride two abreast, stay in single file,

Situational Awareness

I have seen too many of the folks riding with the club acting in a manner that is unsafe for them and for their fellow cyclists. It seems that they are unaware of what is happening around them. We should all have a picture not only of what is in front of us, but what is happening to the sides and to the rear. Hopefully, most of us do it in our cars by constantly scanning ahead and checking the rear view mirrors. It is at least as important to do these things when riding a bicycle.

There are times when taking the lane is the safest option, e.g. at traffic circles or avoiding the door zone. But many times folks are doing it when staying to the right is safe. The folks in question seem to be unaware when there are cars back. When this happens, traffic backs up and riders at the rear have cars on their tails. It is an uncomfortable and dangerous situation to be in. And ticking off motorists puts all cyclists in danger.

The club rules (and the law) are clear, we are to ride to the right. We are to be safe and courteous riders, etc., etc.

I would ask all of you to click on this SOB link and review the safety section. Abiding by the rules will make life easier for the ride leaders.

Remember to carry your ID!

Case#2024002031/Unattended Death/4-19-24
Handling Deputy: J. Corley

Entering Commander: Cpl. D. Martinez

Address: A Va Nu Po

Deceased: Unidentified male

Deputies were dispatched to a report of a male who collapsed while jogging. Santa Fe County Fire/EMS arrived but despite life saving procedures, the male could not be revived. The male is yet to be identified as he did not have any identification on his person.

May Ride Leaders

The tentative list of ride leaders is:

A rides:
May 2 – Joe
May 9 – Rick G
May 16 – Boyd
May 23 – Christine
May 30 – Rich I

B rides:
May 2 – Paul
May 9 – Denise
May 16 – Gary K
May 23 – Rob
May 30 – Steve P

C rides:
May 2 – Julie
May 9 – Ruben C
May 6 – Lore
May 23 – Adrian
May 30 – Shirley K

As a reminder, the ride leaders can change without notice. The location of the start should not be changed. The details of the ride can be changed by the leader.

Santa Fe County Announces Temporary Closure of Rabbit Road

Beginning Monday, April 22, 2024, the Contractor for Santa Fe County Public Works Department (SFCPWD) will begin the construction of the Rabbit Road connection to the Southeast Connector, recently named Falcon Way, and also providing the tie into Oshara Blvd via a new roundabout.  To safely accommodate the construction, it will be necessary to close a segment of Rabbit Road to Oshara Blvd for approximately (6) weeks and route traffic through a temporary detour.  As part of this construction, the contractor is subject to provide adequate traffic control and advance messaging of this closure.

Thursday In Season Rides

Hello SOBs.  The snow may be over, or it may not be.  Regardless, April is almost here.  Thursday rides for April and May are posted.  Now I know that it has been 6 months since we last did a Thursday scheduled ride, so I am sure no one remembers the process.  If you click this link you can find a refresher course.   https://santafesobs.com/ride-schedule/

Ride Safe.

Women’s Road Bike shoes for sale

I am assisting a neighbor by listing a pair of Women’s Road Bike Shoes that are sale. The Garneau wms size 40 clipless that are barely used. Priced to sell. Call Christine at

(505) 501-3425

Post submitted by Bill Pollock

April Rides

The April rides are now posted on the website. The tentative list of ride leaders is:
A rides:
April 4 – Joe S
April 11 – Rich I
April 18 – Christine V
April 25 – Boyd S
B rides:
April 4 – Steve P
April 11 – Gary K
April 18 – Lynn P
April 25 – Paul M
C rides:
April 4 – Adrian V
April 11 – Ward F
April 18 – Ruben C
April 25 – Julie J
As a reminder, the ride leaders can change without notice. The location of the start should not be changed. The details of the ride can be changed by the leader.

