Bike Cases and Carriers for Sale

3 Bike cases available:  1 Road Bike and 2 road/mountain bike.  Road case is $150 and the road/mountain bike case is $300.  The road/mountain cases are new, never used.  Compare at $479 new for the larger one. Wahoo Kicker in excellent condition with cassett, asking...

Pedal the Petrified ride registration now open

Registration for the pedal the petrified forest ride is now open. On pavement in the petrified forest park in AZ sept 21. Distance is 32 or 63 miles. Out and back so can be shorter. Food stops, sag, etc. This is a one day ride to gain donations for Northland Pioneer...

Resumption of Sunday energetic ad hoc rides

If you are interested, and as always, weather permitting, we will resume regular ad hoc energetic  rides on Sundays from El Camino Academy.  Same time as all other rides this month (this coming Sunday 11:00).  Ride Saturday, Ride Sunday, Ride both, Ride neither.  Your...

Fat Bike

Fat bike, anyone? Surprisingly easy and fun to ride, they roll over pretty much anything—snow, loose rock, single track, mud, soft sand. I hate to let mine go but there is no longer room in the garage. The bike in question is an aluminum 3-year-old medium-size Framed...

February 8 ride in ABQ

Start at Sandia Train Station at 10:30.   We plan to ride about 35 miles depending on the actual weather conditions. Christine 505-979-4802