On Thursday, Austin, Texas gives a huge send-off party for the students of Texas 4000 who begin their ride to Anchorage, Alaska on Friday, June 2. A week later, on June 9, members and guests of Seniors on Bikes in Santa Fe will join the Texas riders for dinner at the Las Campanas Golf club.
Great food! A night of conversation with the riders and the University of Texas alumni living in Santa Fe. And a program that demonstrates the commitment of the riders not only to bicycling, but to the advancements in cancer research. It is amazing to hear these young leaders talk personally about the importance of cancer research to their own lives and to family members.
You can be there. The cost of the dinner is $50 to be paid at the dinner. Payment for dinner may be made by check or cash. Gratuities are included in the price. A Happy Hour before dinner will welcome you to the magnificent Las Campanas Golf Club. Purchases at Happy Hour may be made by credit card ONLY.
We hope you can join us. Let me know how many will join you so that I can forward the count to the Alumni. Send your information to me, Bill Pollock at pollockb@aol.com Here is the day’s schedule for Friday, June 9.
12:15 p.m. Meet at DeVargas Mall parking lot to ride bikes to Eldorado. Students expected to arrive 1:30-2:00
3:30 p.m. Arrive at motel in Railyard district after a magnificent group ride of about 70 riders on Old Santa Fe Trail to the Plaza. It is just a 5-minute ride from the motel to your car at DeVargas.
6:30 p.m. Happy Hour at Las Campanas Golf Club
7:15 p.m. Dinner
8:00 Short program
If you are riding out to meet the Texas 4000, try to wear an SOB jersey. The Texas 4000 will be wearing unique and dramatic jerseys marking the ride.
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