The Miracle of the Bicycle

Austin, Texas is about the same distance from Santa Fe as St. Louis. Back in the 1840s and 1850s, and without bicycles, travelers needed three months on the road to reach Santa Fe. With bicycles, the Texas 4000 riders will cover the same distance in just one week!...

Texas 4000 riders have big send-off celebration

On Thursday, Austin, Texas gives a huge send-off party for the students of Texas 4000 who begin their ride to Anchorage, Alaska on Friday, June 2. A week later, on June 9, members and guests of Seniors on Bikes in Santa Fe will join the Texas riders for dinner at the...

Guess who’s coming to dinner on June 9

Members of Seniors on Bikes are going to be joining the students of the Texas 4000 riding from Austin to Anchorage, Alaska at the Las Campanas Golf Club. Spouses and best friends are invited too! Here’s the deal: SOBs will ride to Eldorado to meet the riders...

New Jersey, new vendor

The new jersey design is being finalized at the vendor.  This is not the 20th anniversary jersey.  It is a generic SOB jersey.   Sketches are below.  The new vendor will be Hincapie sportswear.  On Tuesday and Thursday we will have samples, NOT fit kits but samples of...

Incident at SFCC Roundabout on Thursday

Two SOB riders collided at the SFCC roundabout yesterday.  One of the riders has a cracked pelvis and bruises.  The other just bruises.  One was turning into SFCC and the other was continuing straight. A reminder to keep alert and signal / talk up your moves so others...