by bobb | Aug 11, 2018 | Uncategorized
MyronP has completed his stint with the SOB training team and is headed to the Ironman World Championships in South Africa. For those who didn’t ride with him the last month, Myron came here from Wisconsin to altitude train before the race. The A group tried...
by bobb | Aug 6, 2018 | Uncategorized
A and B rides start just off the interstate. Just a reminder: ALL RIDES START AT 0900.
by Lore Thorpe | Aug 1, 2018 | Uncategorized
THANK YOU EVERYONE – I HAD SO MANY OF YOU RESPOND. I AM SET WITH A TRAINER! Due to a freak hiking accident where I completely tore my right rotator cuff, I am looking for a trainer so that I can continue to pedal at home while I rehabilitate. Please let me know...
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
SOB Riders showed their support for the “Grand Tour” with their initial 3 “SOB Stages” done Santa Fe Style. 10 July – Tuesday: Stage 1 – Tour de “Lost in Eldorado”! The SOB Riders started the Tour Celebration with an...
by Lore Thorpe | Jul 16, 2018 | Uncategorized
After a fun bike ride through the hills around Chimayo this Thursday, July 19, we will gather at 11:30 for a New Mexican meal at Rancho de Chimayo. You won’t want to miss this fun gathering! Please come. I will be at the front of the restaurant collecting last...
by Joe Shaffer | Jul 15, 2018 | Uncategorized
Hi Folks, Here are some upcoming Fall events SOB riders might be interested in riding. This list is by no means complete; add events as you deem appropriate… 1. 09 Sep (Sun): Enchanted Circle Century; Red River, NM. Last year we have folks ride the circuit!...
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