by bobb | May 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
Another bummer post. JoeS crashed hard descending Pajarito on Thursday. Solo crash, no cars, no other riders involved. He was taken by ambulance to Los Alamos hospital then airlifted to UNM trauma in Abq. Many thanks to his riding companions Guy, Rich, Gordon...
by Joe Shaffer | May 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Thursday some of the SOB Riders headed North to make the climb to Truchas, NM. We started from the Cities of Gold Casino in Pojoaque under winter condition – cold, wind, clouds! Our trek followed the High Rode to Taos (Highway 503/76) to Truchas. The village of...
by pollockb | May 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Joel Stein, a founding member of Seniors on Bikes, died on April 22. A former stock broker on Wall Street, Joel and his wife Mary moved to Santa Fe in the mid-1990s. Not only did Joel get a bicycle group started, he also started a hiking group which is still active...
by pollockb | May 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
Several SOB members will ride a very popular loop ride of the Bosque in Albuquerque on Tuesday, May 15. This ride is about 35 miles and is relatively flat. Those who rode this ride a few weeks ago report a great ride with time to stop for food and refreshment on the...
by bobb | Apr 30, 2018 | Uncategorized
Losing another 1/2 hour of sleep in May! Tuesday and Saturday rides ALL start at 0930. Thursday rides for the first part of May are at 0930 as well. Later in the month the last two Thursday rides start at 0900. So check the calendar. Out of laziness on my part and...
by Joe Shaffer | Apr 27, 2018 | Uncategorized
Our Tuesday Ad Hoc Ride from DeVargas Center was a PERFECT day to ride. We were joined by two new riders – Rob and Jay. The decision on where to ride was simple… where should we take the new riders! We wanted it to be a memorable ride so we decided to loop...
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