A couple of notes.  Start times for November will remain 10am for all rides!  We will gain an hour of warming on Nov4 so we’ll keep it where it is and most likely move it to 11 in December.  All rides on Thursdays (except for Thanksgiving) will start at 599 RR station (at what time?)   We will figure out a Thanksgiving plan but we usually try to start earlier if possible.

As for an ABQ start in Nov.  I have some schedule issues with some trips and visitors so I am going to suggest that the ABQ start in Nov be on Tuesday the 20th.  Pencil that in.  We’ll make the final call on Saturday the 17th via the blog.

The rides I am proposing leave from the County Line Restaurant at the top of Tramway.  There are 2 ride options.

One: B- / C ride of about 18 miles basically down Tramway and onto the bike path at Montgomery with a short stretch on Copper to the trailhead, then back.  About 4 miles are on Tramway itself, which has a nice wide shoulder.   https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28847478

Two:  A / A- / B+  This ride (46 miles, 2650 ft) goes down Tramway and toward Tijeras (the reverse of what we do when we go to ABQ from SF)  Then there is a 15 mile loop toward Sandia Park and then back and up Tramway.   This is a ride I adapted from the Lobo Cancer Challenge ride.  Never done the part of the loop going up toward Sandia Park but we’ve been on the rest of it a few times.  https://ridewithgps.com/routes/28847333

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