Additional A Ride Monday – MLK Day

Some of us cannot ride on Tuesday so we plan to ride Monday.  Same time (11am), same place (DeVargas).  This does not change or cancel the regular Tuesday A ride.  Could be less windy.  Just sayin’

All Things Covid

 Change of Covid Waiver.  The Board has decided that fully vaccinated, for SOB purposes, requires a booster shot.  Exact language below: I have been fully vaccinated* . If not, I agree to wear a mask at all times during interaction with SOB riders, including while...

B / relaxed riders please note

A new club member showed up for a scheduled ride with the B / relaxed group at DeVargas Tuesday morning, as indicated on our website.  However, there were no B riders there for this rider to ride with.  Apparently the B ride was moved via email without a blog post....

December is coming

Thursday rides will start in ElDorado Agora for December.  All groups.  Bring your wind jacket. Tuesday is still Nov so 10.30 start.  For December and the rest of the winter we will start at 1100.