Bill Polleck shares the following information. A couple of weeks ago I was in the Albuquerque Costco store and found a new weather station for homes. Data included are temps, wind speed, rain amount, forecasts, etc. It’s wireless and can connect to your desk top with a separate “I-pad-size” screen, it keeps historical reports, averages speed and temperature. And one can connect to other weather apps, such as Weather Underground, which I did. One also can add a program app to a smart phone showing weather at your home from anywhere in the world.

The manufacturer is AcuRite. The “5-in-1” station on their web site costs $150. I purchased the AcuRite from Costco for $79, as long as supplies last. Even better, Costco’s web site today says you get another $20 off through Nov 26.

I am authorizing Weather Underground to make my station available on its application. Not there yet, but soon you will be able to see my weather when you plan a visit to Eldorado to ride your bike, bring gifts, etc. Costco web site:

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