Urgent: Call to Action for Bike and Pedestrian Infrastructure

The links don’t work in this post, but maybe you can see the post with links at https://www.bikesantafe.org/campaigns/view-email/Q-BqpuAiOhvhePJlyvaUNYHWAcgw1dif0_Unk2VN0jsQ1mVbwiZd4WSWYKc4p-rGqiatTH2TQKCzf4KzeJXXDozi7gjI3w_J81u6jHhsg77cCQJzS9UBv9wvQ4mKAsU3MXOLR9LGz-n96UQkwfTtiGf929Oc89b04Yuo7Q==?ss_source=sscampaigns&ss_campaign_id=65d28133ddc3187e731f7c02&ss_email_id=65e717754aa82907274c4a4c&ss_campaign_name=URGENT%3A+Call+to+Action+for+Bike+and+Pedestrian+Infrastructure%21&ss_campaign_sent_date=2024-03-05T13%3A01%3A55Z

From Bike Santa Fe

Tell the City Council and Mayor: Vote “Yes!” for Bicyclists and Pedestrians
The Resolution for Maintenance of Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities that would set a policy to maintain this essential infrastructure and request the mayor include funds for it in the budget has stalled in the Finance Committee. But it’s not too late to voice our support and keep the resolution on track for passage!

The resolution will be heard in the Finance Committee again on Monday, March 11, and will move to the full Governing Body on Wednesday, March 13. Will you email or call city councilors and the mayor by Monday, March 11, to let them know why you support the Resolution and ask them to vote “yes”? Please contact them all if you can, but be sure to let your two councilors know you are in their district because hearing from constituents is important. Not sure which city council district you live in? The map of districts is here. Contact information for all councilors and the mayor is later in this email.
Why is it so important that this resolution passes? Here are just a few reasons:
The City must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act, and it needs to allocate funds to improve sidewalks, crosswalks, and traffic signals so our community members with disabilities can move around the City more easily. And all pedestrians will benefit from this.
Many, many Santa Feans ride bikes and walk to work, to run errands, and for exercise. Well-maintained trails, bike lanes, and sidewalks will help us do this safely.
Santa Fe has climate sustainability goals, and decreasing our dependence on cars is one way to help meet them.
There are additional ways you can help, beyond contacting councilors and the mayor. You can attend the meetings and write Letters to the Editor.
The Finance Committee meets at 5 PM on Monday, March 11, in the Council Chambers at City Hall (and via Zoom). There isn’t an opportunity for public comment at this meeting so we’ll just be making sure they know we are following the Resolution and how they vote, but there is at the full Governing Body meeting at 5 PM on Wednesday, March 13, also in the Council Chambers at City Hall (or via Zoom). So please mark your calendar.
You can also send in a Letter to the Editor to the Santa Fe New Mexican or the Santa Fe Reporter. To submit a letter to the SFNM (no more than 150 words), click here, and for the SFR, email your letter (no more than 200 words) to editor[at]sfreporter.com.
Want a deeper dive into the Resolution and issues it would help with? The Santa Fe New Mexican has some great coverage, and the Santa Fe Reporter has also written it up.
Santa Fe New Mexican: Cyclists, disabled community rally behind resolution to improve city infrastructure, Editorial – Reducing carbon emissions takes all of us, An advocate for disabled New Mexicans keeps up fight for inclusion, For city’s new ADA coordinator, passion for accessibility hits home, Editorial – ADA: It’s time to put our actions where our mouths are
Santa Fe Reporter: Big improvements for bicyclists, pedestrians could be on the way
Please be sure to follow Bike Santa Fe on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with the very latest on this issue.
Thank you so much for your help and support!
P.S. And here’s a suggestion – When you email the mayor and councilors, include a photo of a sidewalk in poor repair, a crack in a trail, or a bike lane full of debris. Illustrating the problem will help them understand why the Resolution is needed. Please cc bikesantafe@gmail.com so we get an idea of how many emails are being sent and what people are saying.
Finance Committee
Chair Carol Romero-Wirth (District 2), Chair, 505-955-6815, cromero-wirth@santafenm.gov
Councilor Jamie Cassutt (District 4), 505-955-6817, jcassutt@santafenm.gov
Councilor Signe Lindell (District 1), 505-955-6812, silindell@santafenm.gov
Councilor Lee Garcia (District 3), 505-955-6814, lagarcia@santafenm.gov
Councilor Pilar Faulkner (District 3), 505-955-6818, pfhfaulkner@santafenm.gov

