Energetic (A) ad hoc start time changed
I give. I changed the time on the website to 10.30 for the rest of Feb and March. Despite my better judgement to the contrary. To avoid a lot of confusion mostly.
Ride Monday the 17th instead of Tuesday
It will be somewhat warmer on Monday so let’s ride from DeVargus at 10:30 am
Free Garmin Edge 1000 “SOLD”
Jack called this morning and we’re delivering it today
It works, but the battery will only hold a charge for 4-5 hours. Good for short rides. Comes w/charging cord, instructions, original box and mounting hardware
call me if you want it so we can arrange pick up
Diane Hourany
Albuquerque Bosque Trail ride, Thursday, 2/13/2025
Thursday, 2/13/2025 will be several degrees warmer in Albuquerque than Santa Fe. Ride the Bosque Trail from the trailhead on Alameda starting at 11:00 AM. Intention is to include 5 mile loop at the end of the trail. Add a fuel stop at Bike in Coffee on the return leg (assuming we can make it there before 2pm). Call me at 505-231-9341 if you have questions.
John Veilleux
Ride Leader Training and Refresher Course
There will be a new ride leader training and refresher for established ride leaders on Monday March 10 from 10:15 to 1:30 in the community room of the Southside Library. Please read the ride leader manual on the website in advance of the course. It will be helpful if established ride leaders chime in on anything they think is useful that the presenters may have omitted.
Upcoming trail opening.
Annual SOB Ride-Sept 29th-Oct. 3rd
Now is the time for me to start making plans for our SOB trip. I need to start finding hotels now. I am thinking of a tour that would be 2 different rides. One set of riders would stay in one place for three or four nights, the other group would move between two places. The Hub group would stay in Frisco, Colo. for 3 or 4 nights and ride out of there each day. This would be our third time there, but I think everyone who has done it before really enjoyed the riding. You can ride as far as you want each day and return to the same hotel. The other group would start their tour in Leadville staying two nights, then ride to Vail and over to Frisco for their 3rd and 4th nights and then return to Leadville and drive home. Both trips would drive to their destinations on Sept. 29th, and the Frisco group would ride Sept. 30, Oct. 1st and 2nd . They would drive home on the 3rd. The Leadville group would drive to Leadville on the 29th and on the 30th ride in Leadville Then, on the 1st of Oct. ride to Frisco over Vail Pass, staying in Frisco two nights. On the 2nd, they would ride in Frisco and on the 3rd, they would ride ride back to Leadville and home.. This is what I am thinking for this fall. I need to know who would be interested, and in which group you would ride .
I know that plans change between now and the end of September, and I expect that. However, I would like to know now if you would be interested so I can have some idea of how many might come. Judy. j.costlow@gmail.com
A group rides time change
Going forward during February and March, all rides will start at 10:30 unless otherwise posted.
This includes Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday rides including February 6th.
SB 73 hearing postponed
It appears that the Idaho stop bill will not be heard on Tuesday. We are hoping for Thursday for those who want to attend this hearing to show support. Tomorrow’s agenda can be found on the link below, which you may have to copy and paste. If you refresh it, it will have Thursdays agenda posted when available.
Please take action
From Bike Santa Fe:
Hello Santa Fe cyclist community!
Bike Santa Fe has joined with Bike ABQ and Velo Cruces in supporting a particular bill at the state legislative session: SB 73, the Require Bicycle Stops for Safety bill. You can find details, including the text and future status, here. Commonly referred to as the “Idaho stop” law, this legislation to make it legal for cyclists to treat stop signs as yields and traffic lights as stop signs would significantly improve cyclist safety, as data from other states has shown. We need your help in supporting this bill!
The first step is getting it through committees, and the bill is scheduled to be heard at the Senate Tax, Business, and Transportation committee and then will need to be heard at the Judiciary Committee. A vital action you can take is to contact the members of these committees and ask them to support the bill. The committee links have the list of members with their contact info once you click on them; feel free to call or email or both but make sure to send separate emails to each legislator. Also please note: Senators Hamblen, Wirth, O’Malley, Duhigg, and Maestas already support the bill so contacting them with a ‘Thank You’ is appreciated. All other members of the committee need urging to vote yes on this bill in committee. Senator Jaramillo represents part of Santa Fe county, so be sure to say you live in the county. The rest should still hear from you, as you live in this state!
Below are some key talking points. Please personalize your message with your own experiences and opinion as a cyclist in New Mexico.
Make sure to name the bill: SB 73, Require Bicycle Stops for Safety
Similar legislation has been passed in eleven states, where cyclist injuries dropped significantly
Allowing cyclists to yield at intersections gets them out of potentially dangerous situations
Enabling cyclists to cross before a green light gets them out of cars’ blind spots, which is a major cause of cyclist injuries and deaths
The law still requires cyclists to yield to those with right-of-way before proceeding
This law is good for both cyclists and cars, reducing accidents for everyone
Thank them for current or future support!
