3 Apr – A Climb Day to the Hyde Park Ranger Station

Under cool, blue sunny skies SOB Riders began a 20+ mile, 2200+ ft ascent ride to the Hyde Park Ranger Station. The climb up Bishop’s Lodge Road was the warm up for the wicked transition across Barranca Road and Sierra del Norte to Hyde Park Road. After the steep climb up Sierra del Norte across to Hyde Park Road, we welcomed the slow steady climb to the Ranger Station. We regrouped at the Ranger Station and layered up for the descent back to Santa Fe. Here is the group at the Ranger Station (Alex behind the lens). With little traffic, it was a rocket descent down Hyde Park and Gonzales Road back to DeVargas Shopping Center. We celebrated our achievement at the Betterday Coffee Shop and Restaurant in Solana Shopping Center.

5 Apr – A Trek Out Old Santa Fe Trail with a Loop Around Santa Fe

A whole gaggle of SOB Riders assembled at Museum Hill for a SOB Club Ride around Santa Fe. John led our group out Old Santa Fe Trail climbing to the end of the Trail. We descended the Trail and Two Trails Road with an excursion through Seton Village before rolling down Old Las Vegas Highway to Old Pecos Trail. At Old Pecos Trail it was time to battle the winds down Rabbit Road, Dinosaur Road, and Los Pinto to the La Cienega Water Tower. After a regroup it was “PacelineTime” back to 599. At 599, the “SOB Premier Racer” (You know who you are – Barb!) took control and set a quick pace back to Museum Hill. No lollygagging authorized with this group!! Overall we covered 48+ miles with 2,500 ft of ascent. But a ride is not a ride without nourishing the body!! The group assembled at 2nd Street Brewery (Original) for lunch and a round of cheer, with Larry and Bob enjoying free beer!! (Ernie our waiter behind the lens)

7 Apr – A Cold and Windy Start Turned to an Epic Ride – YAHOO!!

What started as a small group of SOB Riders looking for the nearest Coffee Shop for warmth, turned into an epic ride around Santa Fe. Huddled together whining about the cold, our plan was a quick out and back to the Betterday Coffe Shop. But after battling the cold climbing the 599 Frontage Road out of El Camino Real Academy, we were greeted with blue, sunny skies. YES… it was going to be another awesome SOB adventure!! We quickly abandoned the plan to regroup at the Betterday coffee shop and instead threaded our way through Las Campanas to the Tano Road Bridge across to Bishop’s Lodge Road and back into Santa Fe. Energized by the ever warming, sunny day, we raced around the city back to El Camino Academy. Meanwhile, back at the Ranch House grub and refreshments were being prepared. Here are the SOB Riders at our best!! Overall, we covered 30+ miles with 1,732 ft of ascent.


It was a great week of riding… 100 miles; 6,550+ ft of ascent. But best of all was the SOB camaraderie… it just keeps on giving!! It was just another week-long, awesome adventure living the SOB dream!! YAHOO!!

Ride Fast; Ride Safe!!


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