Riding to the Opera

This Saturday, June 16, is a ride to the Opera from Ft. Marcy Recreation Center (enter on Murales Road). If the gate to the lot is closed, proceed up the short hill on Murales Road to the small parking lot there. We must leave promptly by 8:00 a.m. to make it to the...

Take your bike to the opera

You read that right! Ride your bike next Saturday, June16 to the Santa Fe Opera House and tour the backstage area. It has been two years since we have done this ride. New members have joined SOB since then. Friends and family members can attend the tour with you even...

Last chance

You can still make a reservation for dinner at Las Campanas Country Club with the Texas 4000 riders, scheduled at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, June 10. Send your reservation to pollockb@aol.com  Make a check payment when you arrive at the Clubhouse. If you plan to meet the...

Texas 4000 getting close now

Wednesday evening, the riders of the Texas 4000 arrive in Lubbock, Texas. Getting close to New Mexico. And on Thursday, they cross the state line to stay in Clovis, New Mexico where they will hear the jets at the Clovis Air Force Base taking off and landing. A quieter...

You don’t have to cook dinner Sunday

When you attend the dinner Sunday evening that welcomes the students riding with Texas 4000, you will be free of your own cooking chores. You will be much more relaxed Monday morning as a result. The Texas 4000 group arrives in Santa Fe on Saturday, June 9. And on...

June 14 Ride Changed

Due to adverse road conditions on 63 going toward Terrero and Jacks Creek (thanks Christine and Dave for the scouting report) we are changing the June 14 ride.  It will still start at the Pecos Ranger Station at 0900 but will go toward San Jose rather than toward...