Governing Body
Mayor Alan Webber, 505-955-6590, mayor@santafenm.gov
District 1
Councilor Signe Lindell, 505-955-6812, silindell@santafenm.gov
Councilor Alma Castro, 505-955-2345, agcastro@santafennm.gov
District 2
Councilor Carol Romero-Wirth, 505-955-6815, cromero-wirth@santafenm.gov
Councilor Michael Garcia (Resolution sponsor), 505-955-6816, mjgarcia@santafenm.gov
District 3
Councilor Pilar Faulkner, 505-955-6818, pfhfaulkner@santafenm.gov
Councilor Lee Garcia, 505-955-6814, lagarcia@santafenm.gov
District 4
Councilor Jamie Cassutt, 505-955-6817, jcassutt@santafenm.gov
Councilor Amanda Chavez, 505-955-6811, acchavez@santafenm.gov

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact: info@bikesantafe.org

Copyright ©2023 Bike Santa Fe, All rights reserved.
Bike Santa Fe is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit

Bike Cases and Carriers for Sale

3 Bike cases available:  1 Road Bike and 2 road/mountain bike.  Road case is $150 and the road/mountain bike case is $300.  The road/mountain cases are new, never used.  Compare at $479 new for the larger one.

Wahoo Kicker in excellent condition with cassett, asking $300.  Price new $600.

CycleOps trainer, asking $75.00.  Price new $160.00

Saris 2 bike rack, asking $100, price new $229.00

Pedal the Petrified ride registration now open

Registration for the pedal the petrified forest ride is now open. On pavement in the petrified forest park in AZ sept 21. Distance is 32 or 63 miles. Out and back so can be shorter. Food stops, sag, etc. This is a one day ride to gain donations for Northland Pioneer College that serves the poor locals. I’ve ridden it twice and it’s a great ride for a good cause. I suggest you check it out online. 😉

Resumption of Sunday energetic ad hoc rides

If you are interested, and as always, weather permitting, we will resume regular ad hoc energetic  rides on Sundays from El Camino Academy.  Same time as all other rides this month (this coming Sunday 11:00).  Ride Saturday, Ride Sunday, Ride both, Ride neither.  Your choice.

As with all scheduled ad hoc rides.  There is no guarantee a ride leader will be there.  There is no guarantee anyone will be there for that matter.

Fat Bike

Fat bike, anyone? Surprisingly easy and fun to ride, they roll over pretty much anything—snow, loose rock, single track, mud, soft sand. I hate to let mine go but there is no longer room in the garage. The bike in question is an aluminum 3-year-old medium-size Framed Minnesota LTD well-equipped with 1 x 12 Shimano SLX shifters (30 x 10/51), SRAM disc brakes, and  27.5 x 4” Cake Eater tubeless tires. If you’re interested, contact Ron Schell at 608-233-1973 or ronald.schell@gmail.com. Asking $600.

February 8 ride in ABQ

Start at Sandia Train Station at 10:30.   We plan to ride about 35 miles depending on the actual weather conditions.

Christine 505-979-4802

Blog email subscriptions

If you are getting the blog emails, then there is no reason to subscribe again unless you want to change your email address in which case you want to “manage” your subscription.  If you are not getting the blog emails, you can ignore this message.

