June start times will remain 0900

Forecast for the next 10 days is still for highs in the low 80’s, so we plan to leave the start times at 0900 for local rides.  Later for out of town.

Sunday rides for energetic group

For the rest of June, as a trial, we will have a Sunday ride from ECA at 0900.  This is in addition to the existing Saturday ride.  Ride one, ride both, ride neither.  As you see fit. We will evaluate after June.   Relaxed group is still pondering...

Survey results & ride signups

Click here to view survey results The board is in ponder mode.  Will advise post ponder. There was an issue with ride signups that started on Friday June 2.  It was resolved yesterday.  If you tried to sign up for a ride and could not, try try...

June start times

This has nothing to do with the current survey and everything to do with the weather.  Current forecast through first half of June is much cooler.  Lows in the upper 40’s, highs barely into the low 70’s.  So there is no reason to start at 0830 at least...

Start time survey

It has been requested to survey the club about changing summer start times to no earlier than 0900.  We have been starting local Thursday and ad hoc rides at 0830 during the hotter part of the summer, e.g. June and July.  In addition to the question about start times...