The Texas 4000 students are preparing to depart Austin June 3. There are 36 participating in the ride that will arrive in Santa Fe on June 9. Before being selected to ride, students develop leadership skills and raise money on their own to support cancer research, much of the research at M. D. Anderson Hospital in Houston. And many of these students have experienced cancer themselves and find bicycle riding great therapy. According to the Texas 4000 website, the Sierra Route, the one that visits Santa Fe has raised 89% of its fund goal–over $360,000. That is impressive. And the other two routes have a similar goal.
There are 36 students riding to Santa Fe along with some support vehicles. You can look at their pictures and read comments at the web site
SOB members will meet the Texas 4000 group at Eldorado about 1:30 pm on June 9 and ride with them back to the Plaza and to their motel. Imagine riding as a group of almost 60 on Old Las Vegas, El Gancho, and Old Santa Fe Trail. Drivers take note when they observe the group and the visitors on the Plaza stand and watch. One feels the momentum of an enthusiastic bicycle team.
Happy Hour begins at the Las Campanas Golf and Country Club with dinner of Northern New Mexico recipes in the main dinning room. Last year, the dinner was served at the swimming pool area, but this time we will be inside. A great program includes several of the students describing themselves and their motivations for the ride. Students selected for the ride are upper division and graduate students who have developed great social and conversational skills. They are really fun to talk to at dinner. Students sit at tables among SOB members and members of the local University of Texas Alumni chapter.
So, plan your schedule to include riding on June 9. A succeeding note will give more details.
Lore Thorpe, Social Chair, is involved with the planning of the activity. I’m Bill Pollock, and this will be my third ride to meet the Texas 4000. Join me!
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