NOX Citico 700c Gravel/Road Carbon Wheelset

Hi all, I have too many extra wheels and am trying to free up some space in the garage. The NOX Citico rims are my go to gravel rims (I have several sets….) that also work great on the road. They are 700c through axle wheels with 12 mm x 100 mm front and 12 mm x 142 mm rear center lock hubs. Rear hub is Shimano XTR or Shimano GRX hub (I have two wheelsets) Front hub is DT Swiss 350. The wheels were built up at NOX with Sapim CX-Ray bladed spokes. The wheels are in excellent condition. NOX wheels are made in the US and IMO, are one of the best carbon wheels out there. BTW, I am selling them without rotors or cassette, but do include the very cool 48 mm Soma Supple Vitesse tires. Asking 850.00 for the set. BTW, I also posted wheels Ebay with a bunch of pics if you are interested:  https://www.ebay.com/itm/204642766130

From the NOX website: Introducing the Citico rim; named after the Citico wilderness area in the Smoky Mountains. An area with endless amounts of gravel and dirt roads, creek crossings, climbs, and descents. The Citico rim was originally designed with these places in mind, but we ended up with an ideal CX race rim as well. The Citico is a disc specific hooked rim with an internal rim width of 23mm. The Citico features our innovative design and technologies including asymmetrical offset, UniWeave™ layup, RockGuard™ bead lip and our Anti-Burp Bump™, all of which work together to provide the ultimate in stiffness, durability, compliance, and tubeless compatibility at the lowest weight possible. Leveraging our experience producing durable carbon mountain rims, the Citico is ready to tackle the harsh conditions of all day adventure riding, gravel grinding and CX racing.

SOB Annual Tour

Our SOB annual cycling trip will be in September from the 10th to the 15th.  We will go to Grand Junction, Colorado on Tues.Sept.10 and leave on Sunday, Sept 15th.  Our tour will coinside with Grand Junction’s annual Tour of the Moon on the 14th, so for those who would like to do that tour you can sign up.  The Tour of the Moon can be either 41 miles or 60 miles and it is a beautiful, challenging ride.  On the other days, we will also have some great rides.  Our SOB tour will be a hub ride.  We will stay in Grand Junction and ride out from our hotel everyday.  I need to know who would be seriously interested so I can start making reservations. I have to start now to get a group rate and place.    So, pass this on if you know someone who may not read this blog.  My email is j.costlow@gmail.com.       Link for Tour of the Moon:       https://www.theridecollective.com/tourofthemoon


Joining for 2024

It’s basically the same as in prior years.  If you got your membership card then you are done.  If not then read further.  (We have 6 folks who have submitted waivers but not paid.  We have 2 who have submitted payment but not the waiver.)

If you did everything properly you should receive 3 emails.  Two almost immediately.  One will be a confirmation that we got the waiver.  It will include a copy of the waiver plus the information you submitted when you agreed to it.  If you don’t get an email then we did not get the waiver.  Check your spam folder.

Two will be a confirmation from Paypal that we got your dues payment.  If you don’t get an email from Paypal then we did not get the payment.  Check your spam folder.

Three will be your membership card.  As long as we got your waiver and your payment you will get your membership card within a few days to a couple of weeks depending.  Check your spam folder.

If either email one or two is missing then go back and try again.

Beware of Dog(s)!

Steve P writes:

While returning from a pleasant ride through La Cienega on Saturday, I encountered 3 dogs running loose in the vicinity of La Luna Rd. and West Frontage Road. I lost track of the largest of the 3 canines, but quickly located it when I got bit on my lower right leg. Luckily, I was wearing my thickest bicycling pants, which helped limit the damage (no puncture wounds!). I’ve been in contact with Animal Control, but the offending dog wasn’t found when they visited the area a few hours after the incident. This isn’t the first time I’ve come across loose dogs in this area, so be advised to watch out for them.

