Protocols for changing rides during the off season

If any ride leader wants to organize an SOB ride during the off season (November to March) on a different day, place, or time than is posted on the SOB website, please post it on the blog as soon as it is organized and then again two days before the ride. (And it...

Off Season Ride Schedule

“Winter is coming.” Tuesday and Saturday as hoc ride start points  will stay the same: Tuesday – All at DeVargas.  Saturday – Bs at DeVargas; As at Camino Real Academy. Changes of times will be announced as needed. Thursday rides will rotate start points...

C Ride on 10/20

The C Ride will start at the 599 Station at 9:30, just as posted.  But we will do the Prison Loop which is about 21 miles.  If you need the route email judy –

599 to Abq RR Station A ride

Ride start time 9:30am. This is a beautiful ride down the Turquoise Trail to Albuquerque and return via the Rail Runner train. It will be a long day, 8 hrs with 70 miles and 3,300 feet of climbing. To make the train riders should be comfortable with riding in a pace...