Ride to Rio en Medio… For The Birthday Boys

SOB riders met at DeVargas Center Tuesday for a trek to Rio en Medio. It was a beautiful day to ride!! A sunny blue sky was the perfect match for a cool spring day. The group also welcomed home Tom and Lu from their escapades in Arizona. There was the ritualistic...

Three Rides in One…

SOB Riders showed up in force on a windy Thursday!! One group of 20 SOB Riders headed out under sunny, bright blue skies from the 599 Station down Hwy 14 to Lone Butte Gas Station. At Lone Butte, one group turned right on Bonanza Creek heading to the Cell Tower and La...

Winter Riding… Break Out The Suntan Lotion!!

9 SOB Riders gathered at the El Camino Real Academy under bright, sunny blue skies and warm temperatures for a Winter day of riding and climbing. We were joined by Niltsi, the Navajo Wind God; a training partner we just didn’t need this early in the riding...