Earth Day Fix-It Clinic

Eldorado Classes and Lectures and Eldorado/285 Recycles are sponsoring an Earth Day Event at the Eldorado Community Center on Monday, April 22 from 10 to 2 that will include a fix-it clinic.  They hope to have a bicycle repair station with representatives from at...

Movie review

SOB members will remember a little over two years ago rides that routed riders along Bonanza Creek Road   watched  for several weeks the construction of a giant Old World gate, cowboys herding large work horses while dressed in orange costumes of another century,...

Five feet to pass hearing today

HB 192, having passed the House, has its first Senate hearing today in the Corporations and Transportation Committee at 2 pm in Room 311 of the Roundhouse. Come out and support it if you can.

It’s a small world

just a few days ago I was riding with some hardy Minnesotans in the Texas hill country near Fredericksburg on the Willow City loop. We had stopped at the famous (or infamous) Harry’s BBQ for a break (it was a warm 85 degrees). It’s in middle of nowhere of nowhere...