Volunteer Cooks Needed

St Elizabeth’s Men’s Shelter, across the street from La Choza, is looking for a couple of volunteer cooks  to help prepare dinner for several dozen folks once a month.  They don’t need professional cooks, but people who enjoy cooking.  They have...

Grand Junction – Annual SOB Ride Sept 10th to the 15th

Eleven SOBs (Judy, Denise, Lore, Charles, Rob and Pam, Bill and Virginia, Betsy, Rubin and Jan) headed to Grand Junction, Colorado on Tuesday,  September 10th for three days of cycling.  The drive to Grand Junction was beautiful.  It took me to Durango where I...

Farm Fresh Cabbage

Rubn Cedeno has fresh cabbage he would love to share.  He will bring them to our Thursday ride and you can pick one up then.  They are farm fresh, delicious, nutricious and are free!  

Food Depot Neighbor to Neighbor

Hi All, I know a lot of you participate in the Food Depot’s Neighbor to Neighbor Campaign and I thank you very much.  It is a campaign dear to  my heart.  How can our State/Country have so many food insecure children, adults and elderly?  The Food Depot is...

The Cochiti Loop Yesterday!

It was a perfect day to ride the Cochiti Loop.  The sun was shining, friends were gathering and the ride was almost perfect!  The C riders got 2 flat tires one after the other, but swiftly they got the tires changed and we were on our way! At the bridge over the Rio...