by Joe Shaffer | Jul 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
It was cloudy, cool start for the SOB Ride Thursday morning; but the weather soon changed to blue skies. Some rode to Madrid; some rode to Galisteo; some circled the Galisteo Loop clockwise; while some circled the Galisteo Loop counter-clockwise. All in all… it...
by Pam Reynolds | Jul 13, 2017 | Uncategorized
This was posted on Facebook by Bike Santa Fe: Reported by two different motorists on their way to work about 8 am Thursday July 13. One of the drivers is a serious cyclist, here on a work detail from Michigan. A group of about 10 road riders heading SE on 599 about 8...
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 12, 2017 | Ride Recaps, Uncategorized
Some of the SOB Tuesday riders welcomed Larry Knighten back from an extended visit to the East Coast with a 46 mile ride out to the cell towers and back through La Cienega and Santa Fe. Welcome Back Larry!! Bob: Great job of ‘photoshopping” the picture!...
by Lynn P | Jul 11, 2017 | Uncategorized
Below is a link to a letter that I wrote on our behalf to the Mayor, City Councilors, City Manager, City Engineer, and Public Works Director. If you would like to send your own letter to any or all of these people, you can email me, and I will send you the information...
by bobb | Jul 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Estimated ship date is Aug 23. We had over 70 items ordered. Thanks to Ian and Steve for helping with PayPal stuff. When the stuff comes in I’ll advise you on the blog for distribution at upcoming rides.
by pollockb | Jul 9, 2017 | Uncategorized
When I found the SOBs out riding US 285 in 2001, Herb Schon, a founding member, impressed me that he climbed the mountains so easily on the rides. I asked him how he did it. He told me that he gathered the dirt at the Sanctuary in Chimayo and put it in his water...
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