Bike Maintenance Series

Get empowered and learn the building blocks of adjusting, cleaning and maintaining your own bicycle. In four classes, over four weeks, we cover all the major components and groups. We begin with the basics – Tires, Tubes & Lubes. The second week features Shifters & Derailleurs. The following week focuses on Brakes & Cables. The series finishes with a look at Cranks, Cassettes, Hubs & Wheels. Admission to the series of four workshops is $30, to be paid at the first session. Individual classes are offered at $10 a piece.

The dates for this series are October 25, November 2, 9, and 16 (Thursday evenings). Classes begin at 6:30 and run until about 8:00. Classes are offered at Rob & Charlie’s bike shop (1632 St. Michael’s Drive, at the St. Michael’s Village West Plaza).

For more information, please email Bike Santa Fe or call Rob & Charlie’s (471-9119) and ask to speak with Stephen.

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