Pojoaque frontage road chipseal

Well, the frontage road down to pojoaque that got chip sealed is rough (and I have 42 mm tires and only 45 psi). Cracks are still there. Some loose gravel on the shoulder, but not a lot. I rode out in the road, not on the shoulder. Good news is that they had to sweep the road and shoulder clear of glass before sealing it. Also the roughness should come in handy if there’s icy spots. So, FYI

Bosque ride Thursday Feb 1

Bosque ride this Thursday Feb 1. Start 11:00 am from Alameda open space. Stop at Bike In Coffee on the way back. Any distance up to 34 miles since it’s an out and back route. Any speeds. Bring your supplies since there’s little along the way. Toilets at Tingley Beach about 10 miles from the start. (And at Bike in Coffee). Weather looks great but check before going down. I won’t go if the wind picks up bad. Questions email me Juliejacobs2303@yahoo.com😁

Thanks, but …

We received lots of attention to the Join contest.  Thanks for that.  However, a number of you paid but did not submit your wavier.  For full entry into the contest we need both the payment and the waiver.  I guess I forgot to indicate that in yesterdays message but I figured the join page might have jogged your memory to do both.

We have some funkiness with the date field in the form.  If you think you filled in the waiver and submitted it but you did not get a return email with a copy of the waiver then it did not go thru.  Please try again.  I have made a minor change to the date field and it should be more straightforward now.  Note that to fill in the date field you have to click on todays date.  Thanks.

Your lucky day

Be the first on your block to join the SOBs for 2024.

Prizes are limited to the first 500 who join on January 26.

First prize:  No cost ride led by Judy.

Second prize:  No cost ride led by Lynn.

Booby prizes:  Ride led by Bob, but you have to buy him a beer at the end.

Winners will be announced in April 2024.  You can only win one prize but multiple paid entries appreciated.

Thursday December 28

Ride in Bernalillo, start at Sandia Train Station at 10:30 am. Depending on wind situation we plan to ride up 313 to Placitas and then back down towards the Bosque.  Hope to get in about 35 miles.



Membership summary 2023

Wow.  It is almost 2024.  Don’t tell anyone.

In 2023 we had 175 paid members and 9 active elite eighty’s.  So a total of 184 members.  Good job.

We will let you know when it is time to sign up for 2024.  Stay safe, Stay warm.

Albuquerque Bosque Ride

Meet Thursday, 12/7/2023, in Albuquerque at Sandia Pueblo railroad station for an 11AM start.  Ride will be along the Bosque River trail including the Chavez loop and back.  Distance about 42 miles with shorter option available (35 mi) by turning around at Rio Bravo Blvd.  Directions to the RR station:  I25 southbound, turn west on Tramway Road (which becomes Roy Ave), then turn right on 4th St (distance from Santa Fe:  50 Miles, 1:15 min.  The RR station will be on the right just after the turn on 4th.

Giving Tuesday – World Bicycle Relief

Every Buffalo Bicycle is life-changing. Your contribution makes a difference.

I’m raising funds and awareness for World Bicycle Relief, a global nonprofit organization committed to helping individuals in low-income regions around the world overcome the barrier of distance.
In areas where transportation options are limited, a bicycle can be a life-changing tool that helps students increase attendance, improve performance, and show up ready to learn. Bikes also give communities access to healthcare and provide entrepreneurs and farmers the opportunity to improve their businesses.
Please consider supporting this worthwhile cause For those in need, it is more than just a bike. It is a tool for economic and cultural empowerment.


Thank you for your support,
Rich Irell

Revised Blog email process – please read

We have changed the system behind sending emails to you when there are one or more blog posts.  It will still only send one email at most per day.  If you were on the “old” blog email list then you have been added to the new list.  If you no longer want to receive these emails there is an unsubscribe button at the bottom of every email which you can click to remove yourself.

If you have any questions, feel free to email admin at santafesobs.com

Ruben Cedeno Appointed to TAC

Ride Leader and SOB Extraordinaire, Ruben Cedeno, has been appointed to the county Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC), making an opportunity for the SOBs to have input related to traffic safety and pathways.  Here is a quick summary of what the purpose of TAC is and what they will be working on this year.

You may email Ruben with questions, comments and suggestions:  rscedeno8@gmail.com. He will keep us informed about the progress of these items.

PURPOSE: The purpose of the TAC Transportation Safety Subcommittee will be to serve as a technical working group to review and provide oversight to County road safety plans and strategies with a focus on infrastructure, behavioral, and operational safety.

