by pollockb | May 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
It has become necessary to cancel meeting the riders of the Texas 4000 when they arrive on Wednesday, July 31. It has been reported that the group is not staying at a motel. Instead they will be staying at a private residence. The owner of the residence has not...
by bobb | May 26, 2023 | News
All of the information needed to participate in SOB rides is available on the website without a login. Most SOB members do not have a login to the website, nor do they need one. Only people who REGULARLY post to the blog should have an account on the website in...
by pollockb | May 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
The riders in the Rockies Route of the Texas 4000 ride from Austin, TX to Anchorage, AK is underway and the riders on Thursday night are still in Texas, but moving quickly to New Mexico. A major change in the route has canceled the night in Albuquerque before arriving...
by Alan Klein | May 25, 2023 | Uncategorized
Several people have contacted me about trying to comment in agreement with my post, but were not able to. Before you comment, you must be signed in to your SOB account, access the Comment on the Blog, then click on the word Comment*, this will open the comment box,...
by Alan Klein | May 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
It seems that some ride start times for June and July are at 8:30. The reason for this is to have a little cooler temps for riding. While this may be the case, I submit that routinely starting any local ride before 9:00 puts us on the road near the end of the morning...
by pollockb | May 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Riders in the Texas 4000 bicycle ride arrive in Santa Fe on Wednesday, May 31. The ride did not pass through Santa Fe, but it will this year. The Texas 4000 is a bike ride beginning in Austin, Texas and riding to Anchorage, Alaska. The riders are upper-division and...
by Lore Thorpe | May 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Weather does not look good for this Thursday. C riders, lets not go all the way to Villanueva and get caught in the rain!!Meet 9:30 at the 599 train station and do the ride that was planned for last Thursday and did not. happen.
by Julie Deery | May 14, 2023 | Uncategorized
Anyone wishing to help out on the mural trail this summer, please contact me. I have a lot of mandalas and tiles to put up. I appreciate any help at all. My dog Billy Goat is a good guard but not a good worker. I will be there on Monday, May 15th. Thank you...
by Judy Costlow | May 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
The Thursday ride is changed. The river crossing in Nambe is too dangerous, the water is deep for bikes and very swift. The B and A rides will do the Espanola Loop and the C Ride will go to El Rancho. Meet at Cities of Gold at 9:30.
by Lynn P | Apr 24, 2023 | Uncategorized
All rides start at 9:30. May 4 Cities of Gold: A – Joe S; B – Denise M; C – Judy C May 11 599 RR Station: A – John V; B – Rob B; C – Ruben C May 18 Villanueva: A no leader yet, may join Bs; B – Lynn P; C – Lore T May 25...
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