by Joe Shaffer | Apr 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Last week after abandoning the Club ride out of San Felipe Casino, the SOB Riders headed to Albuquerque in search of a “reduced wind” ride. Based on Bob’s recommended, we end up on the Bosque Trail. Perfect decision!! SOB Riders enjoyed a 33+ mile,...
by pollockb | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Joel Stein died this past Sunday evening. Joel has been in poor health for some time. Joel was one of the two or three founding members of Seniors on Bikes. Prior to living in Santa Fe, Joel and his wife, Mary, lived briefly in the Boulder, Colorado area where they...
by bobb | Apr 24, 2018 | Uncategorized
Seems yesterday’s post was not clear. The ride groups A / B / C that we use on Thursdays are unchanged. There was a website feature that has been removed, which was also called groups. No reason to rehash its use or non-use but you may notice you are getting...
by bobb | Apr 23, 2018 | Uncategorized
We have eliminated the Groups. I bet you didn’t even know we had any groups. Not the A B C groups, but the Road Ride / Social Groups. If you were getting occasional emails with messages about new rides (events) being posted then you were in one of the groups....
by Joe Shaffer | Apr 14, 2018 | Uncategorized
On Thursday, forewarned of increasing winds later in the day, the SOB Riders thumbed their noses at Niltsi and departed toward Madrid and Stagecoach Summit (Ortiz Pass). The ride out of the 599 Station to Lone Butte Gas Station was uneventful; but we were facing an...
by Joe Shaffer | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorized
SOB riders met at DeVargas Center Tuesday for a trek to Rio en Medio. It was a beautiful day to ride!! A sunny blue sky was the perfect match for a cool spring day. The group also welcomed home Tom and Lu from their escapades in Arizona. There was the ritualistic...
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