Bonus A ride – Monday DeVargas 11am

Warmer, full sun, possibly a tad more wind vs Tuesday.   Montoya’s, Tano, Barranca, Gonz, Joe’s, OSFT, Rabbit, CCR, COFFEE, back.  Aboot 35. Not canceling Tuesday, just a choice.  Or both.

Additional A Ride Monday – MLK Day

Some of us cannot ride on Tuesday so we plan to ride Monday.  Same time (11am), same place (DeVargas).  This does not change or cancel the regular Tuesday A ride.  Could be less windy.  Just sayin’

All Things Covid

 Change of Covid Waiver.  The Board has decided that fully vaccinated, for SOB purposes, requires a booster shot.  Exact language below: I have been fully vaccinated* . If not, I agree to wear a mask at all times during interaction with SOB riders, including while...

B / relaxed riders please note

A new club member showed up for a scheduled ride with the B / relaxed group at DeVargas Tuesday morning, as indicated on our website.  However, there were no B riders there for this rider to ride with.  Apparently the B ride was moved via email without a blog post....