Bike Shop Discounts

Current members of the Santa Fe SOBs may receive a discount at our five sponsor bike shops:  Bike-N’-Sport, Broken Spoke, Mellow Velo, Rob & Charlie’s and Sirius Cycles.  The discount is 15%, but it does not apply to sale items, labor or new bikes.  You...

Texas 4000 Update

The Texas 4000 riders were in Abilene, Texas last night. Once a major cattle town, Abilene is now a modern city. And today they are heading toward Lubbock in the Panhandle. Friday, June 7–SOB members meet the Texas 4000 at Eldorado at 2:00 p.m. and lead them to...

Texas 4000 Looking to Santa Fe

The Texas 4000 riders finished their second day of riding yesterday and now approaching the Texas Panhandle. They may be facing some rain in the next couple of days. Let’s hope they brought their rain gear. Some nights they camp out and other nights are in...

Texas 4000 On Their Way!

The three groups left Austin, Texas yesterday after a ceremony and gathering of family and friends to see them off. Must be exciting, the first day. Everything to look forward to–the ride, the changing scenery best seen from a bicycle. Next Friday, June 7, the...

Texas 4000 Ride to Anchorage

All three riding groups of the Texas 4000 take different routes that merge together in Whitehorse, Yukon. Whitehorse is the first Yukon city that they pass through. Located on what was known for years as “The Al-Can highway” that was built in the early...

Parking on Thursday

There have been a lot of cars parked lately in the parking lot we usually use (west of the ballpark). You may want to park instead at one of the lots on top of the hill east of the ballpark for Thursday’s (May 30) ride.