Or whatever you want to call it. I modified the home page to make it more compact and efficient and to make it more mobile friendly (cell phone). The scrolling photos are gone from the cell phone version of the page. Also some of the formatting is adjusted to better fit on a tablet. I added a next 3 rides section to the home page. I added a note about how we communicate.
I put all the essential information about our club, our rides, safety etc on one (long) page. This way there are no links to click around and search for information. It is all on one page. I could see no reason to have 6 different pages with partial information and then link to another page to get the rest of the information. And having it all on one page allowed me to remove the repetitious statements thus making things more efficient. “Everything You Need To Know To Ride With SOB’s”
There are some subtle changes to wording to more closely reflect how we do things now. (See if you can find one.)
I would strongly suggest that everyone carefully read thru the section on Safety to refresh your own thinking and, for those who ride a paceline, carefully read thru the paceline section.
Stay Safe.