These are items of most importance to the SOBs and the cycling community.  Ruben can help leverage this opportunity to have our voices heard.

  1.  Current Transportation Projects Updates (Public Works/Planning)
    – NE/SE Connector Projects and Tesuque Safety Study Implementation
    – Other Pedestrian, Bicycle, Trail, and Transit Project Updates
  2.  Summary of Transportation Safety Subcommittee Meeting (Chair/Planning)
    Transportation safety sub-committee
  3. Here is a summary of what will be presented:

1.  Zafarano Drive Extension Study

2.  Tesuque Safety Study Implementation

3.  Other Pedestrian, Bicycle, Trail and Transit Project Updates

4.  Santa Fe Greenway Construction (Siler Road to San Isidro Crossing):

5.  Avenida de Compadres Trail

6.  Arroyo Hondo Trail Segments 2&3 (Turquoise Trail park at NM Highway 14 to       Richards Avenue for a length of 2.8 miles total.

7.  Nine Mile and Avenida Eldorado Trailheads

8.  Rail Trail Segment #6 (New trailhead/parking off of highway 285 on SF County        property just south of rail crossing of highway 285.): 

The Power of Mobility


Here is what your contribution to World Bicycle Relief can do:

Stella began her day at 3 a.m. to care for her daughter and complete her chores—fetching water, tidying up and cleaning dishes—before setting off for school on foot.
Despite her ambitions and determination to make a better life for her family, Stella could not change the obstacles that remained: fear of violence and sexual overtures on the road to school, the exhaustion from rising early, walking 24 km a day, and the consequences of arriving late to class.
Then she received a simple tool that empowered her to change her life overnight: a bicycle.

Read the whole story here.
Contribute by clicking here.

Congratulations SOBs

 SOBs’ donations totaled $1393 which is more than double their donations last year.  It was all the participating groups who beat last year’s total and delivered nearly $400,000 in donations to Neighbor to Neighbor (N2N)and The Food Depot.  THANK YOU!!!!!!!  Because of this large community effort, N2N will produce 1.6 Million meals for our neighbors in need..                                                FABULOUS!


Winter Rides

There is one more Thursday ride in October and then we move to the winter schedule for Thursday rides.  Tuesday and Saturday rides remain the same all year.  The winter schedule for Thursday rides is explained on the Ride Schedule page.  (what a concept).

Start time for November will remain 10:00.  Stay Safe.

84/284 service road update

I just received this from Paul Brasher, DOT District 5 Engineer:

“Last week, our District crew chip-sealed about 5 miles of the US 84/285 Frontage road, followed by several passes of sweeping. The work has been left to cure, and our crew will return to it next Monday to sweep again then fog seal it. After the seal, it will be striped.”

Parking for Galisteo ride on Oct 19

We have been asked NOT to park at the church where we have been parking of late.  Our resident Galilstean is investigating an alternate location.  Stay tuned.  (Figured this was better than another test post).

Part of the test is render of an image.  From today’s Eclipse ride.

blog emails

As you may be aware there have been recent issues with prompt sending of emails for blog posts.  Sometimes they do not get sent until the following day, witness the recent message about the Thursday ride being canceled.  A new system is being setup and tested.  Besides this blog post, there may be a few others that you see that are only being used for testing.

Once the new setup is ready for prime time you will be advised and then the old system will be disabled.

Special Eclipse Program and Community College

SOB  Member George Gamble, who is also retiring as Chair of the Trustees of Santa Fe Community College alerts SOB members to a special program Saturday, October 14 at the college. Special glasses will be provided.

Experience the annular solar eclipse at 9:00 a.m. to noon. The peak of the eclipse will be at 10:30. Location probably near the Planetarium.

Submitted by Bill Pollock

Notes on Oct 12 rides for A group

The ride to Sandia has only one signup so far.  Mark is the leader and without more signups the ride will be cancelled.  We will decide on Tuesday.  A post will be made and hopefully you will see it in time.  Or check the blog page.

