First Off Road 2016

Dan’s comment, “Let’s go left, more ice and snow that way… my crazy riding colleagues.” Well, shoot, Angela’s comment was, “Let’s do it,” so we did go left, and there was more ice and snow, thank’s guys 🙂 Dan later e-mailed...

Sikuak a.k.a. Small Ice

Dan Potter below works his camera magic on a recent basin visit. I, on the other hand, tested trail conditions closer to home this morning. From the dozens of Inuit words for snow I chose the following one which means crusted snow or small ice, sikuak at least for the...

Pains, Seat up Seat down

Being snowbound this past week I’ve been searching Tucson Off Road options. Pretty organized rating system. Hill Rating 1 Slight rolling terrain 2 Rolling hills, no long climbs, low elevation 3 Hilly , longer/more climbs, possible higher elevation 4 Sustained...

Off Road Seat Posts

Brief reminder to the beginner Off Roaders. Remember when we dropped your seat posts lower to easier negotiate the intermediate descents? Remember to re-adjust up again on your next ride. Happy Holidays. Wheel builder California, bike builder California, bike company...

Winter Stretching

Well, here we are in December, remnants of our second snow storm still on the trail and pave. I am reminded that now is the time to work on my stretching technique for the new year. The more flexible master age riders are, the less chance for injuring soft tissue...