Rabbit Road Repavement Unsafe

On a ride today down Rabbit Road from the intersection with Old Pecos Trail, we noticed that the road was repaved, but it did not extend to the bike lanes. Thus, there is a small lip at the edge of the bike lane when moving over to get on the road. Such a...

About comments to my ride time post

Several people have contacted me about trying to comment in agreement with my post, but were not able to. Before you comment, you must be signed in to your SOB account, access the Comment on the Blog, then click on the word Comment*, this will open the comment box,...

Comments requested about 8:30 ride start times

It seems that some ride start times for June and July are at 8:30. The reason for this is to have a little cooler temps for riding. While this may be the case, I submit that routinely starting any local ride before 9:00 puts us on the road near the end of the morning...

Modification To Soften Your Ride

My new bike, General Electric, has carbon wheels which provides a surprising and disappointingly harsh ride. The stem was also a bit too long at 100mm. In the process of shopping for a shorter stem, I came across a shorter, 80mm stem, that also has an adjustable shock...

Crash detection app

This was sent to me by a friend. Looks like it could be useful when riding alone. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2018/10/02/this-app-knows-when-youve-been-an-accident-then-it-calls-you/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.6d5f7a468356 https://noonlight.com/...