Join / Renew your SOB membership for 2017

We have several ways for you to join / renew.  The process is the same whether joining or renewing. We need two things from you.  $20 membership fee and a signed waiver form. (If you are unsure of your status see the bottom of this message on how to check it.) Waiver...


Friendly reminder that ALL rides are listed on our website.  Ad hoc rides, Winter rides, Thursday rides, …..  We list the start location and the start time. On the main menu, click Ride Calendar.  Go ahead, try it now!  😀  

Mountain Bike Camps

Even though we are not listing mountain bike rides, members might be interested in attending a skills camp.  Click this link for information.  There is one in Angel Fire in late September.

Mark Warchol Update

Greetings to all and a belated Happy New Year! I want to thank everyone for the great support that I have received from members of the SOB community as I recovered from my accident.  Whether it was with meals (What a talented bunch of chefs we have among us!) or with...

Tucson Trial

Apparently there has been no plea bargain yet, so the trial involving the crash in Tucson is still set for February 7. Those of us listed as victims who have received notices from the prosecutor in the past will likely be subpoenaed, so it would be wise to put this on...