Another ride of the Albuquerque Bosque

Those who rode the Bosque Trail in Albuquerque recently had such a good experience that a similar ride is already planned for May 15. Think about joining in the trip. The new ride will be a little different but still contain the  elements that made it such a good...

SOB Members hit the trail!

The Bosque Trail, that is. Thursday, March 29 was the day for several SOB members to car pool to Albuquerque and ride the Bosque Trail. Everything went well. A little wind, but nothing to discourage the ride. And a number of beer stops eased any pain. Photograph by...

B Riders enjoy the sunshine

Last Thursday, near the Community College, the B riders took advantage of the stop sign to warm up in the sun. Champion bicyclists call the B group riders “stalwart.”

Early arrival necessary for Montoya funeral

Judging by the number of attendees at the Rosary Sunday night for Ramon Montoya, we recommend that SOB members planning to attend the 10:00 a.m. funeral service Monday should plan to be seated by 9:20 a.m. SOB members will be amazed at the number of friends and family...

Ramon Montoya Obituary

The services for Ramon Montoya on Monday, March 19 10:00 a.m. at St. Anne’s Catholic Church, 511 Alicia Street, Santa Fe (corner of Hickock and Alicia Street) A Rosary is also scheduled at St. Anne’s at 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, March 18 This Obituary provided...