End of Summer Luncheon

It is happening ! be sure to mark your calendar : Thursday, September 30 at 12noon, we will meet for a delicious dinner and some fun conversation at HIDDEN MOUNTAIN BREWERY, 4056 Cerrillos Road. Please make your reservation by September 27 by paying $10.00 for the...

Group Photo before Caja ride Aug 12

Wear your SOB jersey.  If you don’t have one, shame.  Wear something yellow and stand in the back.  😉  We will split into 2 random groups and take 2 photos or more.  No tripods or timers.  Try to arrive a few minutes early.  Stay Safe.

Stolen Bike Alert

Trek Verve city e-bike was stolen Thursday night between 7-9. The thief left their kid’s Gary Fisher MTB. If you hear of anyone trying to sell a bike like this please contact:  Pete Nast or admin at santafesobs.com.   PIcture of stolen bike below.

Grav Sat Aug 7

If it ain’t fixed don’t broke it.  Gravel Saturday Aug 7 from El Cam Acad at 0900.  Similar route to last week.  Except now we know the road / path is pretty good.  Out the single track till it deteriorates then out the road or back depending on where we...

August Rides are posted

Ride leaders please sign up for rides you are willing to lead.  https://santafesobs.com/ride-leader-choice/ Riders, the August rides are ready for signup.  When you signup for a ride there will be two or three “tickets” depending on which group you want to sign up...

C Ride to Start in Galisteo Aug.5th

C riders will also start in Galisteo this Thursday.  We will ride out Highway 41 towards Stanley for 10 miles and back.  The pavement is new and there is a shoulder.   Park between the church and the small park.  See you at 9:15 am. If you already signed up for the...