Thursday, Sept 28, Villanueva Ad Hoc ride

Some of us are doing the Villanueva ride this Thursday. Many members did not do this ride this year for various reasons and some new members have never done this ride. It is a favorite that goes along the Pecos River and passes rural farms. Head east on I-25 past...

Thursday Ride Leaders for Remainder of Season

A rides: Sept 28 Boyd Oct 5 Boyd Oct 12 Rich Oct 19 John V Oct 26 Christine B rides: Sept 28 canceled (see earlier post) Oct 5 Las Vegas Lynn Oct 5 Las Campanas tbd (We need a leader for this ride. Please volunteer or it will be canceled.) Oct 12 Denise Oct 19 Denise...

Moab Trip, Sept. 11-16th

18 SOBs travelled to Moab, Utah for 4 days of road cycling and fun! Some of us stayed in a town hotel and a few stayed in RV parks, but we got together every night to raise a glass to a glorious day. We all biked the Potash road along the Colorado River the first day....

September 28 B ride

Is cancelled due to inability to find a ride leader and apparent lack of interest. B riders are free to self-organize a ride through the e-mail list. If there is a ride leader willing to lead, it will be a sanctioned SOB ride; if not, not. B riders are also free to...

Cycling related message from Homewise developer.

Hello, My name is Isaac Hammond-Paul, and I am the Director of Community Development at Homewise. I’m reaching out to invite your membership to a free talk: “How Our Cities Became Parking Lots” taking place on October 4th from 6-8PM at the Scottish...