Thank you for helping us make New Mexico safer!
Gravel Ride Eldorado on Monday 1/27/2025, 12PM
Out and back gravel ride from parking area at the intersection of Ave Eldorado and Rail Trail in Eldorado, at starting at 12PM on MONDAY 1/27/2025. Parking is available at that trail head. Intent is to ride to the Spur trail head on Falcon Way in Rancho Viejo and back. Distance about 20 miles can increase on way back by going on to either the trail heads on Spur Ranch road or 285.
For further info, call me at 505-231-9341.
Travel Trek3
Denise is spending these cold days cleaning her garage. This Travel Trek3 is collecting dust and it is time to move it along. She is hoping an SOB would like to take it home. It is free!
Denise Maaranen maaranen1@msn.com 505-214-3620
Ride Friday January 24
Ride from DeVargus at 11 am on Friday January 24. Wear your woolies!
Christine VD
New Member in Search of Bike
I have been a member for just a week and really enjoyed the gravel ride on Saturday. Since I don’t have the right type of bike to ride with the SOB group I am looking for new and used options in the local stores and online. It occurred to me that someone in this group may have a bike to sell or know of someone selling a bike. My options are an endurance road or gravel bike. I ride a size 61 in the Specialized brand and an XL in Trek. I can be contacted at 303-717-5033 or jayherrmann60@gmail.com. Thank you
Saturday’s Gravel Ride
Hi all, thanks to John for organizing a gravel ride on the Rail Trail. I’m not sure if the group made it down to Highway 285 or not, as I hopped off the trail in Eldorado. Great to see everyone on the ride, here is a video of a portion of the ride that I was on: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRDtXrlq2RM
Clarification on accounting financial report
I would like to review the spread sheet for expenditures including account receivables and payouts.
Dear Alan
Just FYI, we spend about $2000 a year on insurance, including the premium and dues to the organization that sponsors it. We spend a few hundred dollars a year on tech-related stuff (website) and a like amount on gift cards for directors and ride leaders. We also subsidize the luncheons we have that usually cost us around $20-30 per person, and we charge only around $10 for people to sign up. (Thanks Lynn)
Also, there has been no change to the cost of dues, at least for the last 5 years, maybe more. And there is no change for 2025. Was $20, is $20 online. Was $25, is $25 if you pay by check.
Spur and Rail Trail Ride-gravel or mountain bike
When: Saturday 1/11/2025, 11:00 am start
Start Location: Spur Trail head off Falcon road. Plenty of parking.
Ride summary: Spur trail then rail trail to Eldorado, turn around at Spur Ranch road and return (about 25 miles round trip). Options for shorter distances available at multiple locations on the trail.
Weather forecast: a bit cold, high of 43F with wind 10 with gusts forecast up to 25 miles/hour. Dress warmly. The trail typically offers some protection from the wind.
John, 505-231-9341 for questions.
Annual financial report
Dear Treasure Steve G,
I see that it is dues time again, with an increase from $20 to now $25. It reminded me that we have not been given a treasure’s report in several years. So, Steve can you please post your report for information purposes. I and probably others would be interested in the club’s expenses.
Alan Klein
Need advice re cardiologists :O
Unfortunately, playing tennis I had what might have been a cardiac event. I am trying to get in to see a cardiologist and am having a hard time. Would love any advice re cardiologists, christus, presbyterian and lovelace.
I have already heard from gary katz, joe sheffer and joe udell, thanks!
I have a 2/17 appointment with Ronan at Christus and am trying to move that up with any available cardiologist. I plan to call Presbyterian tomorrow to see if they any earlier availability in Santa Fe or ABQ.
A nurse friend has recommended a ZIO monitor (prescription needed), stress test, and ECG. I had EKG, tropophin and chest CTA at the ER.
please email me at dwwolf@aol.com thanks!
UPDATE: through a cancellation i was able to get in to see lucas chacon-lutrick at christus/NMHI today. he was wonderful and pretty encouraging. i have some more tests coming up (and a zio monitor), but it is looking like i don’t have a heart issue 🙂 thanks for all the helpful emails!
Join for 2025 now open
The join link for 2025 is now available. Join early, join often.
Bonus ride Friday Jan 3
De Vargas 1100. Typical winter mileage, ~30 plus ☕️
Santa Cruz Stigmata Rival CC3 2022 Gravel Bike for Sale $2500
I have a beautiful Santa Cruz gravel bike for sale. It is in pristine shape with less than 150 miles use. It had its one year maintenance from Mellow Velo just before its closing.
Had intended to do more gravel riding but spent too much time on the road. Now I am transitioning to an e-bike and need to get this bike to someone who can get more use from it.
Paid a little over $4000 new and am asking $2500.
Photos, full specs and bill of sale
Frame size is medium mI am 5’8” and fits perfectly
if interested message or call 339-223-1266 or email ntsapatsaris@gmail.com
Bonus Sunday – Dec 29
We are going to opt for a Sunday ride from ECA at 10.30am on the 29th. Warmer, calmer and there’s football every day. The normal Saturday ride is still on. NOTE the slightly earlier start time for this Sunday only.