The local A ride leaves at 10:00, not 0900.  There are two options.  Bonanza Crk plus cell tower or 599 to Stagecoach.  Rich I is leading.  If he chooses to lead Bonanza Creek there will be no ride to Stagecoach.  If he chooses to go to Stagecoach then I will lead the Bonanza Creek ride.

So you lucky A riders have at least two or maybe three choices.  Enjoy.

Thursday, Sept 28, Villanueva Ad Hoc ride

Some of us are doing the Villanueva ride this Thursday. Many members did not do this ride this year for various reasons and some new members have never done this ride. It is a favorite that goes along the Pecos River and passes rural farms. Head east on I-25 past Pecos, and take exit #323, it may say Rt 3, or Ribera. After you exit, stay right for a few hundred feet and you will see a dirt parking lot on the left near the frontage road. The distance from DeVargas to the exit is 45 miles, so allow about an hour travel time (+/-) depending where you live. The ride distance is 27 miles round trip to Villanueva State Park, mostly slight to moderate downhill going out, 1300′ elevation gain, so not bad. See GPS link below. Depending on who comes there may be two groups; the Relaxed Riders, and the Real Relaxed Riders. (The Real Relaxed Riders generally see no need to pedal furiously on a downhill greater than -3%).


Alan K


Thursday Ride Leaders for Remainder of Season

A rides:
Sept 28 Boyd
Oct 5 Boyd
Oct 12 Rich
Oct 19 John V
Oct 26 Christine
B rides:
Sept 28 canceled (see earlier post)
Oct 5 Las Vegas Lynn
Oct 5 Las Campanas tbd (We need a leader for this ride. Please volunteer or it will be canceled.)
Oct 12 Denise
Oct 19 Denise
Oct 26 Rob
C rides:
Sept 28 Julie
Oct 5 Ian
Oct 12 Rubén
Oct 19 Judy
Oct 26 Adrian

Moab Trip, Sept. 11-16th

18 SOBs travelled to Moab, Utah for 4 days of road cycling and fun! Some of us stayed in a town hotel and a few stayed in RV parks, but we got together every night to raise a glass to a glorious day. We all biked the Potash road along the Colorado River the first day. The road took us past petroglyphs, arches and rock climbers. The next day, we all took different routes. One group rode a new paved bike path for 11 miles out to the canyon past Arches towards Canyonlands.   It drizzled rain on us all the way out and back! And there was a vegetarian dinosaur.  That night we did a BarBQ dinner and a night cruise on the Colorado. The


walls were lighted with amazing lights and we heard tall tails. It was fun. The next day we rode in Canyonlands to the the Grand Vista – see some of our group in the picture. The last day was a day of exploration – new routes, hiking or riding in Arches National Park! And the drive home is one of the most beautiful drives in our country!

September 28 B ride

Is cancelled due to inability to find a ride leader and apparent lack of interest.

B riders are free to self-organize a ride through the e-mail list. If there is a ride leader willing to lead, it will be a sanctioned SOB ride; if not, not.

B riders are also free to join the C ride in Pilar. It is a lovely ride along the Rio Grande in the Orilla Verde Recreation Area. The paved road is six miles long, so it’s a 12 mile out and back (or a 24 mile if you do it twice or a 36 mile if you do it three times). There’s sometimes different wildlife to look at each time you do it (big horn sheep, eagles, ducks, other birds).

Cycling related message from Homewise developer.


My name is Isaac Hammond-Paul, and I am the Director of Community Development at Homewise. I’m reaching out to invite your membership to a free talk: “How Our Cities Became Parking Lots” taking place on October 4th from 6-8PM at the Scottish Rite Center in Santa Fe. Henry Grabar, journalist, and author of the new highly anticipated book Paved Paradise: How Parking Explains the World, will discuss the impact of parking on the character of neighborhoods, the size and cost of new construction, traffic, transportation, and even the course of floodwaters. He’ll also share how cities like Santa Fe can reform parking in ways that actually make it more convenient for drivers while increasing affordability, walkability, and livability. You can sign up to attend the event here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/livability-series-how-our-cities-became-parking-lots-tickets-709709017777?aff=oddtdtcreator.

