“Create some Bike related art” workshop

You are in a great position to create some “Words of Wisdom” in the form of trailside art. Imagine if you could inspire the younger generations who ride the trails with a creation of your own, while at the same time gaining esteem as a useful old geezer in...

A ride Thursday starts at Cochiti

We will do the Cochiti ride.  Loop if possible, back forth if not. 10am start. Start Location  https://santafesobs.com/locations/cochiti-ride/

SOB Volunteer Opportunity

SOB Volunteer opportunity.  Participate in the creation of bicycle artwork for a mural wall beside the Rail Trail in Santa Fe.     SOB’s will have recognition on the wall in the form of a tile plaque. The wall is on the rail trail with many cyclists,...

April 21 B and C rides (and A ride)

The B ride leaders think that the state road is open through (not into) the Pueblo and are planning to do the route listed on the website with a B- ride going 30 miles including a stop at Starbucks for coffee and a B ride doing the full 40 miles. At least that is the...