Orthopedic Surgeon Recommendation
Hi all, looks like its finally time to get a new knee. I have been getting by without an ACL or any meniscus cartilage in my left knee since 1970, yikes. I’m looking for recommendations for a good orthopedic surgeon that specializes in total knee replacement, sigh….. Thanks. edevlin@hsc.edu,
Continental 5000S TR Tires
I have two New in Box Continental 5000 S TR 700x28C black/black tires for sale.
They are tubeless ready. MSRP is $95 each but are often discounted to $85.
I am selling the pair for $135.
Rich Irell
Women’s Shimano Road Shoes
I was at REI yesterday and saw a pair of women’s size 5.5 road cycling shoes for $29.00. It’s a clearance item so not sure if they’re returnable.
Looking for a Pet sitter
Hi – I’m looking for a pet sitter. If you have any recommendations, please contact me.
Bike-in-Coffee Abq
A shout out to bike in coffee in abq on the bosque trail. IT’s conveniently located very near the trail, serves coffee and food, in the summer it’s a farm so agricultural products available. Last Thursday they had live jazz musicians playing, and they’ve closed in their upper porch area in clear plastic so it’s warm and out of the wind. I highly recommend you check it out. Check times and days it’s open.
Looking for a men’s medium SOB jersey
Hey Folks – If anyone has an extra men’s medium SOB jersey laying around, I’d be interested in taking it off your hands. I missed the most recent ordering window and I’d like to have a jersey. Just send a note directly to Randy.Greenberg@gmail.com
Received by the SOB website portal
Hi there,
My name is Margaret O’Hara, and I am a reporter at the Santa Fe New Mexican. Nice to meet you!
A group of colleagues and I are putting together a series of stories about aging and wellness in Santa Fe, and I’m hoping to gather a bunch of perspectives from local seniors. Would you be willing to ask some of your leaders/members if they’d be willing to speak with me about what their experiences of aging in Santa Fe?
Feel free to reach out at 505-479-2634 or mohara@sfnewmexican.com. You’re welcome to share my contact information with anyone who’s interested in speaking with me.
Thanks very much for your consideration, and I hope to hear from you soon!
-Margaret O’Hara ( mohara@sfnewmexican.com )
A Ride on Monday, December 9
Ride on Monday instead of Tuesday at DeVargus at 11 start. The weather forecast on Tuesday seems ugly and cold
Christine Van Dornick
Ride in Albuquerque’s Bosque Trail
Date: Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 10:30 AM
Start Location: Sandia RR station
For shorter ride length, you can start at the Bosque trail head on Alameda located just before crossing the Rio Grande. Call 505-231-9341 for additional information.
Good News! The Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes has received a certificate of appreciation from the Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive of The Food Depot. We raised $1564 to help our neighbors and friends in need of food. The certificate is attached. And this Tuesday, Giving Tuesday, Dec. 3rd, every dollar donated will be doubled to provide 8 meals during the Holiday Season. Thanks SOBs!
And on another note, one of our founding members of the SOBs, Dale Goering, has died. Dale Goering was 94. He was a founder of the Santa Fe Striders, a teacher, a carpenter and a seasoned SOB! He always had a smile and wonderful stories to tell. He ran up Pikes Peak several times and rode with us until about 5 years ago. We will miss Dale, but always remember his big smile and great stories!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pedro Murga and Miller F1 Cyclery
Dena & I stopped by F1 Cyclery on Saturday to see the shop . The shop is open for business but the grand opening has been postponed until early December ( to be announced). They are dealers for Specialized and BMC currently. They offer service, bikes and some biker merch.
Dan Warner
Saturday gravel ride
Ride will start at the Rabbit Rd Rail Trail parking lot at 10:30am. This is a 23 mile figure 8 loop that is 60/40 pavement/gravel. Plan is to ride a moderate pace averaging ~10mph. 1 mile after leaving the start we will divert to a series of paved and gravel roads in the Seaton village area and pop out at the 9 Mile trailhead for the RT. At this point any riders wanting to cut the ride short will have the opportunity to head back to the start via the RT. The other riders will head south on the RT to Eldo and stop at the gas station on 285 for food/drink/potty. Any riders from Eldorado wishing to join us could meet us there around 12:30. Another option for Eldo riders would be to meet us at 9 Mile ~11:15. From Gas Station up to Old Las Vegas Hy and around to 9 Mile and back on RT to start for 23 miles. Here’s the route:
Video to help promote the Galisteo Basin Preserve
Even better if you download the song on Bandcamp…only $1
Enjoy, Julie Deery
More News from Pedro Murga
🎉 **Grand Opening Alert!** 🚴♂️
Miller and Pedro are thrilled to introduce **F1 CYCLERY**, Santa Fe’s newest destination for all things biking! Join us on **Saturday, November 23rd, from 10 AM to 6 PM** at **1189 Parkway Drive, Suite F1** for our grand opening celebration.
