July 4 Ride to Pancake Breakfast

Join other members of Seniors on Bikes to ride your bike to the Plaza on Wednesday, July 4 for the annual Pancake Breakfast Meet at Kohl’s Department Store Parking lot at 8:30 a.m. Arrive at the Plaza about 9:30 Back to car parked at Kohl’s 11:00-11:30...

July 4 Pancake Plaza Ride

Imagine having pancakes on the Plaza next Wednesday, July 4. Your bike by your side. Couldn’t be more perfect, could it? The SOB ride will begin at 8:30 a.m. at Kohl’s Department store south of the Santa Fe Place Mall. A good ride to the Plaza and...

Take your bike to July 4th Pancakes on the Plaza

SOBs enjoy taking their bikes to the annual July 4th Pancake Breakfast on the Plaza. Fun for your bike and social activity for you. This is an annual event in Santa Fe for many years and everybody you know will be there! This ride is not a race, nor even fast paced....

Riding to the Opera

This Saturday, June 16, is a ride to the Opera from Ft. Marcy Recreation Center (enter on Murales Road). If the gate to the lot is closed, proceed up the short hill on Murales Road to the small parking lot there. We must leave promptly by 8:00 a.m. to make it to the...

Take your bike to the opera

You read that right! Ride your bike next Saturday, June16 to the Santa Fe Opera House and tour the backstage area. It has been two years since we have done this ride. New members have joined SOB since then. Friends and family members can attend the tour with you even...