by Lynn P | Jul 24, 2017 | Uncategorized
Here is the response I received from the City Engineering staff (complete with typo): Hello Ms. Pckard , I apologize that my letter did not fully address all of your concerns. We did not take this project before the BTAC. The reason being that we did not consider that...
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 23, 2017 | Uncategorized
Thursday’s Ride, 20 June, found the SOB Riders tackling the tough climbs around Chimayó – especially the climb to Nambe Falls and the climbs in and around Condiyo. As the temperatures increased so did our appetites. The rides ended at Rancho de Chimayo...
by Lynn P | Jul 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Below is the text of an email that I sent today to city officials: Dear Mayor, Councilors, Mr. Romero, and Other Responsible City Employees, On July 11, I wrote to you on behalf of the Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes, complaining about the bulb-out project on Alta Vista...
by Shirley Knarr | Jul 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
Is this your cap? It was found at Rancho de Chimayo after our lunch this week. If it is yours, you can get it back at the next Thursday club ride or email
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 19, 2017 | Uncategorized
20 SOB riders headed to Pojoaque and the Sagrado Corazón de Jesus Church at Nambe. It was another rapid descent to Pojoaque; and a surprise water crossing at the creek just short of the Church. It was a beautiful, fun and uneventful ride, but we all knew we faced a...
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 16, 2017 | Uncategorized
A small group of die-hard Saturday cyclists welcomed Adrian back to Santa Fe with a swift ride through La Cienega, out to the cell tower and back through Santa Fe (Joe behind the lens). Welcome back Adrian!!
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