Long Sleeve Club Jersey XL – Sold
Jersey sold, thanks,
Generations Mural is finished
Thank you to all the SOB’s who donated to the Generations mural project on the Santa Fe Rail Trail. I couldn’t have completed the project without the support I received. If you haven’t donated and would like to, I still need to pay for capping the mural and ongoing maintenance.Check the website for more information. Go visit ❤️
Thursday, Oct. 31st ride
The ride will start at 9:30 am instead of 10:00 am so we can get most of the ride completed before the fall luncheon. Dress warm; it will be cool at the start.
Christine Van Dornick
Vote early, vote often
Rides start at 1030. Thursday rides start at 599 RR station all month.
Stay Safe.
Luncheon, last reminder!!
Last reminder : do join our luncheon on Thursday.
Don t miss out!
Pay via link below:
Thursday, October 31 at 12:30pm at
Plaza Cafe, South Side, 3466 Zafarano Drive
Please make your reservation by paying $15.00 prior to October 29, using the following link:
End of the Season Luncheon | Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes (santafesobs.com)
Galisteo Ride Today
Hi all, it was great to see everyone today. As usual, I got pooped, riding harder than I do when riding solo. But it was a beautiful day, at least until the wind picked up, ha. Here is the 5x GoPro feed from today’s ride:
E bikes on ABQ Bosque Trail – YES now
From the NM Touring Society based in ABQ, e bikes are now allowed on the Bosque paved trail.
C Ride cancelled for 10/17
The C ride for this Thursday is cancelled as there is no leader. However, I am proposing an Ad Hoc ride on the 17th to the Taos Gorge Bridge from the top of the Rio Grande Mesa. The travel time to get there by car is about 2 hours. The best way is to go through Espanola towards Taos on Highway 68 paralleling the Rio Grande. When you get to the very small town of Pilar with the Ranger Station opposite ( rest rooms available there), turn left into the town of Pilar and follow the road (570) along the river for 6 miles. You will come to a metal bridge that crosses the River. Cross it and the road becomes dirt and climbs to the top of the mesa. At the top there is a parking area where we will start our ride to the Gorge Bridge. We are hoping to see Taranculas and beautiful scenery. There is not much traffic, the road is paved and the total mileage is 20. We will start riding at 10:00.
If you are interested in this ride, please email Judy at: j.costlow@gmail.com. to let her know you are coming. Bring a good snack and plenty of water. You will need a 4 wheel drive to get up the dirt road. If you do not have a 4 wheel, and want to come there is another all paved road, ask Judy when you contact her.
Let’s Celebrate !
Come, join us at our End of the Season Luncheon
Thursday, October 31 at 12:30pm at
Plaza Cafe, South Side, 3466 Zafarano Drive
Please make your reservation by paying $15.00 prior to October 29, using the following link:
End of the Season Luncheon | Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes (santafesobs.com)
C Ride Cancelled Thursday, 10/10
The C ride is cancelled for Thursday, Oct. 10th. There are not enough riders signed up.
End one Season Luncheon
Just a reminder:Be sure to come to our luncheon, Thursday, October 31 at
3466 Zafarano Drive
Lets enjoy some fun times together !
Volunteers are needed
on Sunday, October 13, at 10 am for a few hours.
Steve Pilcher and I (your bike advocates on the board) are working with Bike Santa Fe, who was awarded a Community Challenge grant from AARP, to conduct bike audits to gather information in hopes of improving bike safety in Santa Fe.
I am leading the audit of Richards Avenue from Governor Miles to the traffic circle past SFCC, and Steve is leading the audit of Airport Road from Cerrillos to South Meadows. We each need 2-4 additional people to help with the audits. They will involve riding the respective routes in each direction, taking pictures and making notes of problem areas as well as good features (if any), and reporting on what we find. Worksheets, tools, safety items, and maybe snacks and lunch will be provided.
More information can be found at https://www.aarp.org/livable-communities/getting-around/aarp-bike-audit-tool-kit/
If interested, please email Steve and me at spilcher@gmail.com and lynnpickard1@yahoo.com with copy to bikesantafe@gmail.com
Thank you!!!
E bikes on ABQ bosque trail NO
From the New Mexico Touring Society newsletter, e bikes are no longer allowed on the ABQ bosque trail.
Ride Leaders
Here are the tentative leaders for October as far as I know them:
B Rides:
October 3 Las Vegas option – Lynn
October 3 Las Campanas option – Denise
October 10 – Gary G
October 17 – Charles
October 24 – Paul
October 31 – Lynn
C Rides:
October 3 – Judy
October 10 – Ruben C
Guess what Tuesday is?
A new month! Some call it October. Start time will nominally be 1000. There is one exception, can you guess? It’s a research question. Enjoy. Stay safe.
