by Joe Shaffer | Mar 6, 2019 | Uncategorized
Undeterred by cold and windy weather, SOB riders were able to pick and choose a number of good ride days every week in February. When the weather turned unrideable in Santa Fe, the SOB riders made a “Return to Albuquerque” trip in search of a warmer...
by Shirley Knarr | Mar 3, 2019 | Uncategorized
Eldorado Classes and Lectures and Eldorado/285 Recycles are sponsoring an Earth Day Event at the Eldorado Community Center on Monday, April 22 from 10 to 2 that will include a fix-it clinic. They hope to have a bicycle repair station with representatives from at...
by pollockb | Mar 1, 2019 | Uncategorized
SOB members will remember a little over two years ago rides that routed riders along Bonanza Creek Road watched for several weeks the construction of a giant Old World gate, cowboys herding large work horses while dressed in orange costumes of another century,...
by Lynn P | Feb 28, 2019 | Uncategorized
HB 192, having passed the House, has its first Senate hearing today in the Corporations and Transportation Committee at 2 pm in Room 311 of the Roundhouse. Come out and support it if you can.
by Julie Jacobs | Feb 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
just a few days ago I was riding with some hardy Minnesotans in the Texas hill country near Fredericksburg on the Willow City loop. We had stopped at the famous (or infamous) Harry’s BBQ for a break (it was a warm 85 degrees). It’s in middle of nowhere of nowhere...
by Joe Shaffer | Feb 18, 2019 | Uncategorized
Last year, SOB Riders rarely missed a scheduled ride November – January. This year, it is a different story!! Cold temperatures, strong winds, snow, sleet and ice made for less than desirable cycling conditions. However, the SOB riders were undeterred! Sunny,...
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