Free Bike Racks

FREE BIKE RACKS The McCallums have 3 bike racks which cannot be used with our e-bikes.  If one of them works for you, it is free or get it out of my garage Yakima rook rack circa 1990 Round bars, 3 full length trays, clamps to RV roof rack, will not fit a bike with a...

Ride Leader Training

Tomorrow, Monday March 10th at 10:15, the Ride Leaders and new ride leaders (anyone interested please come) will meet at the South Side Library on Jaguar Rd. for an updated ride leader training.  It is scheduled to end at 1:30, but will probably end before then.  No...

Annual SOB Ride-Sept 29th-Oct. 3rd

Now is the time for me to start making plans for our SOB trip.  I need to start finding hotels now.  I am thinking of a tour that would be 2 different rides.  One set of riders would stay in one place for three or four nights, the other group would move between two...

Travel Trek3

Denise is spending these cold days cleaning her garage.  This Travel Trek3 is collecting dust and it is time to move it along.  She is hoping an SOB would like to take it home.  It is free! Denise Maaranen  505-214-3620...

Good News!  The Santa Fe Seniors on Bikes has received a certificate of appreciation from the Neighbor to Neighbor Fund Drive of The Food Depot.  We raised $1564 to help our neighbors and friends in need of food.  The certificate is attached.  And this Tuesday, Giving...