End of the Season Luncheon
Mark your calendar! Thursday, October 31 we will celebrate the end of a wonderful SOB biking season at
Plaza Cafe, South Side, 3466 Zafarano Drive, Luncheon at 12:30
Please make your reservation by Monday,October 28 by paying $15.00 per person with the Pay Pal link below.
The SOB bank will help with payment for the luncheon.
Come and enjoy !!
Volunteer Cooks Needed
St Elizabeth’s Men’s Shelter, across the street from La Choza, is looking for a couple of volunteer cooks to help prepare dinner for several dozen folks once a month. They don’t need professional cooks, but people who enjoy cooking. They have plenty of protein available to use and usually fresh produce too. Desserts are always available. It is a fun and inspiring volunteer job, helping others and meeting new friends. Mike Hirsch is the contact person and will answer any questions you may have. His number is 703-343-0756, or email at michaelbhirsch@yahoo.com.
B Ride cancelled
The B ride in the East Mountains is cancelled due to lack of interest and lack of a leader.
Grand Junction – Annual SOB Ride Sept 10th to the 15th
Eleven SOBs (Judy, Denise, Lore, Charles, Rob and Pam, Bill and Virginia, Betsy, Rubin and Jan) headed to Grand Junction, Colorado on Tuesday, September 10th for three days of cycling. The drive to Grand Junction was beautiful. It took me to Durango where I followed the mountains up to Silverton, then over the Million Dollar Highway to Ouray. It was breathtaking especially because it brought back memories of our Club ride in 2013 when we rode from Durango to Silverton, spent a night, then Silverton to Telluride in wind and rain, spent the night, then, Telluride to Cortez over Lizard Head Pass, spent the night and next day headed back to Durango. We were exhausted but excited – we did it!
Grand Junction is situated in the Colorado River Valley surrounded by giant mesas, with Grand Mesa being the largest flat topped mesa in the world. Our first day of cycling was a drive to the little town of Palisades for a fruit and wine tour. Palisades is known for the delicious peaches grown there. We had a wonderful ride – crossing the Colorado River twice and stopping for fresh fruit and wine along the way! As we got back to our cars to load our bikes, there was suddenly thunder, lightning, the sky opened up and dumped rain. We ran to a local lunch stop to wait out the rain. Unfortunately Betsy and Rob were soaked. .
Mt Garfield as seen from Palisades Judy as seen from a local fruit stand
The next day we did part of the Colorado River ride. We rode up to the enterance of the Colorado National Monument. This is where the Tour of the Moon begins its climb. As we rode back we found we had missed the turnoff to Fruta, a little town west of G Junction, so that would be our ride the next day. It was a beautiful ride with a paved trail all the way along the river. We saw Herons, south flying geese, and even hawks.
We had some lovely meals, got lost a few times and enjoyed each others company. On Saturday, Charles and Rob rode the Tour of the Moon and both returned in good time with smiles a mile wide. I want to thank Pam for all her work finding us route maps and Charles for helping me scout some of the rides and leading us on a fun adventure. Thanks everyone! It was a grand time!
The SOB Grand Junction “Gang” Charles finishes the Tour of the Moon!-3 hours 47 minutes
Judy, Bill, Denise,Rubin, Virginia, Charles, Rob and Betsy!
From Paul M re 9/12 ride
Hi Everyone! I have a summer head cold. I’m heading into town today to find a covid test to make sure it’s only a cold.
The bottom line is that it’s unlikely that I’ll be well enough to lead Thursday’s ride from Museum Hill. I’m hoping someone will volunteer to lead the ride.
Thanks, Paul
Please volunteer
Steve and I got the messages copied below about seeking bike volunteers for the shorter races that are part of the Santa Fe International Half Marathon on September 15. If you volunteer, there is also another perk of a bag of Jirnani Kenyan coffee. Please consider this volunteer opportunity favorably. I’ll have another later in the month.
Dear Lynn and Steve,
Good evening! Jennifer from Bike Santa Fe kindly shared your contact information with me, as we are looking for cyclists to assist with our upcoming 5K and 1 Mile races. Specifically, we need a cyclist to lead each race, provide support at the turnaround points, and act as a sweep at the end of each race. Would you kindly share this information with our club members?
I had the pleasure of meeting some of your club members today at Nickolas after their ride, and they mentioned that our Half Marathon course is a familiar route for them.
Warm regards,
Kerri Cottle
Santa Fe International Half Marathon Community Coordinator
Event Information and Volunteer Call:
We are excited to announce the 3rd annual Santa Fe International Half Marathon, happening on September 15, 2024. Hosted at the iconic Santa Fe Railyard area, this event brings together local and international runners for an unforgettable race experience.
As a volunteer, you’ll not only be part of an amazing community event but will also support a great cause. The event, produced by Mwangaza Athletic Club, partners with the Lightning Boy Foundation and WEFTA (Water Engineers for the Americas and Africa) to support the Kitany Water Project in Kenya, benefiting the Indigenous Kalenjin tribe, known as the “running tribe.” Learn more about this impactful project here: Kitany Water Project.
