If you don’t have a GPS cycling computer, skip to the next blog post. If you do, and you want to help us create an SOB Thursday ride database read on. Otherwise, skip to the next blog post.
The goal is to setup a database of our Thursday rides so folks can:
- see the route,
- print a cue sheet,
- see total elevation gain for their ride
- download route to their GPS for turn by turn directions.
The easiest way to do this is for those of you with saved GPS rides from past years to share them with me and the team I need to work on this. If you are interested in helping with this project send an email to admin at sfsob.cosine-santafe dot com. I need 3 or 4 computer savvy folks to help. I will contact you. If you just want to share some of your rides, then read on.
If you know how to save your GPS ride as a GPX file then read on. Save your ride or rides to your computer, rename it with a description like May172016Aride.gpx and then upload it to the respective Google drive folder linked below. Make sure it is renamed. You will most likely need to use a desktop computer to make this work AND you will need a Google account, e.g. gmail. If you don’t have a google account, you can email the files to the admin email address I gave above or you can create one. From your desktop computer the process is to save the ride or rides you want to share to your desktop or other known place, then go to the respective link in your web browser, and drag and drop the files. Simple, right!
I have created 3 folders, one for A, one for B (all B’s, +,-,etc), one for C. The links are:.
A rides. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1VrMgu5uWq8dnk5UWNRdkxfRGs?usp=sharing
B rides. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1VrMgu5uWq8V2swbEkzSEY5Z1k?usp=sharing
C rides. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1VrMgu5uWq8R3piYWthNVlxWU0?usp=sharing
I don’t want to create any help files, so if you need help check the website of your GPS vendor, e.g. Garmin, etc. If you need Google drive help, check Google help. The links are working, I tested them.
If you have questions, let me know (admin at sfsob.cosine-santafe dot com). If you have read this far, please continue and read the next blog post. Otherwise Edwin will be mad at me.
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