The Cochiti Loop Yesterday!

It was a perfect day to ride the Cochiti Loop.  The sun was shining, friends were gathering and the ride was almost perfect!  The C riders got 2 flat tires one after the other, but swiftly they got the tires changed and we were on our way! At the bridge over the Rio...

C Ride Cancelled Aug. 1st

The C ride starting in Espanola tomorrow  (Aug 1st) is cancelled.  If you are interested in doing an early easy ride tomorrow – meet at the Parking lot off Murales Rd behind Fort Marcy ready to ride at 8:00. I will be there and we will finish by10, before the...

C Ride Start Change 7/18

C Ride start for July 18th will be the intersection of Highway 14 and 42.   We will not start in Cerrillos.  The ride to Galisteo from the intersection and back is 20 miles.  There is plenty of parking at the intersection.  The low for the day is 57 and the high at...

Pancake Ride – C group

C ride to Pancakes on the Plaza I am the Ride Leader for the C ride on July 4th.  I am proposing we start at the Geneveva Chavez Center and mostly ride the bike trails to the Plaza and back. Park at the Center, it does have some covered parking.  Be ready to ride at...

Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign for The Food Depot

Hi All you SOB’s,  I am once again asking that the SOBs participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor campaign to help feed our friends and neighbors who live in 9 of our Northern counties, including Santa Fe.  Last year we gave them $1393 through...