Extreme Exercise Dangers

Adrian VanderHave sent in an article re dangers of over-exercise from the Wall Street Journal. Interesting to find out about the difference between soft and dense artery plaque. If the first two paragraphs whet your interest link will take you to the full monty....

Valles Caldera National Preserve

Valles Caldera fee $20 per vehicle except for appropriate pass. Hours 8 A.M.- 6 P.M., 5 P.M. Saturday Sunday, Closed Thanksgiving Christmas. http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/crn/station.htm;jsessionid=EB03C75413E4C80C7A87B2B4F29DF50E.lwf1?stationId=1138...

La Tierra TH Info

Couple people have asked for La Tierra TH directions and other info; ergo, an update. Google.com/maps/La Tierra Trails Santa Fe for an interactive map that shows at least eight THs including THE La Tierra TH. If I am lucky, the previous sentence is hot linked to said...

New Bicycle Assembly

Her first grasshopper. Excerpt from Barnett’s latest newsletter article “Excellence, or Expediency?” http://bbinstitute.com When the bicycle leaves a factory, it has considerable potential, but if the right things don’t happen between the...