Volunteer Opportunities:
We invite individuals and groups to participate. All volunteers will receive a commemorative volunteer shirt from our sponsor, Jambo.
You can also volunteer for race packet pick-up, in-person registration, or help with water stations and course support on race day.
Perks for Volunteers:
Free entry (transferable) to the SFI Half Marathon, 5K, or 1 Mile Walk (up to a $89 value).
Assist runners from around the world while having fun!
Race Day (Sept. 15th) Opportunities:
5K Race and 1 Mile Walk:
Railyard course assistance
Water stations
Course help
Cyclists needed to lead runners and serve as sweeps
Aid and Water Stations (every two miles along the course):
Perfect for individuals or groups
Groups can sponsor a water station with 5-10 volunteers from 7:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Opportunity to display your company/group banner and include group information in the swag given to runners
Link to the online volunteer form: Volunteer Sign-Up
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Warm regards,
Kerri Cottle
Santa Fe International Half Marathon Community Coordinator
Thursday rides should avoid Bonanza Creek
B and A rides are supposed to ride Bonanza Creek. However, it is torn up due to repaving in progress. Ride leaders will need to figure out how to avoid it. Use your superior navigation skills.
Bonanza Creek being repaved
Only taken me a week to remember to post this (Sorry Tom).
About 2 miles at the 14 end are torn up. Rideable (we did it Saturday) but not fun.
Elite Eightys 2024
2024 Group Photos
Good looking groups! Elite Eighty’s coming tomorrow.
Bonus pic:
Lael Wilcox exact route thru SF
You can find lael wilcox’ exact route thru SF on cyclingabout.com. She’s an endurance bike rider on an around the world trip trying to set a record. I hope you come out to cheer her on. She should be coming thru SF 10-15 days from now.
Farm Fresh Cabbage
Rubn Cedeno has fresh cabbage he would love to share. He will bring them to our Thursday ride and you can pick one up then. They are farm fresh, delicious, nutricious and are free!
Group Photo Thrs Aug 29 and Sept start times
The much beloved group photo will be this coming Thursday. Be at the start (Caja) by 0830 for the festivities. Ride start is 0900. Wear your SOB jersey.
September ad hoc rides will start at 0930. Yay! More sleep.
September Thursday rides start at various times depending on where the ride start is. Check the website.
Dakine Roller Bike Bag-Brand New, Never Used! Complete with all of the attachments, pads including wheel and fork pads. Dimensions 55x13x34, 18lbs. $600 new, For Sale $275. Larry Langway 505-310-4432 or larry_langway@yahoo.com
Aug 22 B Ride
Hi all, here is a video of most of the B ride. I say most because I forgot to start the GoPro after we left Galisteo for a while and I took the rail trail back home, so it is not the complete ride. But the first part shows a nice ride down to Galisteo. Good to see everyone today,
Around the world rider lael Wilcox coming thru Santa Fe
Lael Wilcox a long distance endurance bike rider plans to come thru SF soon. She’s trying to set a new around the world record and is truly amazing. She started in Chicago, went east thru Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Alaska, and is now in the state of Washington. She rides 180+- miles a day!!! She plans to ride down the west coast then east thru SANTA FE!!! You can follow her on Spotify web site (and other web sites too) where she gives a recount of the days riding (86 days so far). I plan to be wherever she is when she come thru SF to ride a bit w her, to cheer her on, bring cookies, make signs etc. we’ll know better exactly what route she will be on as she gets closer. Maybe 10-15 days she’ll be here It would be great inspiration for us to see her, and for her to get cheered on by us. I hope you look her up and are there when she comes thru SF.
Terry Butterfly Chromoly Gel Saddle -new
Like new Terry Butterfly cromoly gel saddle. $60 or best offer. Dena or Dan 505-310-2966

Thursday Aug 22 start time is 0900
Was listed as 0830. Should have been 0900. FWIW!
Is now listed as 0900. Enjoy the extra shut eye.
Food Depot Neighbor to Neighbor
Hi All, I know a lot of you participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign and I thank you very much. It is a campaign dear to my heart. How can our State/Country have so many food insecure children, adults and elderly? The Food Depot is making a difference and it is their last N2N call as it ends in Sept. Please read the attached letter from a dear friend and coordinator of the drive. It appeared in today’s(Aug 18) New Mexican.. Thank you all for helping our neighbors . Handing out food is a joyful experience _ My View _ santafenewmexican.com.
Found: 1 pair of black Specialized cycling gloves at South Meadows school on 8/17/2024 after our ride. They appeared to have fallen off someone’s car after the ride.
John, 505-231-9341
C riders do the White Rock V2 loop.
