September Ride Leaders

Below is a tentative list of ride leaders for September’s Thursday rides. Changes may be made without notice. September 2:  A-Guy Best; B-Denise Maaranen; C-Julie Jacobs September 9:  A-TBD; B-TBD; C-Shirley Knarr September 16:  A-John Veilleux; B-Lynn Pickard;...

Found: Headlamp

A bicycle headlamp was found on Beckner Road near the outlet mall on Tuesday (8/24). If you lost one, contact me with a description and I will make arrangements to get it back to

SUV Bike Rack for Sale

Almost new bike rack designed for SUV and mini-van vehicles for sale because owner changed vehicles. Rack holds two bicycles. Made by Hollywood, the rack designed to accommodate wind spoilers. Original cost over $200. SALE price: $120.00. Contact Angela Martinez,...

Safety and Courtesy

I would strongly encourage all SOB riders, both new and old, to read or re-read the Essential Information for all SOB’s and Guests section of the SOB website.By joining an SOB sanctioned ride you are expected to follow these guidelines. If we all follow the guidelines...