Hello new member. Welcome. We are glad that you have decided to join our club. Here is some important information on how to take advantage of all the opportunities to participate.
In order to keep current on club news you need to join the SOB Blog and get all the latest postings via email. You are not automatically enrolled when you join. To subscribe to the SOB blog click Help above and follow the instructions.
The SOB policy is to try and minimize the email traffic you receive, so you will get at most one email a day from the blog. Blog Posts include the ride slips for each in season Thursday’s ride, plus other items of interest posted by members. All Blog posting will come to your email address after you join. Note, that you can read the blog online, simply click Blog in the main menu above. This allows you to read current and past blog postings.
There will be a Winter Pot Luck in December, a ride schedule planning meeting in February, a Traffic Skills 201 class in March, and a Ride Leader training in April or May. All these will be posted on the ride calendar when they are firmed up.
The 2016 membership was 212 and the average number of riders (on the Thursday rides) was in the 60 range.
The 2017 Thursday ride schedule with starting locations and times is posted on the web site through June 2017 although some information is still TBD.
There are typically five different ride choices on Thursday. When choosing a ride keep in mind that each ride tries to meet different skill levels. The A and A- rides are faster paced, the distance between 40 – 60 miles. The B+, B, and B- rides are the most popular and the distances and courses vary between 20 to 40 miles at a more moderate pace which is set by the ride leader. The C ride pace is determined by the people on the ride and a shorter distance, around 20 miles. There will be HEROs (High Energy Rear Observer) on both the B and C rides. We refer to these as no drop rides and try to insure no one gets lost.
All rides are posted on the website, including ad hoc rides. Our rides on Tuesday all meet at the DeVargas Center (Office Depot parking lot area). The ride routes are not planned until the group meets and the route is decided by those present. There are usually two groups; the Energetic and the Relaxed although if there are too few riders we combine into one group. The departure time varies each month, check the website, link above. The Saturday rides meet at El Camino Academy and follow the same format as the Tuesday rides.
There may occasionally be other Ad Hoc rides posted on the website. You may be alerted to them via email if you subscribe as detailed in the Help section.
Our six sponsors are:
- New Mexico Bike N Sport, 524 W Cordova Rd., Santa Fe 87505
- Rob & Charlie’s, 1632 St. Michaels Dr., Santa Fe 87505
- Spin Doc, 628 Old Las Vegas Hwy., Santa Fe, 87505
- The Broken Spoke, 1426 Cerrillos Rd., Santa Fe, 87505
- Mellow Velo, 132 E. Marcy St. Santa Fe, 87501
- Sirius Cycles, 2801Rodeo Road, Santa Fe, 87505
Each sponsor will give current card carrying SOB club members a 15% discount on merchandise purchased at their store. This does not include; sale merchandise, new bikes or labor.
Something you may want to strive for is the Club 20 Award which is given at the End of the Year Luncheon to any SOB member that attends 20 Thursday scheduled rides plus the special event scheduled for October. Your name must appear on a sign in sheet to be given credit for the ride.
You may send us an email at admin@sfsob.cosine-santafe.com. Written correspondence (???) can be sent to: Santa Fe SOB, 2105 Paseo Ponderosa, Santa Fe, NM 87501.
Thanks again for joining and we look forward to meeting you at one of our rides.