Nine C riders rode the White Rock scenic loop on a gorgeous Thursday with just the right of wind to keep comfortable. The first segment of the ride was a five mile out and back on Route 4, planned to avoid the drop into Ancho Canyon. However our enthusiasm got the better of us as we rode the steep downhill and slogged back up again. Turning off Route 4, we wound around White Rock, stopping briefly at the scenic overlook (see photo) then looped back to the car park.
All in all, a very pleasant ride, even though the ride leader (me) stumbled a bit with the many turns!!

Part of the group at the Outlook.
e-bike riders please read – others ignore
I know e-bikes are becoming a new thing with SOBs. Good on ya. However, If you ride an e-bike and you post on Strava you should really indicate that you did an e-bike ride and NOT just a “ride”. Why? Because motor assistance is not fair to those who use muscle power when it comes to segment times and personal bests.
How do you fix it? See this link: https://support.strava.com/hc/en-us/articles/216919397-Change-Activity-Type
It may be a pain to do but you’ll get used to it and you’ll know that during the time you are making this change you are playing fair. Don’t you feel better now?
Even Wout van Aert figured it out. See the little e-bike symbol. That means you got it right.
Last Chance to order this year and to claim 2 jerseys from last year
Only one more day to order a new SOB merch here: https://order.hincapiecustom.com/sob2024
If you purchased a ss jersey last year – one small, one medium but you have not claimed it yet, then you have a couple of days left before we auction them off. Contact bob @ santafesobs.com to claim.
The Cochiti Loop Yesterday!
It was a perfect day to ride the Cochiti Loop. The sun was shining, friends were gathering and the ride was almost perfect! The C riders got 2 flat tires one after the other, but swiftly they got the tires changed and we were on our way!
At the bridge over the Rio Grande we stopped for the view, drank more water and waved at all the people passing us. We all made it back to Pena Blanca and were glad our cars were there so we did not have to ride 8 more miles. Thanks to our leader, Ruben, and the other 9 participants, it was a great SOB ride!
There was a small herd of horses on the road and they raced us. They won! The bridge over the Rio Grande!
ad hoc start times remain 0900 for August
Thursday rides as posted.
SOB Club Jerseys Available to order until Aug 11
Order your club jersey or other item here: https://order.hincapiecustom.com/sob2024
Limited time: The order window for the SOB kit is open for a limited time to ensure prompt delivery of your cycling apparel. Please place your orders by midnight on Sunday, August 11th (EST).
Orders will go into production Monday, August 12th and ship to each individual member the week of September 30th, delivering within 3-4 business days.
Ride Leaders
The tentative ride leaders for the near future are:
A Rides:
August 1 – Joe S
August 8 – TBD
August 15 – Boyd
August 22 – Mark S
August 29 – John V
Sept 5 – TBD
B Rides:
August 1 – Lynn
August 8 – Steve P
August 15 – Lynn
August 22 – Paul
August 29 – Steve P
Sept 5 – TBD
Sept 12 – Rob
Sept 19 – Paul
Sept 26 – TBD
C Rides:
August 1 – cancelled
August 8 – Ruben C
August 15 – Ian
August 22 – Shirley
August 29 – Adrian
Sept 5 – Ruben C
C Ride Cancelled Aug. 1st
The C ride starting in Espanola tomorrow (Aug 1st) is cancelled. If you are interested in doing an early easy ride tomorrow – meet at the Parking lot off Murales Rd behind Fort Marcy ready to ride at 8:00. I will be there and we will finish by10, before the heat gets intense. I would also like to invite whoever shows up for coffee/tea afterwards. Judy
Attn: Former customers of Mellow Velo
Pedro Murga, who used to work in the front of the store and who did many on-the-fly repairs and other tune ups for me, has opened his own shop – F1 Cyclery, 1189 Parkway Drive, Suite F1 (near Meow Wolf). He can be reached at f1cyclery@gmail.com or 505-490-5228 to make an appointment for service.
Abandoned SOB jerseys
I have 3 that no one has claimed since last year. I will give you 7 days to claim if you bought one. Just show me your receipt. After 7 days I will auction them off to the highest bidder with proceeds going to the club. Minimum bid $45. The 3 jerseys are Hincapie version, one each small medium large. Submit your receipt to Bob at santafesobs.com.
Mello Velo Santa Fe Closed
FYI the Mello Velo has closed. The last day of operations was Sunday, 7-14-24. According to the staff they were told early last week that the store would be closing as of that date.
Dan W
Shimano Pedals and Cleats
PD-6800 pedals. Like new. AND SM SH11 cleats – unused. List for both is ~ $80. Yours for $40 cash. Contact bob at santafesobs.com Or make offer.
C Ride Start Change 7/18
C Ride start for July 18th will be the intersection of Highway 14 and 42. We will not start in Cerrillos. The ride to Galisteo from the intersection and back is 20 miles. There is plenty of parking at the intersection. The low for the day is 57 and the high at noon is 79 degrees. Hope to see you there!