Also, we are hosting a casual group ride to the event and see first hand some of Santa Fe’s own paved paradises. The ride will meet at 5pm at the Railyard Water
Tower and roll at 5:15pm sharp. Free bike valet provided by Bike Santa Fe will be available at the event location. Bring your lights to get back home and a lock for good measure!

Please feel free to reach out if you have questions or would like an image/flyer you can post to social media accounts.

Isaac Hammond-Paul

Perfect Weather for working on the Rail Trail Mural

We are down to the last days and I know some of you SOB’s are dying to get out and help on the Generations Mural Project. Sunday Sept.17th is the Santa Fe Half Marathon so I will be arriving very early to watch that and then tile or grout. Monday, Sept.18th I will be there at 8am. A big shout out to Carol Ketterman , Lucy and Tom for all your help this year!
generations.equalarea.com for more information ( Rail Trail just North of Siringo)

End of Season Luncheon at Hidden Mountain Brewery – October 26 from Lore (repost)

Mark your calendar!!


We are gathering for our annual End of Season luncheon at:
Hidden Mountain Brewery for our SOB luncheon on Thursday, October 26 @ 12:30. 
 (Hidden Mountain Brewing Company, 4056 Cerrillos Rd, NM 87507)
 After a fun bike ride we will be enjoying a delicious lunch and some social time
Please make your reservation before Monday, October 23rd by sending $15 per person, by PayPal via the Button below.


SOB Treasurer, Steve Gitomer will check you in at the restaurant.
Looking forward to some fun times together.

2024 EOS Luncheon Reservation for:

SOB End of Season Luncheon, Thursday Oct 26th. From Lore T.

Mark your calendar!!


We are gathering for our annual End of Season luncheon at:
Hidden Mountain Brewery for our SOB luncheon on Thursday, October 26 @ 12:30. 
 (Hidden Mountain Brewing Company, 4056 Cerrillos Rd, NM 87507)
 After a fun bike ride we will be enjoying a delicious lunch and some social time
Please make your reservation before Monday, October 23rd by sending $15 per person, by PayPal via the Button below.


SOB Treasurer, Steve Gitomer will check you in at the restaurant.
Looking forward to some fun times together.

Summer lunch reservation for:

Your input is requested (from Lyn P) – repost

The City of Santa Fe has applied for Gold status as a Bicycle Friendly Community from the League of American Bicyclists. The SOBs supported that effort. Now the League is asking for anyone’s input (you will probably have to copy and paste the link):

“To help us gain a better understanding of local bicyclists’ experiences in your community, we would greatly appreciate your help distributing the following public survey link so that bicyclists in your community can provide their input as well.

Public Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BFC_Fall23

Please distribute this link as broadly as possible to residents and local area bicyclists. . . .

The survey will remain open through Friday, October 20th.”

Your input is requested

The City of Santa Fe has applied for Gold status as a Bicycle Friendly Community from the League of American Bicyclists. The SOBs supported that effort. Now the League is asking for anyone’s input (you will probably have to copy and paste the link):

“To help us gain a better understanding of local bicyclists’ experiences in your community, we would greatly appreciate your help distributing the following public survey link so that bicyclists in your community can provide their input as well.

Public Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BFC_Fall23

Please distribute this link as broadly as possible to residents and local area bicyclists. . . .

The survey will remain open through Friday, October 20th.”

Start Times for September (repost)

Sorry for the late post BUT it remains annoyingly warm.  So we will start ad hoc Sept at 0900 thru Sept 15.  Will advise after that.  Also the Thursday start times for the first two September rides have been moved up 1/2 hour.

Photo Day

Club pic of those at Caja at 0830


Elite Eighty’s at 0845