HR Calorie Monitor

My inexpensive, $40 on sale, heart rate (HR) and calorie monitor gave up the ghost after three years. I’ve spent several hours reading dozens of reviews on dozens of units and I am totally impressed with the amazing new technology. Monitor choices and functions are...

Pure Science for 2016

Pure science, really? Well, combined with individual cycling experience and one’s perceptions, there is enough science in the following clips to give one the confidence to make pertinent personal choices. Over the years to meet my changing physiology I have adjusted...

LA Commute

Shared by our friend Bill Pollock and his Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles is on a program to spend billions on improving bicycling commuting. Here is an idea from a reader of the LA Times, The Ray Bradbury Bike Ferry, THE MARVIN BRAUDE Bike Trail...

Brake Light

If you ride in a peloton or pace line, as we do on occasion, this is a great idea.  $10 and 7 grams.  Colors.  Check it out.  I got one! Sigma Rear Brake light. A simple little light with a big purpose, safety. Just clip this light on your rear brake cable and it will...

Cycling in Santa Fe – from Mark W.

Cycling article from this mornings New Mexican: (Check out the Comments below the article also) Incidentally,...

Catch the Spider

Lynn, our hearts go out to you for a quick recovery. Bicycle different for your winter viewing. Most from the Ralpha collection, a few experimental films with the help of Ridley Scott of Alien fame. But first, Dan’s battlefield bike from our first winter ride....