Bishops lodge rd gravel
Bishops lodge rd north from bishops lodge itself has serious gravel mud dirt across it in many places Lots of heavy rain hail lately. Fyi
SOB Summer Lunch
Our summer luncheon is just a few days away. Remember to signup and pay $15.00 before July 9!
See you at Rancho de Chimayo, lunch @ 12:30 on July 11.
click below to sign up and pay:
Pancake Ride – C group
C ride to Pancakes on the Plaza
I am the Ride Leader for the C ride on July 4th. I am proposing we start at the Geneveva Chavez Center and mostly ride the bike trails to the Plaza and back.
Park at the Center, it does have some covered parking. Be ready to ride at 8:30. The cost of the breakfast is $12 and you can buy tickets there. Please sign up. It will be fun!
July ad hoc start time 0900 all groups
no more to say.
July ride leaders
The tentative list of ride leaders is:
A Rides:
July 4 – Christine
July 11 – Joe
July 18 – John V
July 25 – Mark
B Rides:
July 4 – Steve P
July 11 – Paul
July 18 – Lynn
July 25 – Rob
C Rides:
July 4 – Judy
July 11 – Judy
July 18 – Ruben
July 25 – Ian
Regarding Luis Quiroz
As you know, Luis Quiroz was killed in April while riding on Camino de Los Abuelos in Galisteo. As part of the Santa Fe cycling community, I wanted to let the Seniors on Bikes club know of the installation of a ghost bike for Luis on June 29th at 9:00. The location of the installation is the intersection of Camino de Los Abuelos and La Jara Ranch road. Please join us to show support for Luis from the our biking community. Thanks
-Michele Ortega ( mixhele.ortega@gmail.com )
2024 Summer Lunch
From Lore T.
Mark your calendar!
Our summer lunch at Rancho de Chimayo is happening again Thursday July 11@ 12:30pm
After a fun ride we will meet for a delicious lunch and some good conversation.
Please make your reservation by Tuesday, July 9 by paying $15.00 per person on the enclosed PayPal.
The SOB bank account is helping with the payment for the luncheon.
Come and enjoy!
July 4 Special
Since July 4 is a Thursday this year, we have added a ride from SFCC to the Plaza and back to the options for the day. There would only be one group and there will be a leader TBD.
You can always ride to the Plaza and then continue on and do something else from there. I am sure you can figure something out. So, lots of options – Do one of the SFCC rides, do the Plaza out back ride, or go to the Plaza and then continue somewhere else. Such freedom. (that’s why it’s July 4th!)
June 20 B ride cancelled
For same reasons as C ride.
June 20th ‘C’ Ride cancelled
Due to high winds with extreme gusts possible, no places for shelter, plus the strong chance of rain, the C ride for Thursday 20th June from Galisteo is cancelled.
Ride Safe,
Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign for The Food Depot
Hi All you SOB’s, I am once again asking that the SOBs participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor campaign to help feed our friends and neighbors who live in 9 of our Northern counties, including Santa Fe. Last year we gave them $1393 through your generosity. I know many of you already donate to the Food Depot and during this time just make a note on your check or credit card that it is for the N to N campaign from a member of the SOBs. You will receive a tax letter for your donation. Thank you so much for your continued support of The Food Depot. Judy Costlow
Last year, Neighbor to Neighbor, the largest fundraiser for THE FOOD DEPOT, delivered $397,430 in donations vis a vis a goal of $300,000! That money provided enough food for nearly 1.6 MILLION MEALS!!!! In 2024, our goal is to EXCEED $400,000 in donations and with your help we can do it!!!!!
We are starting strong with a $50,000 match! In other words, the first $50,000 in donations will be matched dollar for dollar…..so don’t delay….make your donations work twice as hard and be among the first to donate to Neighbor to Neighbor, the largest fundraiser for The Food Depot!!! Every dollar feeds 4 people!
To donate, click on http://TheFoodDepot.org/N2N or mail your check to The Food Depot, 1222 A Siler Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87507. Be sure to write your neighborhood, business or group name in the memo line on your check.
Treat yourself and watch a 20 minute documentary of The Food Depot called Movement. It is just 20 minutes and was done courtesy of DocuFilms. It is terrific! I promise you will enjoy it. To watch it please click on https://thefooddepot.org/movement. Thank you so much for your help!
ad hoc start times rest of June
Will remain 0900. It is warming up BUT a survey of the group indicates 0900 is preferred so we will keep it at 0900. The June 13 ride start for A is 0900.
For A group the June 20 and June 27 will be 30 min later than originally posted. New rides have been created for those dates. So, June 20 A start is 0930 and June 27 A start is 0900. Stay Safe.
Thursday Ride Signups
I understand that it is a pain, although we have made it as easy as possible. The ride leaders do look at who has signed up to understand the interest in the ride. And as we have said before, if there are fewer than 5 riders then the ride can be cancelled. And if you sign up and then find you cannot ride, no biggie, just don’t show up, no need to go thru any hoops to cancel. Thanks.