Continuing good news

The note below is from Judy’s sister, Cassie, late on Tuesday night. Judy had a busy day today with her physical therapist and her occupational therapist.  She had a good exhausting walk in the halls.  She’ll probably be able to wash her clothes tomorrow...

Monday update for Judy

Below is the message I received this evening from Judy’s sister, Cassie. In the message is a request from Judy to hold calls for a couple of days. Judy was moved today to a rehab/skilled nursing facility in Kona – Life Care Center.  This is where she hoped...

Sunday evening report on Judy

Talked to Judy on cell a bit ago. She continues to recover. But things are slow this early. Judy anticipates being moved Monday to a skilled nursing facility in Kona. She is glad of that because Kona is where the airport is. A quick exit to look forward to. Judy...

Saturday evening Report on Judy

I just finished talking to Judy on her cell phone. She is doing very well, but anxious to get home as soon as possible. That, she said, may be in a week. Judy has been up three times today to make brief walks in the room. A little pain, and very slow steps. But steps...

Late update on Judy

Good news at 11 p.m., Friday.  Judy’s sister, Cassie, just got off phone talking to Judy’s surgeon. Surgery went very well. Took longer than planned. Pelvis OK and does not need further work. Inserted rod in femur. Judy should be released Monday, but will...

Another injury for Judy Costlow

There is limited information available at this time, but Judy Costlow reported this morning (Friday) that she was injured riding on a bike tour of the Big Island of Hawaii. The group faced tremendous winds all day and yesterday afternoon, a gust of wind blew her over....