March 26 B Ride

Per Denise M: There is interest in cycling from the Galisteo to Stanley.  It’s an 18 miles gradual uphill climb and an easy fun roll down on the return.  Meet at the Galisteo church parking lot ready to ride at 10:30.  Not sure who will show up at...

March 19 B ride

Per Denise M:  Saturday looks like a great day to take on a favorite ride the Espanola 28-mile loop. Meet at the Cities of Gold parking lot ready to ride at 10:30. Please notify the group you are riding.  However if you miss posting  your participation you are...

Attention Ride Leaders

At the ride leaders meeting on February 18, it was suggested that all ride leaders re-read the ride leaders manual posted on the SOB website as a review. Please pay particular attention to the portions of the manual that address first aid and the pre-ride announcement...

April Ride Leader Assignments

Here are the tentative ride leader assignments for April. Changes may be made without notice. Or there may be notice, but don’t count on it. April 7:  A (Mike D); A- (Guy B); B (Rob B); B- (Gary K); C (Judy C) April 14:  A (Christine VD); A- (Bob B); B (Lynn P);...