by bobb | Dec 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
We’re moving to 11am starts effective immediately. So Tuesday Dec 12 and on will be 11 am.
by bobb | Dec 4, 2017 | Uncategorized
If you want to try on a jersey or shorts for the next order, please indicate here (click link) if you have not already done so. I noticed there are a good selection already requested. A note to the men. No one has requested the Velocity style jersey. I have one...
by Joe Shaffer | Dec 3, 2017 | Uncategorized
The SOB Riders gathered Thursday at the 599 Station for a Winter ride!! Yes… it was cold. Yes… it was windy… Yes… it was cloudy!! Yes… just another opportunity for SOB Riders to conquer the elements. We divided in two groups but road the...
by Joe Shaffer | Nov 28, 2017 | Uncategorized
SOB Riders gathered at the El Camino Academy under bright blue skies, plenty of sunshine and NO wind!! It was hard to believe this was WINTER riding in Santa Fe!! 13 Riders looped through Las Campanas, made a quick stop at the mailboxes to strip off the cold weather...
by bobb | Nov 21, 2017 | Uncategorized
News notes: We are going to open the Hincapie store for jerseys etc. in the next few days for those who would like to order. I will post when it is open. Product won’t be here for Xmas but you can give a picture. Update on Irena’s condition. GoFundMe...
by Joe Shaffer | Nov 10, 2017 | Uncategorized
Thursday morning SOB Long Riders assembled under heavy cloudy skies at the 599 Road Runner Station for an extended Counter Clockwise ride around the Galisteo Loop. The start was cold; but we knew we would find sunshine somewhere along the route. With a quartering tail...
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